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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7201418 No.7201418 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you actually have no backup to crypto

>> No.7201471

Crypto will make me millions. If it doesn't I don't have a backup to make millions. Ill just have to settle with my 7k a month passive income

>> No.7201523
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No backup plan. My entire life hinges on this year.

>> No.7201590

im a software developer so im literally fine no matter what

the only question is whether i retire at 35 or 50

>> No.7201620

howd you get that passive income?

>> No.7201656

I dont have one. I'm down 75% from my ath. I graded university 18 months ago and havent worked since so now no one will hire me. I live alone and my parents wont support me. If this goes to zero I'm actually fucked. I've been thinking about going for my masters just to live off the stipend

>> No.7201680

what degree?

>> No.7201726

Remodeled some houses and renting them out. I tried taking a 100k heloc out on one of the houses to buy the dip today, but the banks needed 2 years of rental proof. Interest rate is so low money is pretty much free, but i haven't owned those houses long enough yet.

>> No.7201730


>> No.7201756

>implying suicide isn't legit

>> No.7201771

>work as an IT service guy
>planning to quit job to focus on Crypto, freelancing , software development and game dev
>2018 crash happening

well, I can still do other jobs

>> No.7201837


Chemistry bro here. Get your masters man, you'll find shit work with just a BS. Focus on O Chem. People hiring like fucking mad for organic.

>> No.7201935

whats your opinion then brother, assuming you have knowledge of industry

I actually have had 2 professors contact me asking for me to come do my masters with them. one is doing synthesis and assembly of organic semiconductors . The other does analytical envrionmental chemistry, developing methods for determining pollutants in the water system

>> No.7201986

>Crypto will make me millions


>> No.7202053

Stay poor nocoiner

>> No.7202344

fucking same

$8k in cash and 100k in crypto

should i still quit? you guys think that will hold me over until the next bull run?

>> No.7202431
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Wildland firefighter here. It's dirty, dangerous, exhausting, but rewarding to know that you are making a difference. I'm just hoping that I can make enough to retire before a falling tree or burn over retires me first.

>> No.7202445
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What's up boys. We're gonna fucking make it. I am not going back to 9k per year nonono wassawassa.

>> No.7202574

Nursefag here - Yesterday i cleaned up a drunk hiv infested homeless asshole who had shit himself. If i don't make it this year - I will probably anhero.

>> No.7202616

This. Except I'm a pharmacist.
I'd like to work like 15-20 hours a week so I don't get too bored and still rake in $60k a year.

>> No.7202653


I'd do synthesis. But then again, my minor was in biology and that kind of shit interested me. Got to do what is fun for you. Honestly, any path is good right now though. Even something simple like quantitative analysis can net 6 figures for a big company like Motiva

>> No.7202681

Stocks are my backup to crypto. Although I'm planning on selling my crypto in the Fall and running away into long term bonds. Then when stocks crash I can be comfy and resell the bonds to buy more stocks or possibly buy into crypto in like April 2019 again.

>> No.7202706
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forester in alaska

amazing wage, unlimited overtime and daylight

basically paid to hike and cut

get to carry a gun as well and totally off grid

>> No.7202778

the world is not anymore the way that it used to be, no no nooo!

>> No.7202837

What chain you work for?

>> No.7202937

They've raped us recently on tech hours but it's still very comfy compared the horror stories i hear about CVS or Walgreens.

>> No.7202991

And I thought I was fucked making 12k a year.

>> No.7203124

man I wish I had time to set up a line before cutting. good thing i'm not a pussy.

>> No.7203201

>making a difference

Your profession literally hemorrhages money from the entire country fighting a battle that cannot be won, mostly to save assets of folks who are far wealthier than you will ever be.


>> No.7203265

I am a cook at a decent place and actually like my job, it's comfy. If my 12k linkies won't take me to the moon, at the very least i will never suffer from hunger.

>> No.7203297

If you only knew how many sick workers there are at safeway

>> No.7203299

All I have is a shitty engineering job paying $80k and a girlfriend with another engineering job paying similarly. Apart from our savings of about $50k each we've got nothing but crypto.

>> No.7203352

Gib job pls.
Nah I got an in at Costco but really gib job.

>> No.7203514
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Im 27 working at Fry's (Kroger) making minimum wage in Arizona. I don't own any crypto but I think I should buy at least some now that I have $1500 in my bank account, what do you guys recommend I get started with?

>> No.7203639

Anyone else club suicide if everything crypto crashes to zero? I’ll play it long run and diversify every pay but this is my only hedge until I have enough to open a business or retire. If all fails, off a tall building I go.

>> No.7203755

RLC and AMB which you can see once it moons or you can hold.

>> No.7203793

You think each and every one of us doesn't know that, genius? It's a losing battle any way you cut it, so I would just love to hear your obviously better ideas. Just remember your words when we are the only thing standing in the way of your house burning down, because that is what making a difference means to us. Think you are safe where you live? You're not.

>> No.7203835

Sounds legit. How did you get into this? Is it year-round, and if not what do you do the rest of the year?

>> No.7203855
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Nope. Wageslave here.

Rolling the dice in crypto with my small bit of money my dad left me (he died in September. I wanted in to crypto already but money didn’t clear til bitcoin was 16k.)

