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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7226323 No.7226323 [Reply] [Original]

What are some jobs that pay well working part time?

Like say 20 hrs a week for 40 an hr (basically 40k a year and a shit ton of vacation time)?

Nursing maybe?

I live near Los Angeles

>> No.7227135



>> No.7227159

teaching english, LA is a third world shithole

>> No.7227301

Probably like freelance web design or something.

Just learn Wordpress. Then you can work from home and only take the jobs you want. Also, you can just go to Mom and Pop stores and ask "Do you have a website?" and when they say no, offer to make them one for cheap

>> No.7227413


Becoming a nurse is hard. I hope you have a good memory and lots of time.

>> No.7227500

kek, I actually know one but I'm not telling

>> No.7227536

Work nights for long hours. You can do a full week in 2/3 days.

>> No.7227616

Every job that pays well full-time. You can work only 20h almost anywhere.

>> No.7227735

Nursing sounds cool and pay well, but I heard that nursing programs are difficult and take a lot of time... and I have ADHD, so I don't think it's for me.

>> No.7227818

go for online work anon.
leapforce, lionbridge, hell, even mturk or clickworker
could also try a transcription job but I don't know any companies for that,

>> No.7228741
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Why you!

>> No.7228781

Dude what job. I'm down for that.