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7196640 No.7196640 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys stay focused on your goals and keep your expectations of yourself high when everyone is so negative both online and irl?

>> No.7196682
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idk man

>> No.7196705

i fake being very positive towards others irl, which is probably why i'm such a dick on here

>> No.7196737

Pretend to be negative online to make people more miserable as I chuckle

>> No.7196755

Unironically JBP

>> No.7196786

Since i was a kid i was taught to laugh it off with problems you can't solve.
I guess either im relly optimistic or just borderline crazy.

>> No.7196815

Lol goals, nice try society

>> No.7196820

don't really need the money,
felt the winds of change blowing,
have never felt anything like it.
we're at the very beginning.

>> No.7196821


>> No.7196864


>> No.7196870

This >>7196786
And this>>7196815

>> No.7196933

Smoke weed everyday.

>> No.7196994

never really had any goals until like 2 years ago, only goal now is to make enough money to retire my parents early since I was a complete shit to them for years, I don't really care what happens to me after they die, I just want to make them happy and relieved, being negative towards everyone else is really a great release, and everyone else being negative should always be expected and not s surprise(sadly) so I don't care about it

>> No.7197025

Easy. Stop being a little bitch

>> No.7197067

>these feels
I'm an old fag and I have to say that I fucking hate the 2010's. I've never felt so much negativity and emotional oppression. I've never seen the country this divided or filled with this many people who will be just nasty fucks over some pointless ideology that wouldn't help them even if it was implemented.

As for goals...LMFAO. I would check out if I had the cash. Like literally check out. Wake up, take a walk, play vidya, watch movies, go to sleep. Check. Out.

But I don't have the cash so I press on in the hopes that I find some peace before I decide life isn't worth it any more.

>> No.7197079
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By setting my goals low and achievable, like not trying to kill myself for a week.

>> No.7197082

I have neither.

>> No.7197161

No offense but why are you on a business board? isn't /r9k/ more your speed or literally being on suicide watch in a hospital?

If you're actively suicidal you probably can't work a job or even invest if youre going to be that emotional.

>> No.7197250

Same, I bought more ETH just because I would rather lose that money than miss next up train.

>> No.7197461

spend less time online, read good books, be nice to yourself, drink warm tea inside by candlelight and watch the rain fall

everyone is dying

>> No.7197464

Nah, I'm just being this guy.

But honestly I don't have high expectations of myself like I'm destined for greatness and I try not to overplan most things. I didn't spend years thinking about how to have children, it was a decision but I never saw it as a goal. I don't know if I'm explaining myself too well.