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File: 107 KB, 530x358, Chemistry-teacher-job-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
720751 No.720751 [Reply] [Original]

>not becoming a teacher

Good pay, great benefits, excellent working conditions, and most of your coworkers are female.

Oh, unless you live in America, that is. :^)

>> No.720760

Goddamit, I am thinking about doing that, why shouldn't I according to you?

>> No.720761

>most of your coworkers are female.

This is not a benefit.

>> No.720765

>Wanting to date coworkers

Good luck freshmen

>> No.720767

>unless you in America
That's what is currently deterring me from going down that route.

>> No.720769

Have fun finding a job in one of the most competitive fields. Have fun having to beg for government handouts and someone else getting the job over you only because they've been there long.

>> No.720771
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Teachers make good compared to the service industry which comprises something like 40% jobs in the country.

>> No.720781

Our teachers roll in cash and paid time off. Yet they still go on strike every 5 years. Easy life in Canada

>> No.720792

can burgers teach in Canada? I won't protest.

>> No.721028

Work public school.
Leave work at 3.30 on the dot or earlier
Tutor rich kids from private schools for $60-100/hr.
Easy tutoring as word of mouth means you see kids who are all in the same class = same homework questions for each kid.

Be made delicious home made dinners and dessert by stay at home mums trying to compete with other moms for who is the favorite.

Invest all into property and other investments.

Go out every Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun nights

>> No.721046

>work shit job
>waste days and nights on 4chan

This is all but one of you. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

>> No.721169

>great pay

Choose one

>> No.721176

and you can fuck sexy students...

Oh, unless you live in America

>> No.721178

What do teachers get paid in europe?

>> No.721183

Nothing in Ireland. Really poor pay but you get three months off in the summer

>> No.721190

they get a shit salary in Holland.

>> No.721220

No man should ever take a job working with minors, as there will be always be a target on your back. People will always be suspicious of your motives. Even at the higher grades you are dealing with girls who know how easy it is for them to blackmail you, they can and do ruin male teacher's lives. Most teachers have rock-solid job security thanks to the unions, even the most incompetent teachers will simply get shuffled off the art department rather than fired, but as a male teacher all it takes is one wrong glance at 16 year old Sally Sue with the d-cups and your career is over, you wont be able to get a job tutoring for minimum wage.

>> No.721229

You really really don't know what you're talking about

Sincerely, a male teacher.

>> No.721235

Oh so it is bait

>> No.721251

My mother is a highschool teacher and is currently trying to break into administration. If she can she will go from making $40k a year to $60k, and pay will increase every year after. She could potentially end up in six figures depending on the jobs she goes after.

Anyway, I think teaching is probably attractive to recent grads. It's easy to get into and the pay is good for someone fresh out of college with few expenses. Also there's that paid time off.

From what my mother has told me though, it's very difficult to find a school district that will give a a shit about its teachers. Bigger school districts pay more, but they also use stupid policies and won't back up teachers on issues of discipline.

Smaller school districts on the other hand, while paying less, seem to be more enjoyable to work at. They usually have fewer discipline issues and don't enforce stupid policies like not being allowed to fail students.

>> No.721274

Murrican? 40k is not a lot of money, here in my province teachers start off at more than that, and it is a very hard profession to break into because of the union. They protect old teachers who are past their prime, new grads usually spend a few years trying to pick up substitute jobs while working part-time at coffee shops or whatever. The only way to get a full-time teaching job right out of school is if they are willing to teach in places where more experienced teachers aren't willing to go, like isolated, mostly native, communities where their students hate their guts because their white. Once they get in with the union they are set.

>> No.721276

And by more then that I mean more than 60k. I think a starting full-time teacher salary is around 65.

>> No.721277

Ever banged a student?

>> No.721348

>Good pay
>Any type of teacher
>good pay

>> No.721352

I know 40k isn't a lot of money. A lot of it is because she works in a rural district that doesn't pay well. She could be making $55k working in other places, but that's about as much as you'll make as a teacher in my state.

