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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7222308 No.7222308 [Reply] [Original]

>told all my coworkers last year to buy ethereum at 40$ they ignored me.
>told them all to buy bitcoin at 3000$ after bancor ico they ignored me. Said it was too expensive.
>I made enough gains to stop working and retired at age of 27.
>I try to call them to hang out and tell them more about it they won't respond to my texts or calls.

Why the fuck is it so hard to maintain relationships with people when you make alot of money? They just refuse to talk to me anymore. What did I do wrong to offend them? I was only trying to help.

>> No.7222336

They hate us cuz they anus

>> No.7222349

Probably because you came across as a giant fucking dick talking about crypto.

>> No.7222355

you are a no-coiner, you never had a job, and you don't even have a phone

>> No.7222380


broke boi...no. just...just no.

>> No.7222387
File: 151 KB, 1001x720, nioh2aHeKb1tu1beso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being an autist.

>> No.7222447

I understand anon. I told some of my good friends about btc when it was around $100 and ether at $5. Then one dude totally stopped talking to me. He asked how much money I made off crypto and i told him. And since then he doesnt talk to me anymore.

>> No.7222475

>Why the fuck is it so hard to maintain relationships with people when you make alot of money
Because they stop seeing you, they picture your bank account. That's why you don't talk to anybody about your finances.

>> No.7222538

you have to cultivate relationships with people who are driven to be successful and make money... that way when you make it they wont be jealous but they will actually celebrate your successes. it sounds like your group of former friends lack vision and quite honestly OP they will drag you down to a life of mediocrity and there is nothing wrong with that... but ultimately its what you want

>> No.7223176

I too would cut contact with somebody trying to get me to invest in a ponzi scheme. Congrats on stealing other peoples money though. It would have been their money you would be retiring off of if they invested.

>> No.7223389

They aren't your friends.

>> No.7223507

OP, you're in for a disappointing life if you confuse the two. Crossover can happen, but mostly it ends when you stop seeing them on the daily. They don't give a shit about your larping retirement or pretend wealth. You're just out of sight and out of mind. Making friends isn't easy and certainly doesn't happen in any meaningful way at work.

t. Your dad apparently

>> No.7223586

what the hell was the bancor ico

I followed crypto hardcore in 2013/2014 and literally ignored it until end of 2017

>> No.7223783

what should I buy now?
What do you advise?

>> No.7223907

I told my old coworker + boss about eth when it was $80 and BTC when it was $1700. Then I told them again when eth was $150 and btc was like $3k. They thought I was crazy. They still do I think. Boss could have retired easy.

>> No.7223968
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/biz/ is your only firend now, anon

>> No.7223994

I don't think it has anything to do with your money. I have no money now and nobody talks to me, and they probably still wouldn't if I did

>> No.7224060



>> No.7224123

>Being a no coiner in 2018

>> No.7224195

honestly. Can't go wrong everything is so cheap right now you're destined to make fairly easy gains. Personally I'd go 50% ETH 20% ZRX 20%QTUM 10%WTC or EOS. These are all not shitcoins.

>> No.7224215

It's lonely at the top, OP. At least you rich as fuck, my nigga.

>> No.7224217

>Tfw you could've bought ether at $13 but didn't have any money.
Fuck my shit up.

>> No.7224359

Basically buy all dapp platforms and protocol tokens that somehow work with and/or enable/improve/simplify smart contracts and you'll make it.

>> No.7224433

If you were genuinely trying to help then i'm sure they would. But your probably just a douche bag.

>> No.7224479

what about VEN? XRM? LTC?

>> No.7224645

I'm not a fan personally I like WTC + QTUM more. I think WTC will beat VEN
Not a bad call long term but to 100% it would have to break ATH. It seems to be kinda priced in..EOS will likely bring you better gains over the coming year.
This is a shitty btc clone and honestly adds nothing of value. It will die kinda soon, only reason it's so popular is coinbase listing (people don't want to admit this but it's true). I would avoid anon.

>> No.7224651

Its very hard for someone to evaluate a random investment opportunity some co-worker mentions, because they have no context. It would be like if someone said to you invest in these Syrian bonds, they're going to go up big because reasons. So they would have been dumb to just invest blindly, unless they already know you had a great investment track record.

>> No.7224697
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Those people were not your friends.

Disregard laifu, embrace waifu.

>> No.7224926

>This is a shitty btc clone and honestly adds nothing of value.

dude, it has low transaction fees
it could be actually a currency

>> No.7224977

money doesn't change people, it changes the people around them

>> No.7224997

i'm your friend OP and /biz/ is your home

>> No.7225017

so much this jesus christ

>> No.7225024

...lots of coins have low transaction fees. It has that and a coinbase listing because Charlie has connections. Long term it has nothing.

>> No.7225832

Jealousy. And shame. I'll be your friend op.

t. Haven't "worked" in 3 years

>> No.7225894

Well, you can lead a horse to water...
Also, Notch the creator of Minecraft says human relationships become harder after great wealth due to imbalance. Anyways, hope you make some good friends. Also, I'm still trying to make it and would appreciate solid tips since you select have a good history in predicting supermoons early.

>> No.7226040

Hmmm so Stinky Linky? Kek, what else, I feel it'd be ZRX and EOS also.