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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 225 KB, 1456x1563, CsUgKBVr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7180947 No.7180947 [Reply] [Original]

>"Look Stacy, there is that CREEPY loser that has been living like a hermit all summer playing with his internet money!"
>"Yeah Diane, his friend even told me he was thinking about asking me out once he 'made his millions'"
>"Ewwwwww, that's GROSS, I heard that the government shut all of that down because pedophiles and terrorists were using it, which is why the entire market has crashed"
"Omg really? So he is a pedo AND poor?! Ewwwww"

>> No.7180984

>Hot enough to hang out with Stacey

That is Brittney you retard.

>> No.7181081

one on the right look so void of emotion and seems so vapid i just want to annihilate her

>> No.7181118

Don't talk about my future wife like that.

>> No.7181152


means she's probably on antidepressants, or some other psychiatric medication

>> No.7181174

>you will never hatefuck a vapid bimbo who desperately needs someone to support her dreams of living out of poverty

>> No.7181275

Too much make up. Waking up to an ugly bitch the next morning sucks.

>> No.7181314

Creepy virgin pedo losers using internet coins used by terrorists.

>> No.7181330

who the bitches

>> No.7181342

post pics of her feminine penis

>> No.7181375

Good thing you'll never wake up to her.

>> No.7181417

You’re looking at literal perfection she is so beautiful

>> No.7181508

>only all summer
normalfags can't comprehend this affliction

>> No.7181517
File: 61 KB, 276x640, SIht4PS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey son, let me introduce you to my boss's daughter. Ever since the whole Bitcorn price hike, word has got round town that you are the most eligible bachelor in town and he insisted that I introduce you to her, even promising me a pay rise."

>"I thought it was crazy at first but now that you are a millionaire I guess this is how those high flyers court with eachother! Heh and to think, I met your mom when she was waiting tables!"

>"Anyway sorry, here is Stacy! Go on, why not give her a peak at your portfolio thingy majiggy and show her what a great investor you are! Go get 'em! *nudge*"

>> No.7181554
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>> No.7181605
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>white women

>> No.7181653

>fish-people women

>> No.7181662
File: 56 KB, 800x450, 1512732967504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl on the right looks like the kind I would fall for, have good brief talks with her that gave me hope making her smile, only to find out she is banging Chad.

>> No.7181684

Does she have a dick ? If not, I'd tell my dad to fuck off

>> No.7181751

i like asians but this girl literally looks like a fish with boobs, come on now

>> No.7181853
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, stacyandrebecca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



*At a house party in your town*

>"Hey Stacy, isn't that the guy your dad tried to hook you up with because he said he had great prospects?"
>"Yeah Rebacca, its him! Omg, why is he looking at us? He showed me his portfolio and literally everything he has was red. My dad was wrong all along, he also had some weird anime wallpaper on his phone, freaked me out completely."
>"Oh so he isn't a rich investor?"
>"No not at all, my dad apologised for everything and set me up on a date with Chad who has a huge trust fund, which isn't the only thing that is huge about him ;)"
>"OMG Stacy! :D Wow lets go, this guy is creeping me out"

>> No.7181854

>implying materialistic whores even know about 'internet money'

>> No.7181894
File: 836 KB, 1280x904, FISHSHAPED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she look like a fish do you even know what a fish looks like

>> No.7181956

>Downie face
You can do better than that

>> No.7181993

Literally looks like an insectoid

>> No.7182050
File: 400 KB, 1200x1800, CMhOhWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. soyboys

>> No.7182081

You write like you have no idea how women actually talk. Do you have the faintest idea how dialogue even occurs between people?

>> No.7182149

lmao these type of girls only fuck black guys.

>> No.7182191

Dude this is 4chan these people have never seen a vagina

>> No.7182220

100% not true.

>> No.7182313

Fucking retarded, immersion and boner gone >>>/qst/ for practice

>> No.7182355

>hurrrr if you want a girl with a good face you drink soy

>> No.7182366

This thread is hilarious to me because Ive been drowning in 8/10+ thot pussy for months because of my crypto gains allowing me to pretend to be rich as fuck.

