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720117 No.720117 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

Got two free hours at work and I'm bored. Copypasta OP and Russian nesting doll sales archive:

Last thread. Also has link to the first thread. Without being too much of a narcissistic douche, they both have a ton of info on salesmanship and general sales. Worth a read:

On me: 23 year old timeshare salesman. College dropout. Averaging around $12k a month income selling timeshare.

Can post greentext stories about work, sales advice, help build pitches, give info on timeshare, or get called a faggot a bunch.

>> No.720359

How do you find jobs like these? Also how do you deal with burn out after selling everyday ?

>> No.720398

>timeshare salesman

Literally one tier above MLM on the economic parasite scale

>> No.720452

>How do you find jobs like these?
I live in a big resort area. A friend and I were looking to get into real estate. He found this job, bombed the interview, then told me about it. I aced it and started working.

>Also how do you deal with burn out after selling everyday ?
I purposely don't talk for about an hour after work and just focus on me. It helps. But yeah, the stress and burnout potential is killer.


>> No.720630

Just got home. I'll be on for a while. No good stories lately. Office has been pretty dead after the layoffs.

>> No.720797

Sales semi-related question
Un one of your previous threads you mentioned that sales and pickup are very related; and that many of your abilities/techniques from sales have been very useful with girls. Can you tell us more about it?

>> No.720849

>sales and pickup are very related;
They are. You're just seeking yourself.

>and that many of your abilities/techniques from sales have been very useful with girls. Can you tell us more about it?
It's more or less your attitude and confidence. Certain little tips help, but the fact that I literally don't care about rejection anymore and can strike up conversation easily are the biggest factors. It actually backfired in a way the other night, though.

>Go to bar
>Chat with some guy on patio. He does sales too
>Swap stories
>Go inside to grab another beer
>Sit on stool next to some cute girl while I wait for my pint
>Start talking to her to pass time
>Decide I want her number
>Get her talking about herself
>Ask the right questions to make it seem like I care
>Steer it towards personal qualities
>Know exactly when to touch her shoulder
>"I feel the same way."
>Watch body language
>Begin to feel bad because I'm playing her like a fiddle
>Tell her to come out to patio
>Talk a while longer
>"Anon, I really like you. Like, this sounds stupid, but I just know my family would love you and I feel so comfortable around you. I can't believe it. Are you gay?"
>Had to ask an ex that was at the bar if I was gay in front of her
>"Look, Cara, I'm not gay. Don't know how to make that clearer."
>"Are you sure?"
>"I would literally fuck you tonight if I had the time."
>"Why not tonight?"
>Got her number

It's pretty much just everything I talk about in the other threads, but more emphasis on the girl and getting her to talk about herself. Find that common ground, make yourself attractive (funny, smart, driven), and when she wants you, take it away.

I'm not going to magically turn you into some pussy magnet. I hate PUA's and sincerely believe you'll get further by just respecting women and treating them like people.

>> No.720882

Appreciate it man.

Have you tried playing poker? You seem yo have a great understanding of others and it would undoubtedly help you. Any gambling stories?

>> No.721135

I played hold 'em for fun in college. Usually placed in the tournaments. But no; gambling professionally doesn't suit me. I like sales.

>> No.721679

Got an offer for a legalshield position, are they an evil pyramid scheme or can you make a career in that company?

>> No.721709

Meh. I'm leery because of the MLM slant. I'd avoid it, but vet it out for yourself, anon.

>> No.721720

Yeah im gonna meet with this guy tmrw, I'll see how it goes

>> No.722129

Good luck, man. Don't get pressured into a job you don't want, though.

>> No.722296

Hi bro, good to see you again. Presently sitting in my bedroom drunk post fap. While my main competition is at Tony Robbins, paid for by my boss, because I lost a sales comp to the motherfucker, I beat every cunt on the floor for six months straight and now this clown is making me look like a scrub. Since I last got tips from you I've been on a rollercoaster, how do you deal with the misery of having your arse kicked?

>> No.722318

>how do you deal with the misery of having your arse kicked?
Not really sure what you said prior, but this problem doesn't bother me all that much. My competition and me get along well, and I usually help anyone I can. If I'm in a slump, people will generally get me on their deals. The misery isn't that bad, as I never brag, so when I'm down, there's no pride fall.

