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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7225278 No.7225278 [Reply] [Original]

>make 7 figures on crypto
>us government approaches
>"hey goy, quite a profit you've made there, how about you give us 40% in short terms capital gains tax, and another 10% in state tax, sound fair goy?"

>> No.7225313
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>> No.7225358

I don't mind, you didn't do much to get that money

>> No.7225465

Perhaps we should go to the rich people who own businesses, doing nothing to make their money, and take 50% from them?

>> No.7225475

I'm so pissed. I take the ultimate risk that could have left me out on the street and the moment I make it, the government has the audacity to tax me yet if I fucked up they wouldn't want anything to do with me. They could give two fucks if I starved out on the streets. Now I know what the millionaire and billionaires feel like when people are demanding they pay their "fair share" while they took huge fucking risks.

>> No.7225500

Yeah probably.

>> No.7225512

immigrants, worthless welfare leeches, and wortheless gov workers need them gibs

>> No.7225517

what do they give u on your losses?

>> No.7225537

Thats literally what the government already does idiot

>> No.7225615

those in tax heavens? where is my torch ...

>> No.7225710

>hold for over a year
>quit job and cash out 37k per year
>ZERO% capital burger tax
This is my plan. Fuck yes assholes.

>> No.7225802

Taxation is theft
Cyrpto was designed to beat the state

>> No.7225890

What is to stop you going to another jurisdiction (country) and withdrawing whatever your tax free allowance is & return home?

When you get to your ‘holiday destination’ convert crypto to jewellery, gold coins, even cash, I am sure you can think of something. You can go back home, as long as you are below your allowance you do not have to claim. Now I would say that if you brought that much cash in and got searched it would probably be confiscated until you prove its yours (difficult) or at the very least you will get searched every time you entered again.

>> No.7225998


Melina needs $60,000 to take private jet on her monthly vacation

>> No.7226096

>doing nothing to make their money
>said anon while buying and selling speculative cryptocoins
Fucking lmao

>> No.7226250

>browse 4chan cryptos because i'm bored
>oh look, it's yet another tax thread
>fuck you gay niggers

>> No.7226458

>What is to stop you going to another jurisdiction (country) and withdrawing whatever your tax free allowance is & return home?

Attempting to open up a bank account to withdraw money will have you extradited by the local authorities in cooperation with the IRS, and then you will be put in prison in the US.

Renouncing US citizenship only works if you've been a non-US citizen for 5 years.

>> No.7226675
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>what are long term capital gains
get fucked 2017fags

>> No.7226760
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>wait over a year to cash out
>btc crashes in the meantime
>still have to pay 30% in taxes

>> No.7226802

>incorporate a hedge fund before making large sums of money
>pay accountant to cook some books
>pay close to single digits in taxes

Only retards pay anywhere close to proposed tax

>> No.7226816

LTCG is nowhere near 30% retard

for poorfags it's literally 0%

>> No.7226848


Or even worse

>make 7 figures
>lose over 50% in January

"Yes goy, give us those 7 figure taxes even though you can't obviously pay that because it's worth nothing now"

You basically paid the government money for no gain, now THAT is theft.

>> No.7226870


lumpy trumpy needs your money to maintain his golf course and fuel his private jet trips back and forth from it

>> No.7226957

You'd still need to pay tax dummy.

>> No.7226969

Can I just say I am glad this issue was resolved reasonably and peacefully

>> No.7226999

wow, so blue pilled.
you are adding steps
you are allowed to bring a value back in with out declaring it

>> No.7227005

>us government
10% in state tax,

nigger the US government and the state are different entities. Even europoor know this are you some fucking Alabama mountandew hillbilly?

>> No.7227027

If you don't want to pay taxes go live in the middle of the woods you shitters
Don't want to pay taxes but use all the public services and utilities paid for by someone elses taxes

>> No.7227051

You're an idiot. You only pay capital gains taxes on investments you've already sold.

>> No.7227062

your so blue pilled

Please look up the Grace Commission. TL:DR the taxes that get collected only go to paying the interest, the INTEREST, nothing more. That is the interest only, the principal will never get paid off. So when a road gets built, your taxes are not paying for it, they just pay for interest on the loan to build the road. So stop saying you paid for the road, It is literally impossible. All ‘money’ is a promissory note, a instrument of debt. How can you pay a debt with a debt? Pro tip - You can’t.

Only a ‘person’ has to pay tax, definition of a person is a corporation, Blacks law. The entomology of person is persona meaning mask. Acts in the UK, the definitions section it sometimes says ‘a person includes a corporation’. The legal definition for ‘includes’ is ‘to exclude all others’. So if they say it ‘includes’ corporations & if they do not mention anything else its just corporations, thats it.