I kept my job and only invested what I was willing to lose.

I still believe. Why don’t you?

>> No.7203869

Ethereum would probably be the safest. You can also buy other currencies and tokens with it later on.
Whatever you buy, you'll probably lose everything anyway.

>> No.7203909

My backup is suicide.

>> No.7204085

your doing it wrong. I run an independent and selling oxys under the table and cleared over 600,000 USD last year. I'm also fucking two of my four hot teen techs. Working for someone else is the ultimate cuck soyboy status. What's a matter too scared to run your own shop loser? have fun letting the PIC and DM bitch you out for not high enough fill rates and too high error rates

>> No.7204296
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I work as a cashier at a burger joint in San Francisco. If I don't make it with my 15,000 LINK, my backup plan is to wait for Sergey to show up. Dude obviously loves to eat. While he's ordering (probably a double-patty, cheese fries, and a shake) I'll talk about how I lost everything when LINK dropped to $0.03 and guilt trip him into hiring me as the community manager for his next fraudulent ICO. Then I'll outsource my job to a few hard-working pajeets and return to my blissful days of NEET-dom.

>> No.7204310

Lol yeah I am faggot

>> No.7204368

just found out monday that I could be getting laid off my job at the end of the month if this 70 yr old guy with a million years of seniority could just take my shift. hope I make it with xlm and link if i hold for 2-5 yrs

>> No.7204409
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lmao I am the PIC at the spot I work at. And my DM is the nicest person in the world. I occasionally get gentle reminders to increase MTM stuff and text messaging.
>selling oxys under the table and cleared over 600,000 USD last year
Nice LARP though

>> No.7204433
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I work as a part time slave stacking shelves at night in a dead supermarket for shit money

>> No.7204464

I got 100k in fiat, and some property. I'm not fucked but I'm going to try to buy the dip and see where things go. If cryptos drop to worthless then it will be time for me to go back to uni, lol.

>> No.7204475

Won't I hear about you getting eaten buy a grizzly on the news?

>> No.7204517


Same exact job, but I just got fired

>> No.7204616

Can't bring myself to settle for the underpaid/underskilled jobs I'm able to obtain. I'd rather starve to death. Going down with this ship boyos.

>> No.7204660


My father passed away too last year of March. I'm sorry for your loss anon. Do your best anon.

>> No.7204705

Both of you sound retarded, and are most definitely city dwelling pussies.

>> No.7204743
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I do the specialized isles so I get paid a little bit more than min, so if I leave I'll have to get lower wages elsewhere even though i hate every second of the place...

And if I leave they are mega fucked as I'm the only guy who knows and does liqueur aisles on certain days.

Then again I don;t think the management even knows who I am so me leaving would be a surprise/

>> No.7204836

None of you fuckers will ever make it. I work at a gas station serving dumb boomers. They may be in fear but that shit will change during the next bull run.

>> No.7204952

I’m the guy who posted from jail about funfair around a month ago. I have about 10 grand in back taxes to pay from last year due to some medical bills that wiped out my tax account. (Private contractor, so I have to pay double into social security that I will never receive because boomers) I am looking down the barrel of some steep legal fees as well. Probably anywhere between 5-8k when all is said and done. I am a live sound engineer, meaning I set up and mix bands for a living. By my calculations, I will have to set up roughly 277 bands just to pay off my tax bill and legal fees, not including this year’s taxes in that equation. I came down to Nashville to get high and make music. I guess one out of two ain’t bad. It’s going to be a long 2018, bros. Still holding onto my funfair. I believe in the tech, but the externalities of the market look grim. I wish you all the best of luck.

>> No.7205032

What languages do you recommend?

>> No.7205306

Same. I'm pretty optimistic considering where I'm at thought.

>> No.7205347

Report back again after we make it

>> No.7205370

Shouts out to the dead dad crew out there. My best friend growing up had his dad pass of liver failure (booze) when he was about 14.

I can't believe how much of a fucking autistic edgelord /b/ had turned me into at the time, I was giving him shit about not 'getting over' his dad's death and getting his life together.

Fast forward a few years, my dad an heroes out of the blue. It's been three years since and I still haven't "gotten over it". Every day just gets harder. Fuck man. Good luck boys.

Crypto is basically my only out. I've got PTSD out the fucking wazoo. Have bombed like 30 job interviews. Only job I've had out of college was one basically handed to me by an old friend who trusted me.

They got acquired, and now I'm back on the market...and have been for months. Fuckkkkkk AHHHHH

>> No.7205487

I hope we make it, Anon. I’m not fucked if we don’t. But I could sure use the win this year. I’ve already kissed this money goodbye. I followed rule #1, but just barely. I would be buying this dip, but the government only takes USD. I need some of those bad boys laying around for this year.

>> No.7205551

Sorry about your dad, Anon. Forgive yourself for how you behaved toward your friend’s situation. You didn’t have the proper perspective back then.

>> No.7205568

I am a chartered accountant - more specifically working in business planning and forecasting, securing investments and tax planning for fintech and creative startups.

If everything fails my backup is my girlfriend's family owns shitloads of arable farmland which they offered us to live on if we want.

Being a farmer is a comfy backup.

>> No.7206196

Farming is beautiful. My older bro is a cop/farmer.