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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7204505 No.7204505 [Reply] [Original]

Calm the fuck down

>> No.7204534

you realize these tards bought at around 18k

>> No.7204540


>> No.7204555

all the norm reason to spread this

>> No.7204598

fuck no I love it when these tards buy high and sell low

>> No.7204627

I got in at 5k so im pretty comfy. Learnt some very solid lessons for the next bullrun, looking forward to it. But sucks i didnt take as much profit as i should have when i had the chance, lesson well learnt. Take 50% profit reinvest the rest

>> No.7204650

The whole tax bullshit got me too greedy. Well played you jewish fucks

>> No.7204661

>below 5k if you're not retarded and can connect dots
>thinking all the people that bought below 5k not sold yet
yea, just hodl, you will be ok

>> No.7204665
File: 12 KB, 228x219, 1517429778428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the next bullrun

>> No.7204674

I got in the market at 15K.

No, Im not compfy. Im very much not compfy, you could even say. Uncompfy, even.

>> No.7204689

You don't die from falling off a building, you die from hitting the ground at 60 mph

>> No.7204698
File: 45 KB, 1085x552, Snap 2018-02-02 at 07.08.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This correction is only slightly worse than the one in June. I'm laughing at all the tards using linear charts.

>> No.7204702
File: 157 KB, 960x679, GJuS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're missing a valuable lesson. HODL is widely misunderstood. You don't hold on to investments forever, you diversify your shit into 10-20 different things and then you sell the ones that went up. If you didn't sell at your mad gains you're just as stupid as the people who got in on the top.

>> No.7204716

are you at least comped?

>> No.7204755

yeah yeah. i just feel like a literal fucking retard for not selling the top. and not holding much eth even though i knew it's the best long-term hedge next to zcash

>> No.7204760

This, I didn't want to realize massive gains due to capital gains. now I'm down 150k from my top

>> No.7204784

If you buy and hold BTC yeah you’re an idiot. I was in crypto in 2013 and got out because bored. All year people were yapping about it so I finally caved and got in just before Christmas. Shitty timing right? No, I’m up 400%. And that’s AFTER eating a 20% loss from ETH today. The crypto market isn’t a single entity sometimes you have to move around a little. BTC is an antique in this market anyone could’ve seen that.

>> No.7204804

Wew that wasn't fun either. Jesus I remember that. June+July 2017 was one of the most painful learning experiences of my life. All in altcoins at the time too.

>> No.7204894

In terms of marketcap this current correction is a few percent worse than June/July. Retards look at linear charts, see a massive drop and panic.

>> No.7204901

rock bottom is 7.5k

7.5 to 19 is a 2.5x and people are drooling the lower btc goes

>> No.7204923

I'm putting most of my liquid fiat in right now
even if it dips a bit lower that's alright, it's low enough for me to buy in now

>> No.7205565

Yeah me too, I entered the market at that time and bleed 50% of my investment just a few weeks after...
But I survived June, and I will survive January.

>> No.7205621


> log chart
> only looking at the bubble period in 2017
> we’re back on track guys

Future cardboard box dweller here

>> No.7205643

Good lesson learnt.
Consider this your education fee I guess

>> No.7206269

Retard. Isn't it about time you sold? Or are you waiting for the absolute bottom like the absolute fucking moron that you are?

>> No.7206350
File: 306 KB, 887x804, cry5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also lost money in June and didn't learn my lesson. Am I a brainlet?

>> No.7206472