>> No.7227063
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Taxes and utilities are completely different thing you fucking troglodyte. The state doesn't do shit to help me.

>> No.7227104
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if you didnt think the government was gonna approach you then youre a dumbass

>> No.7227109

Ha ha oh wow.

>> No.7227127

The threat of punishment the state makes against anyone who would be inclined to murder you is keeping you alive, you troglodyte.

>> No.7227143


Cops have no obligation to protect me. Try again retard

>> No.7227165

They have far too much money to allow that. Your pocket change 7 figures is nothing to the 500 people that literally own America and Europe.

>> No.7227168


>> No.7227170

Gotta subsidize your own extinction, goy.

>> No.7227203

>Perhaps we should go to the rich people who own businesses, doing nothing
They own those businesses by doing nothing? Dumbass.

>> No.7227314

>tfw I made $60,000 in crypto in 2016
>never filed taxes
>last week I get all the money siphoned out of my bank account
>the government has a legal order to take $54,000 from me
How the fuck did they come up with $54,000?
>tfw I spent all the money and I'm broke now

Do I literally need to sue the government to make them lower the payment? I should owe any more than $10,000

>> No.7227344

what country?

>> No.7227356


>> No.7227379

your getting jewed


>> No.7227461


fucking idiot why would u deserve a pass for getting lucky with internet ponzi money?

>> No.7227467

>wahh wahh I have to eat food or else I starve to death!
>the world is so unfair!

>> No.7227505

You moron, if coin goes up to 30k you at that amount to another coin, and the other coin crashes. You have to pay on supposed capital gains.

This the reason we're going to get raped. People here can't fucking think abstractly.

>> No.7227538

most ppl think its immoral not to pay. i am just pointin out the reality

>> No.7227540


Trading them for shitcoins at a gain is the same as selling dummy. If you only held BTC or ETH all year then you're good.

>> No.7227626

So where does the money come from that builds the road? Oh, I know. From my taxes.
t. worked in budget committee for a major metropolitan area

>> No.7227639

I thought /biz/ was all hodls.

Anyways, you get to report capital losses too, so you've at least got that going for you this year.

>> No.7227663

also doing that in 1 lump sum, you where asking for it.

>> No.7227695


Provided all your losses were in 2017, if you lost everything in the crash in January you are still subject to taxes from 2017 even if you crashed to 0. THAT'S why Decemberfags are fucked.

>> No.7227747

did you read the Grace commission?

t. you don't know how bad it really is

>> No.7227819

Sure, but you can keep declaring your losses over several years if you don't recover enough this year to be made whole.

Come late December, you're stupid if you don't convert to fiat currency at least the amount you'll need for your taxes that year.

>> No.7227853

There is a lesson to be learned with these trades. You pay your tax based on every trade. If your gross gain is $200k you pay the tax on that amount. If you have half a brain you immediately put 40% of that gain into Fiat right into one of your bank accounts.

Save yourself from the hassle and do what you wish on the other money. Pretty simple people.

>> No.7227937

Doing that for each trade is kind of pointless given that it's your net capital gains for the year that get taxed. Just do it in December before the year ends and you'd be fine.

>> No.7228268

Fees and penalties you double nigger. Oh god you're gonna get raped so fucking hard. Take this. >>7225313
You're going to lose everything.

>10% in state tax,
Stop living in commiefornia then.

>> No.7228913
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fuck you irs posters, go suck a dick

>> No.7229059

Yeah nah get fucked cunt. If that threat were not present, people would just subscribe to private security in order to serve the same purpose more efficiently. But since they have to pay for the shit anyway lots don't bother. If I threaten to kill you unless you pay 10x on a basket of goods I buy for you, you would rightfully complain, and my rebuttal of "but I bought all this shit for you" wouldn't be any kind of rebuttal at all.

>> No.7230282

>The threat of punishment the state makes against anyone who would be inclined to murder you is keeping you alive, you troglodyte.

Lol, what a load of bullshit. If some cunt will really want you dead, no law will stop him. People who are ready ready to kill aren't deterred by 'muh rule of law' you brainlet, they don't give a shit about it.

>Don't want to pay taxes but use all the public services and utilities paid for by someone elses taxes

I already pay for utilities, tard. I also barely use any public services.
People like you would unironically defend a tax on breathing air and a tax of being alive.

>> No.7230307
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niggers always have to make that dumbass constipated gorilla face

>> No.7230324

Aware me on paying taxes. I have to pay to the feds AND my state?

>> No.7230758

yessir miscbro