Just buckle down, keep up the banter, and treat every client like it's the first of the month. That's pretty much my mindset; every day we start back at zero.

>> No.722344

That's it.
I'm done.
I'm taking an entry level sales job so I can learn enough social skills to stop being an autismo.
I just don't want to be a virgin at 24 any more.

>> No.722372

Just get comfortable with being outgoing before you try and interview, otherwise you'll tank it.

>> No.722396

Hi anon, thanks again for these threads, always enjoy your stories/insights.
I don't have any sales experience, is there a job you would recommend to get some of the basics before I go in for an interview for timeshare sales?
Im studying for my real estate license at the moment.

>> No.722406

>I don't have any sales experience, is there a job you would recommend to get some of the basics before I go in for an interview for timeshare sales?
Try and get a ton of numbers at the bar beforehand. Just get used to rejection. If you've read the threads, you've got a serious jump on your competition. Just be outgoing in the interview and seem hungry.

You may not need a real estate license. Check up on your state's laws.

>> No.723090

Met with him today, the legalshield definitely seems like it would be way to difficult and sleezy to earn the money in, however, he also own's an aflac branch. I was interested in this, the only issue is paying for the license, which they do not offer to do for you. What do you think Fag?

>> No.723536

I know people that sold for Aflac; they said it was okay. Honestly, if I wasn't in timeshare, I'd be selling insurance. Give it a shot.

Honestly, if you get burned (Solid chance you won't make any money), it's a learning experience that you can take with you and slap on your résumé.

>> No.725069

Complete and utter novice that started doing D2D for cable subscriptions, can you give me any good pointers ?

>> No.725084

Don't be dissuaded by the word no. You're going to hear it a lot.

Is your product better in any discernable way?

>> No.725091

Prices are better and promotions tend to fluctuate a lot.

>> No.725097

>Prices are better
Good. I'm not going to go through the hassle of switching my shit up for $10/month, though.

>and promotions tend to fluctuate a lot.
Not a selling point. It's a reason to buy today. If you tell me you run them all the time, it's a reason to buy later. Reasons to buy later are bad.

Find out what the biggest complaint your competitor's customers have is. Now guess what your product does better.

Do some research; you should know this shit front to back. People buy from winners and experts. Being an expert will get you sales; sales make you a winner.

>> No.725521

Is this the type of job I should be looking at for sales? http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sgv/sls/4956152014.html

>> No.725864

Sounds cool. A little full of themselves, and I can guarantee it'll be morally ambiguous, so it's almost perfect.

Give it a shot. At the very least you'll apparently get some certs and training out of it.

>> No.726216

On second thought, I don't know. It's one of those things where you have to try it and see. At least try to get the job and milk them for a free 6 and 63.

Just looking over their website makes it seem shady. I can almost 100% guarantee you'll be fleecing old folks that don't know any better. Give them a call; I'm almost tempted to just to see what it's about.

>> No.726512

6 and 63? Yeah I'll give them a call Monday

>> No.726523

Book rec?

I've tried, and failed, landing a sales job. I was working telesales at a startup that hired (and fired) heavily, I was culled our first day on the phones even though I was 1 of 2 trainees to make a close. I didn't stick to the script and my pitches were awkward and all over the place

Election season soon, I'll probably volunteer at a fund raising call bank

I'm smart, naturally influential (but anxiety) and I really want to learn sales

>> No.726524

Cialdini's "Influence"

It sounds like you need a process more than anything, though.

>> No.726919

Assume someone knows the product he is selling front to back, the competition's likewise but is still not getting the sale. What would you recommend ?

>> No.727086

>Don't be dissuaded by the word 'no'
This, and this, and this, and this

We're told to expect to need anything between two to fifteen closes.

>> No.727323

I'd tell you you're telling and not selling. People don't care if you tell them benefits. You need to literally explain how something would benefit them.

>Our product does x; now the great thing about that for you guys is that...

>When's the last time you wanted to thank your cable company?
>I haven't ever wanted to
>Now you see, I feel like that's wrong. And it's not your fault; it's Competitor's fault for making you pay more for a product that doesn't fit your needs (Backhanded dig at what they own). We're willing to afford you the ability to...

>> No.727413

You just hit the mark, will try to apply myself.

