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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1.64 MB, 2976x2976, 5 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7231519 No.7231519 [Reply] [Original]

Who's mining and what are you mining. I just got this rig up and running today. 13-gpu.


>> No.7231698

How long did it take to get your steemit account activated?
Just curious because I made an account today and I'm waiting so I can use it.

>> No.7231770

It was less than a day. I'm thinking just a couple of hours.

>> No.7232087

Great TY

>> No.7232128

Fucking hanging GPU's all willy nilly

>> No.7232152

is it even worth at this point?

a 1070 is the most efficient card and it gets you about $1.30 a day at current rates. it'd take a 18 months to pay that off. fuck all ROI.

>> No.7232193

I buy 380s on ebay. 22 mhs.

>> No.7232286
File: 289 KB, 661x716, 1517553896210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to expand my farm of hodgepodge old PCs with decent GPUs into a proper mining rig or two, and of all the orders I've placed, it's PSUs that keep having their delivery date pushed back. I refuse to overpay for any of this stuff, but at this point I would have made the difference back by now on the PSU.

>> No.7232346

Fuck you, you're the reason I have to pay 1500 rather than 800 for a graphics card for my new build.

>> No.7232355
File: 401 KB, 634x603, garlicbux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mined over 2000 garlicoin in the last week

>> No.7232368

People saying it's not worth it just don't want competition.

>> No.7232382

I paid 700 bucks for 1600w gold evga psu. You can't find them anywhere.

>> No.7232416

There's something endearing to me about mining with sub optimal cards such as 750tis and so on.

With the higher end cards totally fucked with pricing, are there any other options that are a little underground?

>> No.7232456

fucking amazon, I had one backordered for over a month now at $350. was supposed to ship today and they just cancelled it saying it wasn't available. yeah right, they just sold it to someone else for 700

>> No.7232488

No-one is mining. Newfags, there’s a ban on miners. China just banned it. But not just for China, for everyone. Don’t even think of trying to mine. Hodl instead, that’s the new mining.

>> No.7232489

pro miners aren't using atx power supplies desu. server power supplies with pci-e breakout boards are cheaper

>> No.7232554

video games are for fucking losers though

>> No.7232711


I was considering to buy like 4-6 x 470 to mine etherium, but my apartment has shitty electrical installation (can only support like 3 kWh max) and also ETH went down in price recently.

Also mining difficulty is going up rapidly, while the hashpower stays the same.

So, it's probably not a good idea to buy the cards right now, i'm late to the party.
Always late ;_;

>> No.7232742
File: 368 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180202-171426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my antminer inside a box cooler with 3 inch walls and stuffed the insides several torn up memory foam pillow so that it would absorb the sound. The outside is covered with several rugs and yoga mats to further absorb the noise.

I can still hear on the second floor. 3/10 would not recommend.

>> No.7232745
File: 8 KB, 220x229, 1515948630484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can I mine with 2gb gpu?

>> No.7232980

Shit at 4k is still shit :^)


> Dropping 800 for a high end card at the end of it's product cycle

>> No.7233023


>> No.7233058

>Not buying busted playstations on craigslist for jack shit and using their processors for mining.

>> No.7233119

Is that a thing? I trash out foreclosures, so i have like 40 of them.

>> No.7233158


I don't have easy access to 240v power, and mining is part of my strategy to get out of renting. I'm stuck with ATX power supplies for the foreseeable future.


I've got a couple 1600w titanium EVGA PSUs on order from Amazon for $430, ETA Feb 7-14. I really hope it doesn't get cancelled. I'd normally be fine settling for some 850w instead, but at this point, I'd be stuck with a mountain of 450w bronze PSUs or basically nothing.


Hey dummy, use some of those sick gamer skills to 420 noscope a good deal. I've bought like 10 1080ti's in the last 2 weeks for $850 or less including shipping and taxes. It's not even hard if you're willing to pay even a little bit of attention and learn the system. The only card I overpaid for was $1100 for a 1080 ti kingpin edition, but that was just to mine gamer tears with. I think they're really gonna moon in 2018 and it's going to be totally worth it. :^)

>> No.7233243

I am still waiting for new GPUs

>> No.7233429

>I've bought like 10 1080ti's in the last 2 weeks for $850

Aren't rx470/480/570/580 more efficient, as in they give more mh/$?

>> No.7233682
File: 76 KB, 1880x866, Screenshot_49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really hear my antminer its in my basement and i sleep on 2 floor i still hear it a little bit in the stairs going down but other than that pretty gud

>> No.7233788

Mining monero right now. Snagging 25~ a month on an R9 390. Feels alright.

>> No.7233822

Can it run Crysis?

>> No.7233833

Aren't you a little bit old to be playing video games kid?
Just name the specific card anon, it matters more.

>> No.7233841

> I think they're really gonna moon in 2018 and it's going to be totally worth it.

This. If there is any meat to the rumors regarding the upcoming cryptonight ASICs from Russia / Samsung entering the market and with minable security coins being a viable alternative to ICOs by circumventing any legal drawbacks ico issued security tokens can have I am very bullish on mining.

>> No.7233881


>> No.7233902

What should I mine on a single 1050ti guys? I'm a gambling man.

