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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7224800 No.7224800 [Reply] [Original]

>Had three million about two weeks ago
>Life finally had meaning. I was plugged into the machine. I was going to make a difference.
>Market crashed
>Now have $300,000 and a piece of trash bum again forced to wageslave

Fuck my life. I was so close to being the man I was born to be.

>> No.7224845

You're a retard. Open a food truck. You'll make your money back.

>> No.7224886

You flew too close to the sun and didn't cash out your gains. You let greed win, and jews fuck you in the ass.

>> No.7224932

300k take 100k invest in the traditional market and live modestly and never have to work for the next few years

>> No.7224994

Wait how the fuck did you go from 3 million to 300k?

>> No.7225066

Traditional market's gonna drop this year though

>> No.7225086

Back in June, at the peak, I had three million. I took a million in profit and had two million in crypto. In July, at the low, my crypto holding was only $500k, which is not as bad as where you are, but really hurt. Obviously things worked turned out okay though. It's possible the same thing will happen.

>> No.7225101

my dream girl right there

>> No.7225119

>the man I was born to be
a retard?

>> No.7225172


>> No.7225198
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>> No.7225222

>I took a million in profit
smart motherfucker. sure it went up huge afterwards, but if it hadn't you'd be pink wojack irl right now.

>> No.7225248
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Get a real job.

>> No.7225265

>never have to work...
>for the next few years
jokes aside, i think anyone reasonably intelligent with 5-6 years of free time could put together some sort of business, skillset, or scheme to make enough money to retire within 5 years after that.

>> No.7225299
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>Open a food truck

>> No.7225301


>Can’t make it in life on 300k

I literally know a few russian guys who came to America in their late twenties/early thirties and make 100k+ each a year from fucking FOB scratch ‘cant fucking speak english’ tier. No fucking larp.

I’m baffled by this, I honestly doubt its a real story. I’ve made some good trades but no where near six figures in portfolio value. You needed to be early and already well off.

>> No.7225357
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>> No.7225410


I can feel my serotonin levels rising as I look at these pictures

>> No.7226228
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Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.7226312

I cashed out at the first 500k, wouldn't dare enter the market today though.

>> No.7226315

Chef was a great movie.

>> No.7226319

I get that too, always keep QTs in folders that you can look at for a quick pickup.

>> No.7226340

>Had three million about two weeks ago
You never had 3 million because you never cashed out to fiat

>> No.7226397

I started with $3,000 in February 2017 and have roughly $280,000 in crypto right now. If this shit goes back up again, I should be close to $500,000.

You don't need a lot of money to make money. You just need patience and to relax.

>> No.7226499

>what are realized gains
you don't have anything yet. you potentially have $280,000

>> No.7226716

When you hit the millions, don't be greedy. You're set for passive income. Say you have 2 million, cash out after 1 year so you only pay long-term capital gains tax (if you're US and not a euro cuck).

Play it safe and pay federal capital gains and state income tax at full rate, say 33%. That's $660,000 to taxes, but fuck it, your money is safe from the government once you give them your cut.

Either keep $340,000 in crypto or use it to buy a house, stick the $1 million remaining in a US total stock market index fund. Safe withdrawal rate of 5-6% if you're brave. That's $50,000-$60,000 passive income each year for the rest of your life if you don't fuck it up.

If you want to play it extra safe work another year or two as a wagecuck to augment your investments just a little more.

Done. Each extra million post-tax you can view as an additional yearly passive income of $60k

>> No.7226729


Why didn't you cash out?

>> No.7226784

>When you hit the millions, don't put money in shitcoins

1M is nowhere near enough for a young person to be able to retire off (at least in the 1st world)

you need 2M for that

>> No.7226789

lindsay shepherd is my waifu leaver her alone

>> No.7226817

If you didn't cash out you didn't have 3 million.

>> No.7226835

Sorry I actually did cash out most of the $280,000. They are realized gains. I have just been loading more and more back into it as BTC goes down is all.

>> No.7226850

no way you lost that much. I'm in medium risk alts and only went from 600k to 275k

>> No.7226917

Thats like selling Ethereum at $20-$30 bucks. Why not wait longer till it hits $1k. Then you get real money.

>> No.7226923


It'd be enough to allow flexibility to do whatever job you wanted to do, especially if you bought a house with the $340k.

But generally yes, I'd agree $2M post tax is much more realistic of a target for complete financial independence/passive income + retirement

>> No.7226961


Important to have a target set. That's just one scenario.