Also, what do you think about lowballing ?

>> No.727458

>Also, what do you think about lowballing ?
What do you mean?

>> No.727604

It's wear you don't wear underpants.

>> No.727608

I know this is late, but there are some company's that are willing to give you commission only sales jobs. I know some people won't agree, but I got my start w/ Rainbow vacuums a few years back, for 2 years. You could do this part time, I hit it full time and the experience was invaluable, but YMMV.

>> No.727635

I got my sales start with kirbys. 6 months and some lying and then i was selling cars. 3 months of that bs and then prefab steel buildings

>> No.727855

I mean the following.

>I will sale you X for Y just for you(Where Y is a low made up price).
>If he is in i will say something about talking to my boss and returning several hours later
>When i return i tell him i cant sell you for Y so how about the normal price + something promo.
Also, does anyone else have any more book recs ? I find the psychology aspect very interesting after reading Cialdini.

>> No.727872

Ultimate deal killer. Rescinding any offers puts people in a terrible frame of mind. You lose the trust of your customer and anyone with self respect will walk

>> No.727891

nigga you really need someone to tell you how absolutely retarded that is? How would you feel being the customer there?

>> No.727945

I just read about that and felt the need to ask.

>> No.727957

>i return i tell him i cant sell you for Y so how about the normal price
I would consider your offer then tell you to fuck off.

>> No.728478

No. This is a terrible idea. What you want to do is sell them on the product. Maybe even drop a few hints that it's more.

>I noticed your X in the driveway, that's a nice car
>[Bullshit about car for a bit]
>Now, John, shoot me straight. Is that your dream car. As in, if you could drive any car in the world regardless of cost, would that be it?
>No. It'd be Y.
>But if it was only $10 more a month, I'd be talking about the nice red Y in the driveway, wouldn't I?
>So you'd agree that sometimes it's better to pay a little more to get just what we want/more value, right?

Now he's thinking it's more money, but I've justified it. If they're in the deal here, it's a sale because that drop to less than what they're doing now is a no brainer. I wouldn't even ask what they're paying. Just assume your product costs more money. It makes it more valuable in their mind and sets you up for a great close.

>So how much more a month is our service than what you're doing right now?
>It's not
>What? You're paying that much for competitor?! I'll get the paperwork to allow you to be our client right now

>> No.728483


OP I know in any field you work in, the higher up you go the more closely your job gets to sales. So what advice do you have on becoming better @ sales?


>> No.728488

>So what advice do you have on becoming better @ sales?
Read this and the other threads, plus the materials recommended in them.

Confidence is the biggest thing in sales, though.

>> No.728986


Any recommendations on closing? (books/video/anything)

Have you seen this site?


>> No.729028

Good on you for making this thread. I don't go to /biz/ much, and while I don't mind dank memes and shitposting, this is very civil. Good for useful discussion!

You mentioned it makes you feel a bit bad so easily manipulating people. I'm a student of Psychology, and a few years out from getting a licensed clinical social work degree, and through experience in social interactions both informal and formal, coupled with basic knowledge of social and cognitive psychology..it really IS pretty easy.

The hard part for me is coming to terms with what I'm doing. It's fine if I'm trying to sell a product to someone I see as scum, or even just an average person. But then you get that nice, friendly, genuinely warm and caring person. I just can't do them the same way.

Something you've not mentioned, although you've gone into extraordinary detail without being too wordy (im a pretentious cunt with words i read too many books), is forming a question to the customer/potential client in which you'll be very confident of their answer.

The vast majority of a time, you'll get the same answer. You'll probably even "practice" some of the questions, although with time it'll get so natural it ain't even funny.

When you receive that answer you were prepared for, you're on the right track. You can have another hook ready to sink right into 'em.

It's all a game. At first it requires deep thought on your part, but it really does get so instinctual.

Just think to yourself "alright, what type of a person is this? given that information, what could motivate him in the direction I wish? what would be likely to blow your sale? what persona can you put on the charm this person?


>> No.729030

A small example; I've grown up and lived in Georgia my whole life. I've developed a southern accent, and I'm also lucky to have a soothing, deep voice. Now, I can switch accents very easily. If I see someone that is obviously travelling from abroad, and looking to get "an experience" out of the region, I'll put on my best southern charm for them.

