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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7246028 No.7246028 [Reply] [Original]

When will the ass raping stop
I'm almost down to $0

>> No.7246056

I'm down a solid 60%. I'm losing sleep over this shit. I feel like I should just delete and block everything that allows me to check the price and come back in a couple years, but all my friends talk about it too.

Crypto was a mistake.

>> No.7246152

im down 80%
market crashed soon as i dropped money in

>> No.7246187

pic is some guys cat from yesterday
someone said they would give him ETH if he fingered it

>> No.7246228

did he do it

i am only down 50% but I still can't stop beating myself up over not selling when i was ahead. i held icx through the conference and im still holding. i should have sold the second those chink retards starting fucking up their dapp presentations.

>> No.7246258

Relax bro. get a wage cuck job. Come back in a couple years. You will be up.

>> No.7246269

at least you can get lower than zero, my dude

>> No.7246296

This was the look on the cats face when he started too
Fucking kek

>> No.7246340

Same, but initially I was up like 6X and held some stupid shit. Buy high, sell low a few times, and I'm down almost 80%. Shoulda just cashed out.

>> No.7246364

Im down about 75% (Im too scared to do the math) - I'm one of those losers who fomoed into crypto right as the first late December crash hit, and squandered the little dead cat bounce by making every noob mistake possible (I immediately was in the red after my first trade and have never seen green).

>just take out some of your initial investment after gains to minimize your risk
I never even beat the first level

>> No.7246448
File: 105 KB, 1200x288, 1*4DrMVjjVLM_b8tcjEW3Q1Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have bought /dgd/ dumbass

>> No.7246484

Jesus christ how old are you people? You sound like a pack of whining bitches. Hold what you've got, delete Blockfolio, and come back in two weeks.

>> No.7246612

This, don't lose sleep over it. People had far worst time than you throughout history and still survived or made it