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720155 No.720155 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to graduate HS here in Sweden, and I want to leave this country because obvious reasons. My field of study was social studies, with an integrated media (journalism, producer etc.) course.

I am good with people in general, and I'm quite good at manipulating people. Take that as you wish. I am also known for being good with words, which means I speak like I always know what is going on. Not fedora, more like a guard explaining why he can't let you inside.

What would be the most natural next step for me to take? I have none and zero experience of life in the US.

For the record, I am white with an average build, and good English capabilities.

>> No.720160

>social studies, with integrated media


>> No.720164

why would you want to leave Sweden?

>> No.720165

The US has enough uneducated whites. You won't get in

>> No.720177

Please elaborate
Because the system is collapsing.

>> No.720179

Go to Asia.

>> No.720182

If you're still here, tell me what kind of opportunities and neat stuff there is to do in Asia.
Also, what country?

>> No.720185

I have a friend who works with immigration and the application timeframe for summer admission into the US has actually JUST ended (last week). If you know somebody or have access to a bunch of burgers then you may be able to slip into the system, but that would be hard to do as we're flooded with whites right now. Slowly trying to muddy up their gene pool with melanin but it's a slow process.

>> No.720188

>Because the system is collapsing

So don't go bring that shit here!!!

You're a symptom of the socialism disease, yet you flee from your free "social studies" education, and basic minimum income for social studies grads, as though you aren't infectious material yourself.

We have enough problems. Quarantine remains in effect.

>> No.720191

>believing social studies = socialism
Nigga do you even know what that is about? Social studies in Sweden is about political ideologies, the juridical process, how media affects the opinion etc. I am not a socialist, so the most natural thing for me to do is to leave the socialism behind.

>> No.720197

lol he didnt imply that social studies = socialism, he just pointed out that you are a symptom of "socialism disease"

youre pretty dumb for a swedish guy, running away from one of the best countries in the best/second best continent in the world, good luck finding something better
>with social studies major

>> No.720198

>Social studies is about...
Not having marketable skills

Stay over there where feelings > productive capacity. Not that you're getting in with those credentials anyways, but your entitlement rustles me.

>> No.720215

Not just pursuing social studies in your free time while chasing a more practical degree.

So there's this cool shit called sci show, wikipedia, and books.

>> No.720217


Not OP but I'm a Swede. When OP means social studies he is talking about the high school "program".

Swedish high schools have different programmes depending on your interest, (science, social studies, business etc), but all of them are pretty fucking shit and the quality of education is subpar apart from the science one(nothing against you OP). Nonetheless, don't expect being able to get into an American university with Social Studies OP, you're better off studying in Sweden where they will accept you regardless of what shit-tier education you have. Besides, Swedish universities are actually rather decent, but I still think you're better off studying a year of math and physics and getting into STEM because the job market is overinflated with economists and social studies graduates (unless you of course study at Handels).

>> No.720218

He doesn't even have a degree. OP said he is only just graduating high school.

>> No.720228
File: 17 KB, 193x245, 1428185910646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swede here can confirm

>pic related
>what OP should feel

>> No.720234

do what was reccomendned to that dutch guy in the other thread, check with the US embassy in Stockholm if you're eligible for the Diversity Immigrant Lottery (you probably are, given the low immigration rate from Sweden to the US) and play it for a few years until you win and can walk right into the US without any hassle

>> No.720240

>social studies graduate from Sweden
No one wants you.

>> No.720242

> high school

This changes everything and there's still hope. Disregard my negativity. Go to college for something they're is a definite need for (think shit we bring Indians over to do), intern with American based companies in school, come to America, ???????, profit.

>> No.720243


congrats op, as a swede you're eligible for entry into the DIVA lottery:


assuming you *really* want out, I'd suggest looking into this. However, personally you should look into studying at a college on your government's dime as long as possible while you wait to win the lottery, in which case you can transfer to the US and apply for grants or just pay out of pocket (feasible, as long as you are a legal resident of the state you're applying in. Easier to do with rural schools)

>> No.720245
File: 33 KB, 291x464, 5c4af_tmtjuqc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gick samhällsprogrammet på gymnasiet
>tror att han kan få jobb utomlands
Neger, snälla.

>> No.720246

I hate to break it to you, but moving to the US is not going to be pleasant.

You're much better off in Sweden than you will be in this Randian shithole.

>> No.720249

>Randian shithole
We should be so lucky...

>> No.720255


>hating freedom
>europeans will literally defend this

if the US sucks so much then stop moving here. The US gets net immigration from most european countries (especially France and the UK) every year

>> No.720257

I'm not an immigrant: I'm a sixth generation American.

I guess I'm just kind of disillusioned from the downward pressure on wages/salaries and also having a political system that's rigged so the only choices are neoliberal business party 1 and neoliberal business party 2. Sweden sounds kind of nice, actually. Well, minus the fact that it's a frozen wasteland and doesn't share my native language/culture.

>> No.720259


if you think it's bad here, in europe you get to choose between christian democrats (centrist socialists) or democrat progressives (centrist socialists) and god help you if you actually want to start a business

for as shit as the US is, it has it's perks especially given it's size, amount of cheap resources and comparatively little regulation

>> No.720265


The problem is that the kind of shit they teach you in Social Studies automatically disqualifies you for any kind of STEM-related endeavors because there is virtually no mathematics. Reputable universities usually have admissions officers that know the school system in a country, and OP is much better off studying in Sweden and getting a proper degree because he is certainly not going to be accepted into a top 50 uni.

>> No.720276

That fucking blows... Imagine your whole life being over based on choices you made at 14. No wonder the poor bastard wants to come here... Unfortunately, we're full to the brim with, and this is only very slight exaggeration, an entire generation of kids who made the same life ending decision as they matriculated to college, but at least they were age of majority when they quit life with political science/psychology degrees.

>> No.720286


It makes sense with a vocational education for those less academic minded as society needs a workforce in that sector of the economy, but it's fucking retarded to have 5 different programmes with different courses that gets you in different universities, all of which you need to choose at 14.

All of the programmes (except the science programme) are also unchallenging and you can easily get A's with marginal effort, not to mention the fact that grade inflation is at an all time high so what you get is retarded kids who get misapplied grades who get into top-tier universities making the overall quality of the education shit.

This only applies to the social sciences though, if you want to study STEM then Sweden is actually pretty good not to mention the fact that we have a shortage of STEM graduates.

OP, if you want a high-paying job, study STEM, you are not going to get anywhere with studying political science or some shit like that, especially if you want to do it in America which will leave you hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

>> No.720350 [DELETED] 
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>mfw this thread