If I see someone I determine is likely to think of blatant southerners as inbred hick trash, I'll put on a very neutral accent and treat the customer like royalty.

It doesn't bother me at all having to suck up to someone. To me, it's all a fun act or game. I also did do a bit of theater when I was young, but I don't think that is even very relevant.

>> No.729032

and I mis-spoke a bit, you mentioned it in examples plenty, but didn't emphasize how easy and important it can be for someone that is just beginning to "play the game"

>> No.729056

The regional manager at my workplace started from a position in shop with a degree in psychology, a very very good salesman i met has a degree in psychology, is understanding how the human mind works the key ?

I finished reading cialdini's influence, can you give me any more book recs ? Shit's interesting.

>> No.729062

What do you think about Jordan Belfort as a salesman, and are you familiar with his straight line persuasion technique.

>> No.729063

I'm looking to start a career as a salesman in real estate, any tips for a beginner?

>> No.729104


Well, I don't have any books off the top of my head directly on the subject, but I find Carl Jung's work interesting as all hell. It's pretty useless in a pragmatic or practical sense, though.

The key isn't the degree, or the education, really. I didn't learn the social skills (or manipulation to put it bluntly) from class.

But the general concepts, useless in the real world, form a good foundation to work off of.

The best way to practice is to find a job where you must sell a product to complete strangers, or where you must satisfy complete strangers' demands, imo. I got a job in a hotel, and my duties include both. Seeing dozens and sometimes hundreds of people each day, and being obligated to engage in conversation with them has shown me common patterns of human behavior. And from a very broad sample, as well!

I'm not saying go work in a hotel, really. But your best bet is becoming VERY aware of social interaction around you. Be an observer wherever you are. Never shut your brain off around a crowd, or around people having conversation.

You'll learn something new about people every day. And that's what it comes down to. Having a high probability of predicting the actions, desires, goals, and everything about a person.

In my opinion. Please understand, I have no successful business, and I don't have my graduate degree. I'm no authority in the logistics behind career-advancement. I just know people.

>> No.729107

btw, the only person that is gonna post walls of text now is me, and I'm not the expert that "some fag" was.

I'd love to discuss anything for a bit longer (3rd shift desk job, heh), though.

>> No.729145

Bump want the same thing

>> No.729177

What about products you believe to be great for sale but aren't available for you to sell (someone else's products that you like).. How'd you go about to get these products to sell?

>> No.729191

Alright boys here's a game for you:

Billy is 17, bit of a dweeb and wants more then anything to get laid.
He believes part of achieving this requires a sales job.
Billy is dumb. Like, real dumb an as such has no capacity to learn any more than seven points that are no more than seven words long.
Mandy, 21, his crush however is standing nearby, so using "guy talk" is out of the question.

What do?

>> No.729194

>You mentioned it makes you feel a bit bad so easily manipulating people
Outside of work only. At the office, I don't give a damn. They came in thinking they were smart enough to say no the whole time and get a $100 gift card.

>forming a question to the customer/potential client in which you'll be very confident of their answer.
Rhetorical questions and trial closes. Wouldn't you agree, right, can you see the benefit, etc. Yeah, they're a big deal. Feel like I mentioned it though. Kudos for expounding on it.

>What do you think about Jordan Belfort as a salesman, and are you familiar with his straight line persuasion technique.
He's alright. Some people at work love him. The straight line is good in that it makes you stick to a process.

>I'm looking to start a career as a salesman in real estate, any tips for a beginner?
Dress well, be personable, and work at a brokerage where you don't get fucked.

>> No.729268

I've actually always liked the idea of timeshares.
The price of the actual timeshares I've seen over the years seem fine, it's just all the additional fees they all seem to have.

Maintenance fees
'community' or 'resort' fees

If it's $500 for a years fees, why am I being charged that for one week of ownership?
And 2 weeks means I Pay twice?
The fees just seem a way of offsetting the cost they could have rented it for.
I understand they are often well-appointed, etc and the costs of hiring the room is often at least 60% or more. But the margin seem tight, especially with so many 'daily deal' sites, discount clubs, airBnB, etc

>> No.729285

Give up Billy. Any 21 y/o chick who wants a 17 y/o guy is mentally deficient

>> No.729331

Fucking what?