My personal target is $5M post tax and keeping $1M in crypto.

>> No.7226976

By larping most likely

>> No.7227009

ascend the dominance hierarchy my friend

>> No.7227041

>You just need patience

>> No.7227079

How do you know though?

>> No.7227099

Man, I would have sold at 1 mill and lived off of interest. Boy...

>> No.7227136

you never had $3mil. you only have money once you convert it into actual money, not fake internet money

>> No.7227163

Impressive. I too started in Feb, invested a total of 17k over the next three months. Sitting at 170k after tax. I'm satisfied. Only reason I want more is I want to donate money to charity.

>> No.7227186

No wonder americans are so fat.

>> No.7227296

There's always someone worse off. I'd kill for that 300k. My folio is down to 7k and I'm sure some 3rd worlder would kill for that.

>> No.7227335
File: 5 KB, 190x266, C217C78F-2B5C-4CF5-9BDD-126EA55A3600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re from a first world country rhat doesn’t work. Interest from what. Your fuckingvsavings account?

>> No.7227349

dude its just a grilled sandwich. Why are amerifats so pretentious and prissy?

>> No.7227427

>He doesn't put pride and effort into everything he does
This is why Europe decaying while the USA is thriving, despite the fatasses, welfare queens, and Eurotrash trying to drag us down.

>> No.7227433

every time :^)

>> No.7227441

you should have cashed out. how did you get 10x less money. you had no strategy.

>> No.7227465

They can't into hardwork and self-sufficiency that food trucks provide.

>> No.7227477

I’m cashing out when I hit 1 million. All in on LINK. WONT GET TOO GREEDY

>> No.7227478

>Only reason I want more is I want to donate money to charity.
Well this is a first on this board.

>> No.7227489

Maybe wait a few months?

>> No.7227533

>not cashing out your 80 BTC when it topped 20k

top kek

stay salty poorfaggot

>> No.7227553

glass half full loser

>> No.7227591


Mmm mm mm

>> No.7227594
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>butter and olive oil

>> No.7227645

You know you won’t. There will be shitcocks in /biz/ saying 500EOM get in suckaz, and you’ll believe them.

>> No.7227684

I have a similar story on about a 1/2 X scale, but I would never use that tale as an advertisement for patience. If I had just bought and hodld bitcoin I'd be DOWN from my initial investment, instead I am up 100X due to my impatience.

>> No.7227714
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>listen to somebody who never started a single foodtruck

>> No.7227724

and mayonnaise at the beginning

>> No.7227803

within the context of the movie that scene isnt pretentious

>> No.7227816

or could be butter i guess, but lots of people use mayo

>> No.7227830

Are you swing trading or just flipping with a big stack?

>> No.7227916
File: 44 KB, 620x400, IMG_2248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers on a screen

>> No.7228551

You don't - it's a LARP gone too far.

Even if he put $3million into a shitcoin like TRX, it's still have $2million in value

Unless OP was doing some retarded shorting

>> No.7228586

>losing 90% in the last two weeks
in fucking what?

>> No.7228621


Who wants to retire or be old?

May as well live comfy on 4-5% returns, then kill yourself before you become decrepit and useless

>> No.7228668

300k isn't wage slave money dumbass
move somewhere cheap, lots of places in Canada or the USA where you can live a comfy middle class life alone without depending on anybody for around ~$25k/year

you literally have over a decade of living expenses covered still if you're not stupid

just wait it out, market will recover and you'll be back up over $1MM+

>> No.7228707
File: 208 KB, 750x500, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats disgusting

>> No.7228723

Jesus Christ Favreua it’s only grilled cheese

>> No.7228748
File: 66 KB, 459x471, 1517255244480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pretty smiling women tends to make men smile back. Even in pictures/videos. Look at this pic and see if it works

>> No.7228763

Start a food truck.

>> No.7228783

Nope. I'm broken.

>> No.7228792

>not selling at 3 mil

No one needs more then 3 million to live. You list your chance at neethood

>> No.7229025

imagine not cashing out

>> No.7229036

Let me find the vid

>> No.7229507
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1510463622831.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu senpai

>> No.7229925

she gets me smiling every time

>she will never laugh at your jokes

>> No.7230001

Why didn't you just cash out when you had 3 million?

>> No.7230044

For some reason this motivated me. Care to share more about your journey/philosophy?

>> No.7230138

Should've cashed out at 2 mil you dumb nigger. E