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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7233589 No.7233589 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate her, she will go bankrupt soon

>> No.7233690

holy fuck it's 2010 again. Get out newfag.

>> No.7233732


>> No.7233769

She'll have 200-500k soon...

>> No.7233832

>you got wiped out mid-2019 mistiming the bulltrap, now you work at carwash
>ex colleague pulls up in Rolls-Royce wraith
>A-Anon, is that you? Oh my god, thank you SO MUCH for telling me about LINK. I never have to work again because you convinced me to buy it and I had just enough for a supernode!
>mutter under breath, shock is starting to set in
>get tipped a single LINK
>instantly quadrupled your net worth

>> No.7233860

200k LINK? I hope so, but I know she can't have that much more money to buy

>> No.7235200

>you got wiped out mid-2019 mistiming the bulltrap, now you work at carwash
I am out of crypto already

>> No.7235286

If your colleague goes bankrupt from a sub 5k investment you must work a shit job.

>> No.7235345

A lot of retards go from paycheck to paycheck. She probably saved those 5k over the course of half a decade.

>> No.7235443

ex colleague, anyway she never cared about saving, she spends a lot for clothes and traveling... and she had very expensive breast implants

>> No.7235659


She'll ever have wasted 5k or made a shit ton of money in a few years. Only brainlets don't realize the POTENTIAL ChainLINK has. Whether they succeed or not is another story, but no other coin has as much potential for mainstream reach as LINK.

>> No.7235748

>mainstream reach
currency coins are bound to be more mainstream, come on

>> No.7235802
File: 9 KB, 256x256, 1503080004590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilled bitcoin to arch nemesis back in 2011
>he actually bought 10k bitcoin and held on to it
fucking idiot lmao showed him good

>> No.7235832


>> No.7235904


That'd be nice, but I still think doracles and coins actually helping scale out IoT will have the most reach. Jews won't let us have control of money without starting some major shit, but they will allow enterprise applications.

Why do you not like her anyway? Story time, anon.

>> No.7236117

>Why do you not like her anyway? Story time, anon.
co-dependent relationship and I am trying to forget about it. 4 years.

>> No.7236151


You just potentially made her a shit ton of money. Should have shilled ripple or tron if you wanted real revenge.

>> No.7236227

LINK is the only one I know how to shill though, and I had no idea Ripple was doomed.
Consider that she's not dumb.

>> No.7236265

She's actually very smart.

>> No.7236304

Ripple isn't doomed, it just doesn't have much more room to grow and normies don't realize that when they buy in. Tron is completely fucked however

>> No.7236329

I'd like to believe as much as anyone, but has there been any confirmation they specifically bought or are planning to buy LINK?
I mean it would make sense but no confirmation I know of.

>> No.7236380

>Ripple isn't doomed, it just doesn't have much more room to grow and normies don't realize that when they buy in.
but when I did this I wanted her to lose everything, and I would have never convinced her to buy total shit like TRON... that's why I decided to use LINK.

>> No.7236427

wrong thread sry

>> No.7236435


Sounds like you secretly are still in love, anon =^)

>> No.7236463

I moved to another country for my new job, time and distance heal everything

>> No.7236533


Jesus, she did a number. If you really wanted to drop her out of her life, then talking to her about crypto is not the right way. Cold turkey is.

>> No.7236636

I can't believe I'm posting about her on 4chan. At least she initiated