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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7245438 No.7245438 [Reply] [Original]

Atleast we will see McAfee eat a dick when bitcoin finally bites the big one.

>> No.7245505

Goddamit can this faggot fuck off? I'm invested in UTN and he's an advisor and by the looks of it he also goes to business meetings such as the Forum in Davos.

I'm genuinly afraid this guy will ruin the businesses reputation and credibility.

>> No.7245547
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I don't think he'll eat his whole dick.
He'll probably get circumcised and then fry up his foreskin on national television and then eat that. That's technically eating his own dick.

>> No.7245579

He can say that with confidence because the fact is, eventually all BTC will be mined or very very difficult to mine right?

>> No.7245589

>Its a bet I cannot possibly use.
He aint got no dick

>> No.7245723

What I'm afraid is that he might actually fucking do it. If that happens it'll be the final straw to convince me we're living in some sort of joke reality.

>> No.7245747


>> No.7245791

hm.. it kinda hit me.. I feel a little down now

>> No.7245847


He had central American prostitutes shit in his mouth through a hammock. What makes you think he wouldn't?

>> No.7245861

Yeah sorry about that.

>> No.7245860

no larp? that's fucking gross

>> No.7245874

I hear this a lot, where is the proof or does he just say this happened? Which he could be lying because he is a drug addled weird fuck.

>> No.7245909

Armin Meiwes will eat his dick for him.

>> No.7246038



>> No.7246109

>inb4 he kills himself to avoid eating the dick

>> No.7246191

There's been a huge smear campagne against Mcafee I don't really trust these supposed witnesses. I know the man is kinda fucked and does weird shit but I don't really believe the whole belize shit

>> No.7246222

He invested millions in BTC and no can't cash out. That's why he has to shill it hard, otherwise the pyramid scam runs out of people and he loses his money.

>> No.7246284

Is Everykey still a failure?

>> No.7246311

Yeah, that's a whole nother level of fucked up in the head to have 3rd worlders defecating on you, let alone ingesting it. Gonna go out on a limb and say he's not there yet.

>> No.7246317
File: 526 KB, 515x539, penis trolley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]