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7187015 No.7187015 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7187101

VEN marine reporting

>> No.7187143
File: 478 KB, 1242x804, EB1CAE77-DADB-4403-B7FA-48382A221B29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 EOY

>> No.7187206

Bought in at like $7, didn't have fiat to buy the dip.

Still hodling...

>> No.7187209


>> No.7187240

EOY 2018:
#1 ETH
#2 BTC
#3 VEN

>> No.7187269

Same here my dude

>> No.7187291
File: 105 KB, 600x376, 9761368B-DA37-4A65-B4F9-8E40A7AA561A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VENavy Master Chief reporting for duty
Our faith will be rewarded

>> No.7187319


At least I'm not alone. Hold strong VENbro, we'll be rich one day no matter our buy-in!

>> No.7187340

i-i unironically think this

>> No.7187399



>> No.7187727

Me neither. It took me a while build the capital. I am all in on VEN with all profit I made from crypto. You just have to ride the waves.

>> No.7187763

So do I, brother. So do I.

>> No.7187769
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>> No.7187834

node boy holding strong
have naughty thoughts of it going to 3 again so i can pick up some more

>> No.7188455

Ven and Nano are going to make us all rich.

>> No.7188537

>Have 75K Ven I got back in december
>Down 40% from ATH wealth
>Still up 10X from when I bought in
It's like the dip didn't even happen.

>> No.7188629


You know he went broke for committing fraud right?

>> No.7188974

Are you my mirror image?

>> No.7188998

Getting on the train. In 2012 I was attempting to scale Mount Everest. I was in a small group of 4 people. We decided we were good enough climbers that we didn’t need guides. We were 1500 feet from the summit when I fell down a crevice and broke my ankle. I was sure I was going to die up there. My group left me as there was nothing they could do so they headed back down the mountain. I cried to myself as I neared my inevitable death. Suddenly I heard rustling. A man in an orange suit and an oxygen mask suddenly appeared. He said he heard the call on the radio and couldn’t leave a fellow human to die. He was actually on his way back down the mountain. He grabbed me and threw me on his shoulder. This man was impossiblly strong. He didn’t carry me down the mountain. He carried me to the summit so I could achieve my dream. We opened my bottle of champagne and he told me about this amazing supply chain project he was working on. Then Sunny carried me down the mountain to the base camp where a helicopter flew me to the hospital. Sunny is my hero and a legend. He will always have a warm place in my heart

>> No.7189011

Just got a few more for some turnaround bucks

>> No.7189014
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All in comfy as fuck

>> No.7189089

Why would a Ven token ever be worth more than $15?
there's also a 800 million supply.

>> No.7189122
File: 599 KB, 1900x1267, 76371FE0-897A-499E-97AD-8472D870BD99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a police officer in Switzerland. I would set up my speed traps on winding mountain roads to catch so called “enthusiast speeders.” These people often drove exotic European cars and would drive a 3x the posted limit. It was easy to catch these speeders and it made me look good in front of my Captain. One day I saw an gods chariot come racing over a crest at 97 MPH. I couldn’t believe it. This driver had balls and taste. I had to meet him. I radioed ahead for a roadblock. There was no way I could catch him on my own. My fellow officers covered the road. With screeching tires and mountains of smoke he came to a stop inches from the road block. There was a bespectacled, handsome Asian man behind the wheel. His license just said Sunny. No last name. We admired his car and he popped the hood to show us his engine bay. No modifications. Just a clean, pure E30 M3. We respected this man. He respected us. Let him go with a warning.
Pic related

>> No.7189163

Is Ven a blochain ?

>> No.7189164

10k reporting in, looking to add another 2,500 VEN tonight during the dip.

>> No.7189170


>> No.7189212

I was in Singapore to get a break from it all, the job, the kids, and I decided to visit the VeChain office. On my way to my hotel I saw a black Audi A8 that appeared to be following me as I walked. Two Singaporean men in black tuxes and black sunglasses, some kind of FBI shit I swear. Scared, I darted through the nearest alley way. Now this is where is gets crazy.

One of the men in the car jumps out of nowhere with a silenced pistol in hand, blocking my way out of the alley. I turn to run the other way, and another, almost a clone of the first man, is on the other side. "DROP THE LUGGAGE AND LEAVE, MILK MAN. YOUR KIND NO GOOD HERE." Scared shitless, I obviously give in to his demands and drop it.
Then, by some fucking divine miracle, a masked stranger with a samurai sword decapitates one of the men. Almost simultaneously, he pulls out a Chinese pistol and eliminates the man on the other side.

I stand there in awe, as he removes his mask. Standing there, in all his glory, is Sunny fuckin Lu. I stood there shaking, almost crying, and say "I owe my life to you... Thank you." He looks me directly in the eyes and says "For a friend, I'd do it again," and pulls me in to cry on his shoulder. I will never forget that day.

>> No.7189229

nice meme

>> No.7189234
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I should add my story too. In 1999 I was on my honeymoon in Mexico. Days of laying around on the beach. We became friends with a man who was often in the chair over from us. He was alone but very friendly. Eventually we were having dinner every evening with him. This was an intense hurricane season. We awoke to banging on our door one night. Sunny was at our door. He said the hurricane changed course and was coming straight for us. We needed to leave immediately. All flights were cancelled. He took us to the beach where his seaplane was waiting. We headed out into the bay to what seemed like straight into the storm. He banked the airplane sharply and away from the storm. We flew through the night and landed in Texas. We had to leave all our luggage behind but Sunny saved our lives. Pic of our hotel room related.

>> No.7189300


When I seen eth no.1 I didn't look anymore down simpleton,
BTC will be no1 eoy 140k screen cap this

>> No.7189548

11th of September 01 I was in a taxi trying to get to the airport as fast as I could or else I'd miss my flight almost in tears, a man wearing a sharp black tuxedo and a hat I couldn't see he's face jumped into the cab, and detouring my taxi meaning I'd missed my flight, I was tears & angry I seen the man with the hat jump into a Cadillac with the plates "SUNNY" I was distraught then news broke out the plane hit a tower all passengers died I was meant to be on that plane if it wasn't for the man in the Cadillac all these years later stumbling on the internet I found the owner of the Cadillac was matter of fact sunny Lu.

>> No.7189594