>> No.729481

A seven point plan where each point is no longer than seven words. Eg.
1.Bitches Love Money
2.Money = Sale
3.Sale = Closing
4.Closing = Balls
5.Balls = Salary
6.Salary = Money
7. Money = Bitch

>> No.729539

Women don't love money; they love confidence.

Also, no. I don't have anything that simple. Make people want what you're selling, then let them buy it.

>> No.729757

I would try to buy them at a discount and then sell them to people that may enjoy them.

>> No.729788

Any tips for increasing my door to door response rate?
I sell coupons for local businesses and it's a fairly wealthy area.

Is there any angles I could use besides just saving money/supporting local business?

>> No.730145

>1: Make
>2: people
>3: want
>4: what
>5: you're-selling-then-let-them-buy-it
>6: ????
>7: Profit.
Nailed it.

>> No.730507

>Is there any angles I could use besides just saving money/supporting local business?
People don't buy angles they buy value. Find out what their hot button is. Is it the feeling they get from supporting local businesses, the extra money they could use to spend on "blank," the thrill of using coupons to discover new businesses together? That's where selling comes in. Put them in the picture.

>> No.730719

Hey anon, called the ad I mentioned before http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sgv/sls/4956152014.html, Got an interview tomorrow with them. Gonna ride it out and see how it goes.

>> No.731035

Cool. Let me know how it goes/what the gig seems like.

>> No.731568

What do you do to stay motivated?

>> No.731594


You should try working at a Fossil store, I found that having worked there for 2 years really brought out the salesman in me. I'm sure other stores are fine too, but I have to give props to the company that helped me break out of my shell.

As far as other stores though, don't do large stores like Forever21 or Macy's. Pick a boutique, I worked in a handbag and accessory only store and you REALLY have to connect to the customers there. Great competitive environment too.

>> No.731916

Every single client is an opportunity for me to earn at least $500. It's not that difficult to stay motivated. It's just a matter of not letting yourself get rundown or exhausted. That's the hard part.

>> No.732245

Fossil sales reps are barely sales, but it's a start. Last time I went into Fossil I walked out with a watch I didn't want and the number of a sales girl I didn't care about. I felt filthy.

>> No.733289

Boredom bump

Any anons need a hand with a pitch or some sales advice?

>> No.733812

Hey Fag!
I have followed this post since it started and been reading Influence by Cialdini as was recommended. I'm however not going to learn only by reading but also by doing so I was wondering if you have any tips of landing sales jobs? As you mentioned you aced the interview but how and why did they choose you over anyone else?

I have had a great lack of will when it comes to school thus my grades are shit and I didn't study after college because studying wasn't my thing...

I do however have great social skills and confidence which has landed me jobs whenever I've needed in the past but now I want to become a sales person for home alarm systems and I feel I'm under qualified because even though I'm a licensed security guard I've had no experience in retail/sales except for brief 3-4 months as a glorified barista.

I'm searching for a mentor and would love to have you as one, Fag. If you're too busy please ask around if your contacts feel like training this puppy in sales to become the greatest. I feel this is my thing and the only job where I'd never feel like it's work.

Thank you for this thread btw, it's been an eye opener.

>> No.733821

I got one. How did the whole timeshare thing get turned into a scam industry?
It's theoretically a good solid idea, logical and useful for people.
The hell happened? And why did it happen to timeshares specifically and not other markets?

Also, why are banks/bankers so terrible at sales? It seems like they can't ever come up with even a half-assed pitch, it's always a weak "why not open X too while we're at it?"

>> No.734090

Neet af

>> No.734115

Getting ready for work. I'll have done downtime later.

Good question. I actually have a great answer for this. Just bumping so the these doesn't die.

>> No.734335

>I do however have great social skills and confidence which has landed me jobs whenever I've needed in the past but now I want to become a sales person for home alarm systems and I feel I'm under qualified because even though I'm a licensed security guard I've had no experience in retail/sales except for brief 3-4 months as a glorified barista.
Nobody is under qualified for a sales position, man. You'll be alright. Just be outgoing in the interview.

>I'm searching for a mentor and would love to have you as one, Fag. If you're too busy please ask around if your contacts feel like training this puppy in sales to become the greatest.
You had me until this, guy. You're weirding me out. Nobody is going to do this. Someone at your new sales job might, though. I have newbies to train at my job. Having the lack of awareness to ask this is awesome, though. You literally won't hear no or be afraid to ask for money.

