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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7195183 No.7195183 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get one of these threads? Parents trying to leech of crypto gains, normie "friends" all of a sudden wanting to talk to you, ex gfs showing interest again?
I don't know what it is about this shit but i fucking love it.

>> No.7195246
File: 458 KB, 980x620, banecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7195262

that image gave me a solid kek

>> No.7195296

You actually love it? I think its pathetic and also who do they think I am? Just some idiot they can use, situating to however they feel?

>> No.7195311

Sad how you had to make up images like this so you feel better about wasting time and money on ponzi schemes.

>> No.7195326

I just love watching normies on their knees begging for NEETs to save them, it's hilarious

>> No.7195418

kek, look at the other coins, BTC will be the last one to hit zero, after everyting else is gone to dust.

>> No.7195495

You actually really think this stuff is going to 0?
Learn about market cycles man. I'm just waiting patiently for this all to bottom out and buy in really.

As long as this market isn't atleast in the trillions, people will become fortnight millionaires.

>> No.7195564

yup...most hated person in my family.

havent spoken to certain cousins/aunts in years.

funny how everyone pops out of the woodwork when they find out you made a bunch of money.

>> No.7195583

Any stories? Screenshots?

>> No.7195612

It's not a good, service, or viable currency. It's a human centipede of speculators waiting to be eaten by the whales when they take it to zero.

>> No.7195722

>You actually really think this stuff is going to 0?
>Rick&Morty concept, you wouldn't understand

>> No.7195753

>telling anybody you have money
retard move

>> No.7195866

When I was younger I made a lot of money in my late teens.
>relatives asking for money
>brother needing cash for college
>brother wanting a loan for a down payment on his house
>dad wanting a car
>relatives wanting money for deposits on apartments then they leave them in disrepair losing the deposit
>relatives wanting western union, walmart2walmart transfers, please help us anon
>friends always needing to borrow cash for this or that, small amounts $20 $40 but still
>mom asking me to give my other brother cash for a downpayment on a house since I did it for one brother

I eventually went broke due to my business falling apart and then everyone treated me fairly poorly and kinda looked down on me for years. Everyone was concerned theyd have to support me if I lost my house in bankruptcy. Anon, you will never make that kind of money again, you need to get a normal job, etc. Anon, we knew it wouldnt last, where did all your money go? Are you spending it on drugs or something? No one would loan me anything to save my business at the time. Oh anon, you loaned us 10k? We can loan you maybe $300 but we just dont think youd be able to pay back anymore, we cant take care of you, you're an adult, my wife wont agree to it. We cant loan you money for your sick pet just because you're facing foreclosure & broke, we have our own bills. I just dont have the words for how that felt.

>sold everything i could on amazon/eBay/etc to do what I could for my pet
>living in poverty but was able to save my house, wanted to sell it when my pet got sick but it was bought right before the 08 crash and all my equity was gone due to price changes
>fast forward a couple years
>working on different projects
>make bank off crypto
>cashout a lot, have a lot in, run a crypto business
>got a second house now turned into a rental property

Im done telling anybody shit about anything. I just pretend that I scrape by. Im moving far away and want to be just left alone.

>> No.7196034

What was your first business?

I find it so hard coming up with business ideas. I need to get out of my room more.

>> No.7196174

I just latch on to trends, so for example Ive made a lot of money on myspace layouts when people used that social network. Then people moved to facebook and I made a ton of money on those facebook profile images when people wanted to decorate their facebook pages. Then first wave of facebook app games, then wallpaper sites, then virtual currency, then crypto currency.

I just take whatevers currently trending and copy the people currently making money. You probably have to be really skilled and a visionary to come up with something completely new, its easier to just take whats currently popular and make small changes to it.

>> No.7196201

What is trending now? I've been in the 4chan bubble so long I feel disconnected from the world?

>> No.7196268

These threads are fucking cancer.

>Muh mental masturbation about being le rich

Fucking embarrassing. You are pathetic if you do this shit and I'm rich as fuck now (over 7mil usd) and grew up poor as dirt and still feel this way. I've been homeless and had people spit at me, but I still don't give a fuck about "rubbing it in" or somehow getting revenge...

Grow the fuck up you faggots

>> No.7196823

Crypto, tons of money to be made in sites teaching people how to buy (affiliate links). Im doing crypto til the end of the year then moving into some non-profit'ish projects. Then theres niches that are always popular such as creating a site to teach people how to make money and filter them through affiliate links. This site makingsenseofcents.com makes some lady millions a year just from teaching people how to create a blog (through affiliate links) so they can also make millions. Think about how sick that is. You run a site telling people how to make money but all your money comes from getting them to signup to the most expensive blog hosting sites so you can get high affiliate revenue.

Mobile apps were another big trend where some early adopters made millions or real companys. Indie games are still a fairly popular route.

Great business opportunities usually exist somewhere where there is high demand and not a lot of competition.

>> No.7196873

Isn't crypto kind of done for normalfags now though?

I'll keep my eye open. Do you know any good sites or resources for tracking general trends for a person as disconnected from reality as a 4chan NEET?

>> No.7197153

nice larp

>> No.7197203

Just tell em that it goes far beyond the petty foibles of our lives

>> No.7197261

told one friend about it in december, he bought at ATH like a retard and then called me a scammer when the price got corrected (LTC @ 380)

my dad saw bitcoin on the news crashing and said "this is why I don't want you to get bitcoin for me,look at the news"

thanks fox news

>> No.7197361
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>> No.7197399

Crypto isnt over. Ver, the coinbase CEO, the gemini twins, all the billionaires involved, etc. arent just going to toss their hands up and be like, oh well. Markets still up, no one knows whats going to happen, but its not going to die. Youd want to position yourself to take advantage of the next hype cycle.

I pay attention to ads online and you can usually spot a trend, though harder to do since contextualized advertising where ads are tailored to your browsing history.

You can check sites where people sell websites,
Then see how much people are making with what type of site and what kind of traffic.

Reddit has a few entrepreneur/startup subreddits, the people posting bs info are usually also promoting their social media or trying to sell you something so you have to watch out for people telling you about amazing make money opportunities.

Theres also twitch streaming, making youtube videos, etc.