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717703 No.717703 [Reply] [Original]

I just had this argument. The guy claimed that having resources the exceed your needs is unethical. He called for a revolution and to hang all the "fat cats". Distribute the wealth to the starving. The thing is everyone fucking agreed with him? Is this how poorfags think? Are they jealous? Would they be saying that shit if they weren't poor? I'm scared of a world when the poorfags riot and fuck everyone over.

>> No.717705

>He called for a revolution and to hang all the "fat cats". Distribute the wealth to the starving.
That's known as a communist revolution. It happens, but the resulting nation inevitable fails or reverts back to a mixed economy.

There is nothing wrong with being rich.

>> No.717708

Why the fuck did everyone agree with him? These are Americans too.

>> No.717709

Plebs will be plebs. I can assure you that "everyone" does not actually agree (not even a significant amount). If they did, a revolution would occur.

>> No.717712

Fucking commies. I hope they revolt so they'll all be killed.

>> No.717713

For reference, the U.S. Communist Party hasn't fielded a Presidential candidate since 1984, where they only got 0.04% of the vote.

>> No.717715

Many of the have nots do not have the skills to work/compete successfully in a service sector economy.

The USA is becoming more socialist and liberal each passing year in regards to immigration, welfare, etc.

>> No.717719

I just want to go to Africa and setup a minarchist nation. I'm sure you could get some other rich people to go too.

>> No.717725

Laissez-faire capitalism is on par with communism for impracticality. In the real world you need both socialist and capitalist elements for a stable nation.

>> No.717731


>> No.717739

Unfortunately, the SJW far left movement is gaining popularity amongst the millenial crowd and the younger generations. They are crusading equality over justice. When they move to the topic of wealth distribution, rather than feminism, racism, etc - their refusal to accept founded logic for the basis of their arguments leads them to again completely disregard individuality and personal responsibility/accountability.
The SJW are modern day authoritarian communists.
>tfw I am a mostly liberal young American who had to struggle to overcome poverty, and vehemently hate SJWs

>> No.717742

I know the greedy faggots on this board will rabble, but in some ways your friend is right. Why should a precious few have so much when so many barely have anything?

To me it comes down to this: It's okay to amass wealth and power, but only if you use your tools to help people and spread that wealth out. If you just hoard it and continue to be cheap, then you are scum and i hope you burn.

>> No.717743

Behold! Logic!

>> No.717754

He's right but only to an extent. Making money and becoming rich isn't a bad thing, however rising income inequality is a bad thing for everyone.

We're not talking about people with a few million in the bank, we're talking about people with a few billion. Trickle down economics isn't a thing, business owners, even extremely rich business owners are always profit maximising and that can be bad for workers. Wages stagnate, inflation rises, consumption drops, profits drop, unemployment rises, consumption drops, profits drop etc. It's a whole shit show of a cycle.

Accumulating wealth is in no way a bad thing but the money need to also go back into increasing wages. A rich and consuming middle class is great for the economy.

Anyone with a brain knows that balance is needed, and while we should discourage entrepreneurs and business owners by taking away their money, we shouldn't allow them free reign to accumulate as much wealth as possible because then everyone loses out.

>> No.717758


I bet this guy has a smartphone? and so do all the people who agreed with him?

Ask them why they haven't sold their smartphones and donated the proceeds to Africa?

The last thing you want to do is get into complex arguments with people like this. Come up with the SIMPLEST possible counterpoint.


Are you guys retarded? This is not what the guy argued. You are talking about something entirely different than the guy in the OP.

>> No.717759


People like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates - billionaires - have created more value for the world, and have donated more money to charity and good causes, than you will earn in your entire life.
Your idea that everyone loses because these guys have so much money is just wrong. Its simply not true. You don't think these guys have $50 billion in cash laying around in some warehouse, do you?

Stop telling them how to spend THEIR money.

>> No.717764

They are driven by greed. Ask them if they want global equality which means lower wage and higher taxes for them to finance African countries. All of a sudden they will find arguments against "equality".

>> No.717802

I asked them about the computer/smartphone thing and about donating to the poor. That was my first argument. He responded saying it was https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque

Then other people said that the richer people could affect more people. I asked them if that matters. Being ethical is being ethical no matter the number you affect. They're just commies. You can't reason with them. They're mad because they are poor.

>> No.717810


Hahaha, so typical.
People shouldn't have more than they need, but coincidentally they themselves have exactly how much they need.
Until they get richer ofcourse, then they need more!

I hate it when people don't realise that compared to 99% of all people who have ever lived, they are very rich.

>> No.717813

Yeah, you missed what I meant entirely.

Not every billionaire is like Buffet and Gates. Steve Jobs was well known for refusing to give money to charity and outsourced labour abroad, people like him are part of the problem Wages have stagnated since the 1970s and this is despite there being more money in the economy. The lack of a real wage increase has resulted in people having to take out more loans which has increased debt levels. All of this is fact, I don't know what you're trying to argue.

I'm implying that a modest increase in wages would have gone a long way to improving the state of the economy. Nothing you said even came close to implying that this isn't the case either.

