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721994 No.721994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the fact that your academic dreams will never be fulfilled?
>tfw studying Economics at local shit university
>dream is to study Economics and History at Yale or some other Ivy

>> No.722002

Stats plus econ double major at state uni
Night classes for finance masters
A minor in stats would've helped secure employment in your case

>> No.722005


Why not anon? My academic goals are being fulfilled.

Is there something you regret from high school? GPA? SAT?

>> No.722088

There's a lot of reasons. My GPA was garbage, my ACT was too low for an Ivy, never did any volunteer work or any special things like that which could get me considered.

>> No.723393

Crawl back up your mother's pussy and demand she marry a banker forthwith.

problem solved

>> No.723394

Academic dreams can always be fulfilled. I had a dream to play football. You have no idea what it feels like to know that you physically will never be able to reach your dreams.

>> No.723404
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>wanted to study engineering at the MIT
>ended up switching from engineering to CS-Engineering double major at some decent, but not special University

>> No.724741

Bud you got to start taking control.

What is your desired outcome and what are next physical actions to achieve that.

Stop being a little bitch and get to wok... God damnmn

>> No.724745

What country do you live OP?

>> No.724746

For inspiration can you tell us how you've taken control in your life?

>> No.724748

It's worse when they are fulfilled and you realize they actualy suck.

>> No.724750

Australian student studying Econ at Cambridge here.

It's not that hard to get in, just get off /biz/ and go do some work.

>> No.724751


Well anon, I feel for you, and as crazy as this sounds: academics isnt everything.

You dont need an amazing degree from a top tier college to be successful. I won't sugarcoat things, the degree helps. A LOT. But its not necessary.

Remember that education is a stepping stone to success, but you can still leap over it.

Focus on where you are now, and focus on independent, practical studies. And making connections, because nepotism is king.

>> No.724779

Reading 'getting things done' by David Allen.

This book teaches you how to manage your life and be super organised/productive.

I was able to apply it at work and now I'm on a 6 figure salary @ 25 and BTW I'm from the UK so six figures actually means something.

>> No.724792

Can you be more specific?

>> No.724805
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>you will never get a PHD in CS/CE/SE/EE at MIT
>tfw end up getting an Associates in Software Engineering at an out-of-state community college due to literally living in Bumfuck, Nowhere and being poor as fuck
up there in the top 25 worst feels

>> No.724808

Added to my immediate next reading. Thanks anon.

>> No.724873
File: 2.37 MB, 3084x3305, eio3qZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Getting out of the rhythm of doing fuck all was the hardest. Literally being a couch potato / failure at uni to switching to super organised on the ball type guy.

>I think exercise and Diet changes your attitude and gives you more energy.

>This may sound weird but honestly wearing sport shoes in the house instead of slippers gave me that feeling of needing to do something\going somewhere. Like when I get home from class/work straight into sports shoes and the feeling of having limited time so you need to get stuff done.

Another one is self control. So stuff like chrome extension for blocking sites really helped me focus. Constantly questioning what I'm doing... "is this creating value?"

The main one is having a life purpose. Focus all your activities on that almighty goal and sub goals. For me it's about becoming FI and socially awesome... so I focused on those.

>> No.724874

I deal with it by focusing on my career goals.

>> No.724884

Thats what you get when you live in US. In my country it is enough you have a degree, people will infact think of you as an elitist retard or with IQ defficiency for going to some expensive/private college.

Genric state college is more than enough

>> No.724887

IMO academics isn't that important since you can learn a lot of it just by reading online. As for career prospects, you can get anywhere by networking.



First link is a Goldman Sachs recommended reading list, second list is a consolidation of various economic blogs. If you really wanna get up to date on the markets and develop a global macro perspective just start following a lot of those blogs.

>> No.724889

fuckin strayaaaaa

>> No.724893

this actually sounds really good..

>> No.725224

>This may sound weird but honestly wearing sport shoes in the house instead of slippers gave me that feeling of needing to do something\going somewhere
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this

>> No.725230

idk bro I go to a decent school with a pretty good national rank, but it's not like an Ivy, or even like a school such as Vanderbilt or Notre Dame.

I've accepted mediocrity.
