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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7217997 No.7217997 [Reply] [Original]

What are your total losses?

>> No.7218135

If I sold the top I could've bought a brand new Mercedes & still buy back more crypto than I initially had at the bottom.

>> No.7218166

$1,500 so far

>> No.7218219


>> No.7218249

2.3 m

>> No.7218250


>> No.7218278


>> No.7218298

had 1.2k before
I'll go margin with 10x leverage on BTC with it i guess

>> No.7218303


>> No.7218398

A lot

>> No.7218493
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so far

>> No.7218534


>> No.7218555


>> No.7218560

25k. Not planning to lock the losses.
It will be back in 1-2 months easily. I believe we are in for one last massive bull run in 2019 and then I'm out.

>> No.7218578

i am only down $200, but the profits ive made more then compensate and im just gonna hold that until it recovers.

To be honest anyone who didn't pull out most of their principle investment when btc shot up 3k in one day is retarded.

>> No.7218592

None, still at a profit.

>> No.7218596

No losses here, just a bit less profit.

>> No.7218630

78k :(

>> No.7218636

2-3 million. Probably on the low end of that. Some icos pending, hard to calculate and dont care to anyway.

>> No.7218635

you will end up losing money, enjoy the ride

>> No.7218698

how the fuck do you retards have such high losses when you got in early?
my 50 year old mother entered in december and she's still ahead

>> No.7218747


Uh lol!??!!? Uh sweaty... I dont think your kind should be allowed to post on this board. This is a pros only zone.

>> No.7218748


>> No.7218774

i didn't sell yet so my losses aren't real right? right?

>> No.7218791

/Nocoiner/ and loving it.

>> No.7218833

487k because I bought into the hype and bought btc at 18650

>> No.7218853


>> No.7218898

I'm in profit and always will be unless I buy more. Portfolio is down about $15k this week if that's what you meant.

>> No.7218899

I bought about $950 worth and I’m down $527. $50 of that was because I’m a n00b and sent some eth to the wrong address. I’m just doing this for fun with some friends to see who could make the most

>> No.7218952

Still up 3x. No losses because I haven't sold like a retard. I joined last year and was late to the instant rich party so it's always been a long term plan.

>> No.7218967
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I've invested $1200 total since November with a little going in every week. My high was $3000 at the end of december. Down to $1000 now. Don't give a fuck since I'm holding everything for at least a year

>> No.7218977

0 because I didn't sell

>> No.7219039

3000 real lost (7000 Investement at beginning)

>> No.7219106
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Losses: 0
Back taxes owing: 0
>tfw nocoiner

>> No.7219161

$100 extra that I had to pay for my latest graphics card because miners fucked up the prices. But I did sell my old graphics card for triple what I paid for it, so there is that I guess.

>> No.7219192

Still up more than 4x since October on ZRX and Propy

and not even clever enough to tether

>> No.7219202

People saying "still up" are wrong. I only lost "profits" doesnt make sense. Every dollar you have is from some profitable trade at some point. Wages are profits from selling labor. It makes no sense to say you have only lost profit, if you are down to your actual last dollar that is profits. Its stored value from some value creation event.

The only thing that makes sense is to measure from your peaked.

I am down millions. "But you only lost profits" kek what else is there that can be lost??? Money is money is money. Thats fungibility 101 kids

>> No.7219230

you didnt sell at 15k?

>> No.7219269

classic gambler shit

>j just one more run, s seriously then im out
>i i just need to get back to X

>> No.7219276

didn't sell anything so no actual losses but portfolio down about $65,000 this week which kinda sucks

>> No.7219278
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up 33k on the month fampai

>> No.7219326

$150 and two years of my life at least..
daytrading during a bear market..

>> No.7219336

I lost my wallet password and I've been watching my coins plummet ever since. Yes, I've considered suicide multiple times.

>> No.7219354

About $5000.
>mainly on ripple

>> No.7219447

ive had more money stolen from me dealing weed than some of you have lost "investing"

>> No.7219469

nothing I got my initial investment out as soon as I made 4x that. I was at least 13x that amount only on gains and cashed out the same amount of my initial investment like a week or so ago and now I'm down 3x or 4 times that amount.
Still owning a shitload of free money but I would love to see it skyrocket past 20x

>> No.7219471

Fucking bitmex I swear to god

>> No.7219494

You've had more than $20 stolen from you dealing weed?
thats rough man.

>> No.7219595

yeah ive had guns pointed at me and ive been mugged

its what happens when you sell to more than your highschool friends

>> No.7219711


>> No.7219834

only about 6k usd i've lost, started with 10k

>> No.7220024

I'm up 4 BTC since yesterday. Shorted hard all the way down to $7.6k.

My only regret is selling all of my alts and storing them in ETH. That motherfucker bled more than all of the alts I sold. And by the time I could transfer my ETH back to Binance, LINK was skyrocketing.

All in all I'm up about $23k since yesterday.