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7247021 No.7247021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Indians have gone too far, why the fuck cant they just stay in their own country instead of shitting up mine.
>be me
>need to buy groceries
>dont want to buy during day so wait till night
>7pm, walking through store
>see group of 4 pajeet teenagers (they looked 17-23 or something)
>mind own business and browse shelves
>overhead them talking really hush and quickly before constantly bursting into giggle fits and laughter and looking at me then quickly looking back
>get flustered af and upset
>awkwardly leave aisle

>intimidating me in my own country
gtfo idk what they found so funny, I'm trans and was wearing yoga leggings and a nike crop top but I dont even come across as a fucking tranny freak REEEE

>> No.7247111

Bigotry is this way:


>> No.7247162

>speak their shitskin language in my country
>intimidate and make natives feel bad

>> No.7247176




>> No.7247210

Go back to plebbit, cuckold.

>> No.7247233


>> No.7247237

KYS manlet.
Based pajeets.

>> No.7247255
File: 107 KB, 500x740, mel-gibson1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LMAO you're such a cuck that you feel intimidated by a bunch of kids minding their own business in a FUCKING GROCERY store?

I can't kek hard enough holy shit this is too funny

>> No.7247312

Maybe dont be a fucking freak?

>> No.7247316
File: 11 KB, 502x358, CFA0E409-D6E7-4B0F-A88E-2911D0D4E76A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a shocking twist liberals were working with conservatives to cleanse you.

>We are your good friends promote diversity!

Hey Who fucking knows right!!?


>> No.7247337

>in India

Fucking idiot

>> No.7247379

imaging having reading comprehension as bad as yours...

first sentence of OP post "indians have gone too far, why the fuck cant they just stay in their own country instead of shitting up mine"

Are you that much of a brainlet that you cant understand that implies I'm not in fucking India you zero IQ troglodyte
>amerimutt education