Going back to thailand soon though, since western women are garbage and teenage thai small town farm girls are a miracle of the universe.

>> No.7182426


OP here, worse LARP than me

>> No.7182439

Stacy is such a Gen Xer name, I don't know anyone under 40 with that name.

>> No.7182444

These are the only good posts on /biz/

>> No.7182449

>girls with status ruining their status

>> No.7182498


every time. I hope every one of you NEET fucks goes bankrupt

>> No.7182613

Are you unironically this retarded? Fucking anecdotal evidence is worthless brainlet

>> No.7182617


Sorry your life sucks. Wear nice clothes, smell good, and ooze money. See how easy it is to get your tip wet.

>> No.7182682

My daughter will be named Stacy :^)

>> No.7182810

He is larping as a basement dweller. Can't you see through the sarcasm, fuckin idiot. On 4chan everything is larping or exaggerated lest you get doxxed

>> No.7182957
File: 769 KB, 1173x1594, 9mzWBsD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking top tier Tyrones is actually gets them more SMV points

>> No.7183010

Yeah...no. Maybe in your cuck mind that is true but in the real world people still look down on it which is why IR porn is a massive net loss and IR relationships are under 5%.

>> No.7183297
File: 31 KB, 540x529, 1516977980930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this idiot living under a rock. Girls look up to the socialites occupying Hollywood and all these sluts do is fuck NBA players. It's considered cool to so. I live in a majority female household, have bugged their rooms, and hear their retarded conversations all the time/when they have sleepoverd, they prefer darkskinned/tanned dudes. This redpilled me on their true nature. Bet you believe females are innocent creatures with no sexual fantasies, like the true cuck you are.

>> No.7183341

>The greatest number of people were given this name in 1971, when 9,106 people in the U.S. were given the name Stacy. Those people are now 46 years old

Eat shit faggot.

>> No.7183376


>> No.7183387

>I live in a majority female household, have bugged their rooms, and hear their retarded conversations all the time/when they have sleepoverd, they prefer darkskinned/tanned dudes.
At least make it believable anon.

>> No.7183434

>women, like any herd animal are influenced by whatever the dominant society is hammering into their brains daily and abide in order to get along
>surprised and disgusted
Time to take the country back from the kikes anon, that's the only way to fix society, as for individuals it takes being a stronger male and having more to offer than society and papa govt.

>> No.7183497

No they don't and no you didn't and no they didn't.

>> No.7183509


kys kike

>> No.7183584
File: 59 KB, 550x340, Beautiful-girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Underestimating female hivemind thinking
A female will see another female doing something and they start doing it too without thinking about it or the consequences
>Oh she dyed her hair blue
>I'll dye mine too
Have 3 sisters, alcoholic deadbeat aunt and a retarded single mother
You wouldn't believe what these women say behind closed doors. I once overhead them discussing how a friend of theirs purchases pregnancy test positive urine on eBay and made a chad commit with it

>> No.7183645

3/10, getting some responses. You watch way too much cuck porn.

>> No.7183699
File: 67 KB, 634x377, intercover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the whitebois were too interested in internet meme money to take any of the girls to the prom this year
>Tyrone and his pals have you covered

>> No.7183736

>t. female negro

>> No.7183755
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep calling me a cuck. I went monk mode a few months ago after rethinking all my interactions with females. They are selfish creatures and the MSM masquerades lies about their nature. They will destroy you.

>> No.7183767


>> No.7183796

You need pics to believe that this has ever happened but you don't even need pics to know WMWF couples and WMBF couples have happened.

>> No.7183815

She has a nice bum, but she also has poo eyes.

>> No.7183860

Cuck. You literally watch cuck porn. What else am I supposed to call you? Don't say you don't. The two of us, and everybody else reading your responses, know that you do. You're a cuckold genetic deadend.

>> No.7183898

Is this the new REQ thread?