>> No.721354

Also it's funny you mention substitute jobs. I've done that myself and always thought it was just an easy way to make cash but I've had people act like it was a big thing. I don't know why. I just tell the kids to be quiet and leave me alone.

>> No.721358

Worked as a teacher for a few years, never had complains or got treated as a pedo.

Some of the older students are hot but when I'm teaching I'm in "teacher mode" and don't even think about it and would never risk my career/life doing anything inappropriate.

>> No.721360
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teachers who make 100+K per year..

>> No.721362
File: 58 KB, 576x1024, 1399645783665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teachers here, in Estonia, are getting less than the avarage.

>> No.721365

Whenever I said my mother could potentially make six figures I meant as an administrator, which is not a teacher. That means a vice principal, principal, curriculum development, superintendent, etc.

>> No.721380
File: 37 KB, 528x494, 662811-simpsons_willie_with_arm_down_toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek 100K as an administator. I wonder have much superintendent willy earns..

>> No.721381

Is this low grade trolling? It must be.

>> No.721438

You won't get in. Union is too strong and 14% of grads with a masters in education can even get substitute work. The new grads I know who found work are teaching alcoholic native 8 year olds near the arctic circle

>> No.721463

I don't understand why anyone with no experience would get a masters degree in a professional (non-academia) area. It makes sense to get an masters of education if you have 10 years experience and want to go into administration, but if you're just starting out that masters degree wont mean fuck all to the union gatekeepers.

>> No.721735

My mother has been a teacher for 35 years and recently became assistant principle at 52. She makes 10k more than I do at 22 with a finance degree in a entry level training position.

Don't become a teacher, retards

>> No.721739

It's not just about money anon.

O wait it is


>> No.722001

Since there are some teachers in this thread, I was looking into going into teaching, preferably 6-8 Social Studies. I'm studying Economics in school now, and can easily transfer my credits towards the Teacher's Program at my school. Or should I just keep with my program now, and then do a post baccalaureate or something like that afterwards?

>> No.722008

Did you not read the thread?

Call center reps make more than teachers

>> No.722029

I care about more than just money.
>being on /biz/
>not caring about money
har har

I think there's more to life than becoming a millionaire, and I think teaching is a good option for me to actually help people.

>> No.722032

That statement literally means nothing? If all teachers are earning below the "Average" Doesn't that mean they are making the "Average" as they are all making around the same pay?

>> No.722033
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>thinking its easy to get a job as a teacher, cop, or firefighter

>> No.722171


So they're rolling in cash and living the life or they're teaching alcoholic kids on ice floes? Which is it?

>> No.722172

Any job you got for the state is good in Europe.
If you have any degree and work he same job as private sector, you get 20-50% bigger paycheck and also you work less, more off time etc.

I hope one day we cut all welfare etc. so only the fittest will survive.

>> No.722183

Not necessarily. Thebulk of the teachers (90%) could be below the average, because you could have the other 10% making sucha large amount that they pull the (mean) average up. In this case you would want to look more at the median wage number as being indicative of the 'average', because wage distributions for many things actually are right skewed by high wage earners within data sets.

>> No.722186

Mum gets paid 2000€/month and it's near the end of her career as a high school teacher.
Teacher is NOT a high paying job in France.

The only benefit of being a teacher is the cultural advantage. By that I mean teacher's children do as well in school as children of engineers, doctors and other wealthy jobs.
So if you're into trans-generational social climbing and you don't feel like you can make it, I guess you can become a teacher and hope your kids make it.