>> No.7233917

don't mine eth ffs. people who advise it just wanna keep the difficulty low so they can mine more of the good mineable coins. only normies mine eth. get nvidia gpus and mine neoscrypt coins and get like 2-4x what you'd get with eth

>> No.7233921

I have 19 RX 480's and a random Vega I bought for lulz. Total cost was about £5000.
I've barely broke even thought I started in June and it's been a bull market up until now.

This is not the time to start mining.

>> No.7233960

Minecraft on 4k...

>> No.7234040

you got cucked by vitalik making the only coin you can get a decent hashrate on give fewer eth per block

>> No.7234233


I chose 1080tis for a combination of rig density, (hopefully) a longer profitability window and because ETH is the main source of profitability in the AMD world, and it's a total mystery on how long before they transition to PoS (if ever). If/when ETH transitions to PoS, there will be a huge amount of hashing power spread into all the other coins that are profitable on those cards, and I think it's going to be a bad time.

Before the current market dump, the breakeven point on a 580 and a 1080ti were very similar, but when you counted all the extra parts like motherboards, ram, etc. that you'd need to mine a similar amount of USD per day, it ended up tipping very slightly in the favor of the 1080ti, which also should maintain a bit more resale value down the road, if I decided to sell.

Neither option is currently a bad one if you can pick them up for at or near MSRP. The retards paying $1500 per GPU for their mining rigs are really putting themselves in a risky situation, in a hobby that already has a pretty big risk factor. If you're buying it primarily for gaming and just wanna earn some extra cash on the side, then fuck it I guess, pay whatever you want.

>> No.7234373

Would also like to know this

>> No.7234449

Everyone seems to think the only thing you need a good graphics card for is gaming?

This is a video editing build, I started a business 3 years ago and make my living working from home ~4-6 hours a day.

I'm not really that mad about paying 2x for a card.

Stay poor kiddies :^)

>> No.7234505
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20171202_084101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger why do you have so many fans?

All you're doing is wasting electricity. Spend some time on building a proper case for it.

>> No.7234600

I'm curious too. I got a 1070 under windows, what's the best thing to mine atm ?

>> No.7234697


>> No.7234754


>> No.7234855

Holy shit anon that's a really tidy setup.

>> No.7235061

The only nvidia cards i can get for a reasonable price are 1050ti, the rest is overpriced and even then often not even in stock.
So there's not much choice.... unless i get lucky with some obscure new coin, but i don't think that new moon missions will be that often in 2018.
I was considering to 'just wait'™ until AMD and Nvidia will release new cards, i've read that it's going to be this year.

>Neither option is currently a bad one if you can pick them up for at or near MSRP.

I can get a 470 for €200-230 ($240-280) or a 480 for € 250-300 ($300-360) Nvidia cards are so ridiculously overpriced here that i can't seriously consider them.

Not sure about resale value, as market here is small and buyer are well aware about high-end cards being used in mining rigs.

>f you're buying it primarily for gaming

I don't play games that much anymore, there's nothing to play, games are DLC-infested garbage and old games don't need high ends cards.

>> No.7235297

>mfw mined over 2000 garlicoin in the last week
directly into your tradesatoshi wallet

>> No.7235398

I'm mining with 1 Antminer A3, soon to be 5, and then getting 4 Obelisks this fall

>> No.7235410

G-guys w-what about the skyminer?

>> No.7235434


>> No.7235587

The difference between msrp and market price should be a days worth of work, then, so don't cry.

>> No.7235600
File: 91 KB, 640x932, 1514411224606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2 GTX 285's just laying around, if I throw them at a ghetto rig, think it's worth it?

>> No.7235668

>PSU sucking shit up from the carpet
>Woodscrews everywhere

Fuck me up

>> No.7235689


>> No.7235852

No, too power inefficient, it's really not worth mining anything with nVidia unless you have 10XX series card.

>> No.7235890

God that's ugly.
I mean if it works it works, but I wouldn't be sharing pics of it.

>> No.7235974

I've been mining LUX and I'm about to start mining on every computer at work and at my mom's work directing it to my wallet. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.7236232

god damn that's ghetto looking

>> No.7236373
File: 26 KB, 345x461, temp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are only getting 22 out of 580s, kys.
Bios mod for 32mh at 120w at the wall

>> No.7236421
File: 152 KB, 358x432, 1516862427274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mining monero with a ethhash optimal card
>not even mining etn instead of xmr
>300w card
All of my keks

>> No.7236449
File: 44 KB, 780x545, fat neet pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i'm the one paying for power

>> No.7236462
File: 5 KB, 190x266, rtdhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't break even in 7 months with that gear, you are either larping, or you are a brainlet who only knows how to mine ethereum on nanopool

>> No.7236466

What fan speed?

The newer batches goes up to 6000rpm and it makes a high frequency noise that goes through walls.

The older batches are around 4000~5000rpm max and makes a deeper more comfortable tone.

>> No.7236490
File: 69 KB, 540x720, 1504453522170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point that shit to zclassic right now nigger

>> No.7236564

How to roll into Starbucks with 10 fans, 13 gpu's, server power supply?

Also do baristas care that you're plugging in all this shit to make $13 a day?

>> No.7236607

I fixed this by sticking a metal thingy in front of the fans.
The whistle goes away.

Now for the ground shaking problem, you have to put that shit on top of a pillow

>> No.7236670

>Trying to see what I can get with my 2*GTX750Ti and Core i5.
>Almost $2 a day a month ago, $1 now (electricity already subtracted)
Well, at least, I can try yo mine some CHAN now...