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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 498x750, robotsex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
724664 No.724664 [Reply] [Original]

We should discuss the potential to sex-robotics.
Would you invest in it?

>> No.724670

no, for moral rereasons.

>> No.724711

Invest, yes.

>> No.724725

Only after they bridge the uncanny valley; then they will become real addictions

>> No.724737

but uncanny valley is some people's fetish

>> No.724771

There's your problem

>> No.724778

Whatever japanese company starts up first and gets a licensed partner ship with famous icons I will def put in at least 10k. The japanese NEET community actually make a shit ton of money they could easily afford one.

>> No.724780


if a robot can do sex, it might as well be multi-function... seems like it would be smart enough to do other shit too

>> No.724784

But Real Doll isn't publicly traded OP!

>> No.724892
File: 39 KB, 640x512, desire-to-know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The japanese NEET community actually make a shit ton of money

How so?

>> No.724925

They don't. Its more a facet of the Japanese financial lifestyle. They save like motherfuckers, so you've got a bunch of people saving money with the occasional NEET with an inheritance or access to the family money who has no concept of work or saving. Its like the super rich kids who buy a ferrari, crash it, and then abandon it because they have no concept of what the car is worth. Its the same for the Japs, except its vinyl waifu figurines that aren't that much in comparison.

>> No.724941

I imagine a lot of goofy nerd luxuries are purchased by people who don't make that much--they just have nothing else to do with their money.

I doubt there are many billionaires in the market for D&D dice cut from meteorite fragments.

And lets be honest, buying a sex bot will almost certainly be cheaper than dating for some people.

>> No.724948

That's just the NEET side. The other side is nerds who actually have productive jobs, ones that even take advantage of their oddities and autism. These people will blow their money on shit because they don't know what else to do with it, and yeah, not dealing with girls is a huge part of that.

>> No.724954

Brothels with robot sex slave who look like people.
Genius id def be a regular customer. Especially if they make celebrity looking ones

>> No.724958

Why would you visit a robo-brothel when you can get a discreet motion feedback flesh light and a VR helmet that you can use in the privacy of your own home?

>> No.724971

What is the potential here, anyway? Are there even any investment opportunities in the sex trade that aren't illegal, production of sex paraphernalia, or impotence aids that are owned by big pharma? Forget robots for a minute, and think about that.

I imagine those people are going to be the ones who take advantage of any robotics revolution first, and in most cases, that's going to be private businesses or a small slice of the publicly traded stuff. Personally, it doesn't seem worth the effort given how often the industry has to deal with Christians with money who want to fuck with you because peepees are bad.

I recall one story on /biz/ of someone who hired girls to step on bugs and was filming it for a profit, but the "I sell sex and sex accessories" success stories seem few and far between.

>> No.725101
File: 7 KB, 160x213, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well the SJWs are already claiming you're raping an inanimate obj:

So that means we're getting closer to sexbots, investing would be wise imo.

>Stopped after hearing "I'm not a scientist, engineer, philosopher, etc. etc"...

>> No.725107

There have been a few good sex robotics (masturbator) projects for men, and I do think that, combined with a VR Headset and a porn subscription, this could make money.
Problems with current models:
Loud, and large
Rely on manual control / not designed to detect and draw out male orgasm over a long period.

* Detect and read progress of male orgasm - is there any existing work on how to do this? It's certainly possible for a human to do it.
* Use quiet motors and sound insulation
* Use the devices to sell subscription to a porn website (porn with recorded commands for the device, and head tracking)
* Maybe sell some kind of contact from the actress or people roleplaying them to fill the non-sexual needs of the subscriber, for instance texts, personalizations to the video

>> No.725112

Holy shit. There will be porn stars who don't actually have sex on camera. They're just REALLY REALLY good at performance capture.

Man, that's a head trip. "I'm not a porn star, I just act like one while wearing a mocap suit."

>> No.725115
File: 482 KB, 720x1280, Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol...women and their excuses.

>> No.725121


niche markets are rich markets

>> No.725183

> invest

I'd probably be making/testing/buying them. Fuck public money, I'd do something like a kikestarter, get millions from starved neets, and not give out an inch of control to greedy market jews.

>> No.725206


yes, without a doubt.

porn is just the beginning. virtual sex will likely change humanity as we know it.

The fact of the matter is that real sex includes a lot of work and risk. Virtual sex is no work, and no risk.

>> No.725231


Someone said something about what you just said but better...I'll pasta when I find it again...

>> No.725236
File: 19 KB, 571x448, 1423350975270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me...can't find it...nvm. The way they said it was a lot better...lol no offense.