>> No.722187
File: 138 KB, 300x302, greeks_lazy_big2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek no. only in lazy countries like France or Greece

>> No.722189

Elementary school maybe, and depending what grade you teach in high school, you may have to work those 2 or 3 extra hours on your own time. But I do agree teachers do bitch a lot(Canada) for what they do get compensated for, and really they knew what they were getting themselves into. Honestly though, where do they think the pay raises would come from, for people with masters degrees, they're not good at economics or budgeting for that matter

>Inb4 raise taxes
Fuck you, you know how fucking socialist it's here in my country? You know how socialistic my country is even though it's being run by the most conservative party of them all? FUUUUUUUCCCCKK

>> No.722341

>"teacher mode"

>tfw you "tm" over a subject
>tfw you tell a person who keeps butting in on someone else "Excuse me, is this your story or Anon's? ... Thank you"

It's weird, it''s like it grants me immunity to hotness and the ability to be outgoing and socially in control.

>> No.722352

In Australia teachers get 14 paid weeks off a year.

>> No.722864

12. 6 at xmas, 2 for each term break (3 of these)

I am in an independent school and only get 11 (5 at xmas)

>> No.722917

There's no way you're A teacher
Its a dogs life
The kids are lovely but the rest of it will kill you. Say goodbye to your free time

>> No.722922

My students arent lovely.

And after dealing with shitheads all day tutoring is last thing on my mind... In Aus you can get about $25/30 per hour for tutoring

>> No.722925

Even in America it's not bad. I remember hearing this dumb bitch whine that she didn't get paid shit as an elementary art teacher... Just a mere 70k. Like what the fuck bitch, you have literally the easiest job in the world, and you complain about 70k/year?

>> No.722979


Horseshit. Teachers get a full-time salary for what many of us would consider part-time work. It's glorified babysitting.

>> No.722981

Agreed. All female workplaces suck dick. Particularly ones run by all female management.

>> No.722991

Yes but finance:

> this kills the soul

>> No.722995

Same. It's the feeling of responsibility that empowers. This is the foundation all great men have drawn upon mentally.

Even Hugh Hefner I'm sure, somehow felt "responsible" to provide hot tits and asses to planet earth.

>> No.722996

Fuck i should have left this country long ago...

>> No.723024

Aus, both parents are teachers. Primary school might be glorified babysitting (hell, looking at the "assessments" some education students actually submit...), but high school isn't.

After 20+ years of work, and taking on additional administrative roles, both make around 90-110k before tax. The amount of actual work required for that money is stupid though. You don't just clock off at 3:30 and that's it if you actually give a shit. You've got assessments/work to prepare/mark, and reports to write every semester. You end up doing more than the 6 hour school day.

Add that to often working with shitty kids (plus their equally shitty parents), and inadequate co-workers who only wanted to be teachers for the holidays, and you've really got to want to do job.

>> No.723046

Currently a teacher. Done both Primary and High. The reason the students are shit is because they aren't actually tested. Dont matter if you fail you go onto the next year. I teach yr 12s who cant do basic times tables.

If you are organised / efficient you can finish your day at 3pm. I do no work at home because reports/assessments/marking is done in time I have at school. Primary is different though as you dont nearly enough time off class to do it.

>> No.723052

Have any of those 12th grade girls offered to suck your dick for higher grades?

>> No.723053


>> No.723067

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.723091

>Generous Healthcare

>> No.723095

>6 hours a day
>3 months vacation

I consider this part time.

>> No.723099

Grading homework and tests, parent teacher conferences, being required to stay after class whenever a student asks you to, etc.

Teaches put in an average of 8-9 hours. Granted, they bitch about it, but they put in 8 hours.

>3 months vacation
I accept it as a trade-off for their low salary cap.

>> No.723102

The time off is needed, else children die.

>> No.723383

>Even Hugh Hefner I'm sure, somehow felt "responsible" to provide hot tits and asses to planet earth.
>actually had a class about porn recently
>sadly was dictated by a rabid SJW
>thankfully she got shot down by "her" co-presenter who was an ex-sex worker with a sociology/criminology degree.
>mfw t&a for education

>> No.723388
