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File: 17 KB, 200x200, deepbrain-chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7184855 No.7184855 [Reply] [Original]

What the fucc is happening to this shitcoin
I'm still holding 56k
Bags are getting heavy, when are we mooning again?

>> No.7185050

lol I dunno man, hopefully when the market recovers.

>> No.7185208
File: 61 KB, 611x404, 9b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't sell at 4k sat

>> No.7185269

Lol why did you buy it on ATH
>shitty website
>a lot of competitors out there
>chink material

Got in early and sold early (60 cents)

>> No.7185352
File: 6 KB, 248x203, IMG_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he listened to LameGangGoodGoy

>> No.7185454

>Biz anon told me it was a hidden gem
>All in
>Worthless braincells
I'm ending this

>> No.7185572
File: 767 KB, 1136x1452, DTylm3FU8AAchrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically i get mad anxiety any time i check cuck coin but then i remember that my brain has grown from this experience regardless of the monetary status of Deep Brain Chain. then i remember the Chinese government is making a big AI push and has hinted about financially backing DBC. the DeepLearning algorithm will parallel train the AI efficiently and reinforcement training will reduce power consumption, thus reducing fees for everyone involved.

DBC is actually useful so it'll thrive. NEO conference last night proved that

>> No.7185620

I sold half of mine that was still in the green for XRB to stop some of the bleeding, it's gonna be a long dark time

>> No.7185670

I didn't buy it at ATH, I bought it at various points between $0.13 and $0.25

Just need it to moon until then then I'm dumping my bags

>> No.7185753

Anon, they are working with the Chinese government (in Guangzhou).



>> No.7185963

when did you buy in ?

>> No.7185984

Dunno why nobody ever talks about this

>> No.7186034

>various points between $0.13 and $0.25

>> No.7186261

I think we're fucked :(

>> No.7186476


>> No.7186720

This coin is utter shit. Do not buy this garbage. Save yourself the money. Dead serious.

>> No.7186832

Back up your statement with reasoning and not emotion, fag.

>> No.7186886
File: 144 KB, 640x480, 1515859932251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is me.

>> No.7187147

>being this upset that you're stuck with my bags

>> No.7187155

wow im speechless

>> No.7187619

looks like it IS mooning

>> No.7187798
File: 25 KB, 407x350, HEY_HEY_HEEEEEEEEEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> guys don't worry the huobi listing will make it moon
> guys don't worry it's just the whales holding down the price for the huobi competition
> guys don't worry we just announced partnership with Disney
> guys don't worry we have an important conference the 29th
> guys don't worry the NEO conference will make it moon surely

>> No.7187930

It's okay, you guys still doing better than other coins like bnty, can, snov, tel

>> No.7188190

Did you fall for that culty tripfag's routine? This coin has no use case. Anyone doing AI will use actual computers that don't take weeks to run simple algorithms. There's no use to decentralized slow as fuck machine learning like there is for decentralized secure currency. None of the current challenges in machine learning have to do with it being too centralized.

>> No.7188263

>muh decentralized secure currency

All I care about is the reduction in fees thanks to AI

>> No.7188348

I just bought another couple thousand I'll check back in a year and see what's happening they should be around

>> No.7188434
File: 311 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180201-235418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell at 0.000193


>> No.7188607

You don't seem to even understand what DBC is claiming to do in the best case scenario.

>> No.7188684
File: 254 KB, 960x768, 1517068955182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBC is actually useful because AI will increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Tell me worst case? ;~)

>> No.7188757

AI is useful. Now follow along carefully, why is Deep Brain Chain useful for AI?

>> No.7188765

Let me make things clear for you. What happened is, a lot of people bought this coin early and once it started to moon, they posted about it on this board. You saw these threads and got excited because you're greedy and dumb. The people that bought early then sold their bags to you and laughed as it sank like a stone. Now you're stuck holding at a loss, and you will probably sell before you ever make profit. It will moon again, and you will kick yourself for selling. You will do this many times with many different coins and ultimately never make it.

>> No.7188854

Because almost all the money an AI startup gets goes straight to hardware to crunch the numbers for the AI. They have to buy it straight up, no alternatives.

With DBC it might be a little slower but thousands of smaller companies will be able to afford what used to keep them all out of the game.

Why is this such a hard concept for you retards to grasp?

>> No.7188896

Except I'm not going to sell at a loss, nor did I buy anywhere near the ATH

>> No.7188946

This is me! Been trading 9 months and I should easily be over a million but I fucked up many times

>> No.7188955

it reduces time taken/cost associated with hyperparameter optimization in neural nets. did you read the white paper?

>> No.7189015

Jokes on you, I bought in early but didn't sell and am now stuck holding at a loss, nobody dumped their bags at me

>> No.7189026



Every single line is the most hilarious bad Engrish I've heard in years

>> No.7189053

Well i'd say AI is a great basketball player, maybe one of the best.
But to say he's useful is a big of a stretch.
Like i'm a huge fan but we talking bout useful ??

>> No.7189088

Moon in a month. Happy waiting.

>> No.7189271

It doesn't reduce time at all. In fact it vastly increases it due to requiring multiple steps distributing the computation to the network.

>associated with hyperparameter optimization

So you agree that they aren't even trying to do actual parameter optimization. What the fuck do you think happens next?

>> No.7189292

I sold this piece of shit at 49c after buying for 12c. You're all retards for thinking this was a short term buy.

By 2019 it might be worth something.

>> No.7189653


"As we all know the AlphaGo co-ed 5 greatest world champions and thus it becomes the king of Go"

Well good luck to you fucking retards that fell for this.

>> No.7189699

Bc fudders gunna fud