>How did the whole timeshare thing get turned into a scam industry?
Huge money to be made, it was a relatively novel idea for the American market, and people are liable to blame everyone but themselves for an irrational choice or impulse buy. What you're talking about has really fallen by the wayside, as the smaller operations have mostly been swallowed by large corporations. I have stories about the shit they used to do that are hilarious. But by and large, the less frequently you deal with an area of your life, the more likely that the salesperson will be "shady." I.e. timeshare isn't bought often. Neither is life insurance. Both have reps that are known for being unscrupulous at times. Car salesmen and equipment manufacturers actually rely on repeat business, so they're better in some instances.

The image of timeshare salesmen that you most likely have in your mind isn't that true to life anymore.

>> No.735212

Thanks for answering though, I've sent the application today took me two days with help to get it done nicely.
I don't mind you getting weird or anything but didn't really follow on why? It's alright though. I've started watching sales videos and I'm really learning lots now :) No need for mentor as of now.

This is the video I liked the most if anyone is interested.


>> No.735423

>I don't mind you getting weird or anything but didn't really follow on why?
It's just not a question somebody asks another person. It's oddly personal, and I don't know you. The fact that you lack the wherewithal to realize that means you'll be amazing at sales, though.

>> No.735856

I have a second interview this upcoming week. Anyway, guy said it's about a 4 week training/licensing period. But then you have to basically get your own clients through referral's and you usually go to their home for the first appointment. He told me within a year you get all the required licenses to become a full on planner. Seems like a descent job, just not looking forward to creating leads myself. Will update after second interview.

>> No.736634

>But then you have to basically get your own clients through referral's and you usually go to their home for the first appointment.

Sounds cool. Just a heads up, though; this part of the job is going to suck.

>> No.736677

I work technical inside sales and my boss is pushing me into cold calling. I absolutely hate this and am seriously considering quitting. Have you had anything in the sales line of work that you refuse to do

>> No.736707

I've torpedoed my own table before because I knew the deal would literally bankrupt the person. They were admittedly stupid for letting me talk them into it, but there's only so much I can stand to do. I'd rather make $2,000 less in a month than make someone lose their home. This has happened about 4 times. I then tell these people to never go on another presentation again.

As far as things I hate doing? Absolutely. I help reps that couldn't set up a TO if their lives depended on it, I run the front end on other reps' clients for no money to help the team, pick up manager duties for no pay, and shield new reps from upper level fury. It sucks at times, but I genuinely enjoy it, and those small things pay dividends.

>> No.737020

>It's just not a question somebody asks another person. It's oddly personal, and I don't know you. The fact that you lack the wherewithal to realize that means you'll be amazing at sales, though.
Stop encouraging autistic children to get in to sales.

>> No.737078

Share the story please

>> No.737455

Never. He's just the right amount of autistic.

>> No.737553

asking to be mentored is not normal? stop acting like your shit don't stank.

the only reason you keep shitposting here is your craving for attention. having a pet should be your dream come true.

>> No.737606

Asking in that fashion to be mentored by what is essentially a stranger isn't normal.

I post here because I'm usually bored and genuinely enjoy helping people. Taking on an apprentice outside of work isn't something I'm looking to do, though. I have enough reps I'm teaching at work. Most people in sales capable of teaching do.

>> No.737916

"He's just the right amount of autistic."
-Some Fag, 2015.
>Sales in a nutshell.

>> No.738440

It's not all that great. I was flirting with the sales girl, she said I should work there, I said there were better ways to see me, she put a watch on my wrist; said it would look good for our date, I bought it because why not, then left with her number on the receipt.

After I got in the car, I realized I didn't really want another watch (It's not a bad knockaround watch, but still) and I didn't want to take her on a date. I still have the watch; haven't texted her in months.

>> No.738825


>> No.738876

>genuinely enjoy helping
>makes a living fucking people over

you're a saint, mate. a real hero.

>> No.739015

I hope this is the last time anyone in the thread acknowledges you.

If you genuinely want to know more about the business or sales processes in general, feel free to ask a question or start an earnest conversation. If you just want to shitpost, go to /b/.