>> No.7183906

stacey and diane is going to suck your pecker off the moment they see you in a porsche.

>> No.7183952
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>> No.7183973
File: 575 KB, 900x600, wmaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inevitable resentment

>> No.7183983
File: 33 KB, 625x626, 936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7184117

That's the thought process behind their actions, if they could think

>> No.7184123

>sisters and sisters friends are degenerate nigger lovers
So if my brother and his friends are gay and talk about cock I guys all guys do thanks anon

>> No.7184259
File: 198 KB, 1080x1079, PwxbEHV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dec 17: When you find out he is into crypto and is making bank

>Jan 18: When he loses everything and you realise you missed out on a month's worth of black cock

>> No.7184319
File: 125 KB, 800x682, 800px-the_death_of_jane_mccrea_john_vanderlyn_1804_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the grapevine of the whole town via my amateur surveillance system. I know whose fuckin who. I know all the beta providers, who is bad at sex, whose baby isn't really his. Every fuckin thing. It can't all be coincidence this women drool over travelling to tropical locations and sunbathing with oiled dark skinned individuals. This is one theme they all fucking agree on.

>> No.7184466 [DELETED] 
File: 1.98 MB, 250x365, IMG_3080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never look like this
>now you'll never be rich either

Might as well just off yourself anons

>> No.7184474

She's unattractive af. There a shitton of qt Azns and you pick this Jew-nosed abomination?

>> No.7184529

the amount of white pussy he must get....jeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

>> No.7184608


>> No.7184732


So many white girls will have tried to handle that and had their pink tight pussies torn to shreds and left with wizard sleeves.

>> No.7184768

so this... this is the kind of pussy you get when you really make it

>> No.7184771
File: 259 KB, 1600x1200, asians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much bazinga coin to get my waifu decent plastic surgery?

>> No.7184809

>tfw i have a big dick and constantly have proble fucking girls because its too big

i mean, i get jelly because somehow a primordial instinct in me makes me always want to have the biggest dick, but desu i have enough problems as it is

>> No.7184812

Under 10,000 people in the entire US in 1971 were given the name Stacy at birth? WTF. I swear there's like 50,000 people given my name on a daily basis

>> No.7184829

>tips fedora

>> No.7184863

Or she's just fucking dumb and uses her fat tits to get through life.

>> No.7184864

Unattractive Nerdtopia

>> No.7184866

It was more the "have bugged their rooms and listen in" part.

>> No.7184882

wtf so ugly

>> No.7184925


>> No.7185049


Meanwhile white girls are sucking BBC and doing shit like:


>> No.7185161

honestly what's the deal with this cuck shit, why are some of you so obsessed with it? do you secretly want to fuck black guys yourself, or wish you were one? i'm honestly trying to understand why this has appeared on every board

>> No.7185296

Unrelated but damn, who is she?

>> No.7185396

The Jew always projects.

>> No.7185511


there are volunteer groups from reeeddit who dislike 4chan's rightwing stance and organize cuck spam. I know it sounds crazy but the lefties are nuts, they literally go out of their way to spam 4chan all day every day with blacked porn etc.

>> No.7185647

I fucking love white whores

>> No.7185944

This, if you spend any time on /pol/ they have infographics of all these coordinated shill groups trying to push cuck and ir and bbc porn as much as possible.

>> No.7186045
File: 33 KB, 500x650, max smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plastic surgery women

>> No.7186138


>> No.7186180
File: 26 KB, 520x292, wehrmacht disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186289

Stay butthurt.

>> No.7186327

Literally I'm just that gay for BBC

>> No.7186461

At least upload a picture where they look discusted or something. This makes no sense, they seem to be attracted/flirty to the camera.

>> No.7186796

>Have 3 sisters, alcoholic deadbeat aunt and a retarded single mother.

3/10 degenerate women do not talk the same way as 8-10 Stacey's.
>oh I died my hair blue

ya further evidence you have no experience with non-degenerate women.

>> No.7186946

How much for the girl on the right?