I'm more than aware they don't have that lying around in cash but they are in charge of large companies and decide how much they pay their employees. If they took home a smaller bonus and had it distributed to their employees then it would have a huge effect on the quality of lives of many people.

>Stop telling them how to spend THEIR money.


>> No.717815

It is unethical and unfair, but that's the way the world is. At both sides of the spectrum, you've got people with nothing that want everything and people with everything that don't want to give any. The argument will never end because everyone is looking out for themselves.

You listed two examples of generous wealthy people that only do so because they can afford it, it feels good and it makes them look like good people. A truly generous person would only keep and use what they need.

>> No.717819
File: 19 KB, 450x360, muhbuffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still believing this shit to sleep at night
Just lol buddy boy.

>> No.717824

People that defend people being retardedly rich:
Bluepilled people that still think they'll become rich themselves due hardwork/smart work/whatever, people that come from well-off families etc

People against other people being retardedly rich:
Redpilled people about becoming rich, people that are fucked since day 1 due bad luck (being born at a financially fucked place, being born without any inheritance, being born without any talent that can convert into money etc).

No such thing as objective analysis.

>> No.717826

Science is only racking up more and more evidence that we live in a deterministic reality, which makes this:
> personal responsibility/accountability.
A big bluepill to cope.

>> No.717829

I'll admit I don't give a fuck about the hobo in the street. I don't give a fuck about little children with skinny legs and swollen bellies. After going to Haiti to help a village out it's apparent that they don't want to help themselves. They're lazy as fuck. All these people want to feed the poor kids in Africa are just undermining the local economy. If they can't help themselves then they aren't ever going to make it. No one is on your side. You are alone. Man the fuck up.

>> No.717834

>shitposting loudly

>> No.717840

Ironically (intentionally?!) when the developed world makes contributions to many developing countries, the developed world ends up preventing developing countries from sorting out their own internal issues. 3rd world folks grow dependent on the 1st world contributions (welfare) and dysgenic cycles take hold within the population.

No contributions at all would help the 3rd world sort out many internal issues within just a few generations.

>> No.717849

Chances are this dude is richer than a large portion of the world, and so is a hypocrite. Being rich in a free market just means you're really productive and useful to society, and use your labour and property to satisfy public wants.

I'll leave it to someone else to use that to determine what a poor person is worth to society, no offence to poor people [we all have to start somewhere].

>> No.717852

>muh mixed economy
>muh fence sitting

Free markets produce wealth, socialism destroys it for muh feels. Abundant wealth makes everyone richer, rising tide lifts all boats etc.

>> No.717857

I'm not fence sitting. I actively advocate a mixed economy because capitalism and socialism are both problematic when used alone, which should be blatantly obvious with even a casual look at history.

>> No.717859

I know. Isolationism is the only way.

"Broke ass niggas never helping with their hands out"-A$AP Rocky.

>> No.717861

He told me that me calling him a hypocrite for not giving up his luxuries is an informal logical fallacy. Which is bullshit. If you believe in something you should live by it.

>> No.717863

>dat red scare propaganda still fooling people in 2015

McCarthyism really did a number on America. Jesus Christ. How anybody could possibly think that 100% unrestricted and unregulated free markets is a good thing for everybody is utterly beyond me.

>> No.717877

>rising tide lifts all boats etc.
I bet you buy the bootstrap fallacy too huh?

Whats it lije living on a cave on the moon and ignoring the last few decades? Peaceful id think

>> No.717880

>coping quietly
>implying "wants" arent artificially manipulated
even more coping

>> No.717883

Stay brokeboi whining about how you were born into slavery to the rich people instead of making your own way. Commie scum.

>> No.717885

>Why the fuck did everyone agree with him?
Everyone wishes for two things:
1. For an express elevator to the top, bypassing all the hard work normally required.
2. If the elevator isn't available, they wish the top wasn't so high and their climb so long.

>> No.717889

>B-b-but everyone deserves to be wealthy! We should all just be able to live our life! Hard work is for suckers!

People are so entitled. The only thing you are entitled is you life and personal rights/freedoms bitch.

>> No.717891

Fuck off retard, unions kept the commies out and the wages high dumbass. It's not the poor that preach you need more and more just to fit in society. We don't need communism just consumers to organize and say enough is enough like we did last time.

>> No.717893

entitled literally means you deserve something... can you learn what a word means before using it?

>> No.717894

>It's not the poor that preach you need more and more to fit into society

Except for it is. Poor people just want their chunk of the prize. They're too dumb or lazy to get it so they complain.

>> No.717895

*think they are entitled.

>> No.717906

Those people are funny. Hate trust fund babies but want free handouts themselves.

>> No.717907


>> No.717928

>informal logical fallacy

You what? He was just squirming when nailed with his exact own argument.

>> No.717931

Well that's what he said and others agreed with him. It's okay. They'll continue to think like this and make it no where.

>> No.717937

You're an idiot

>> No.718127

>The guy claimed that having resources the exceed your needs is unethical.
Who is he to define what constitutes "need"?

>He called for a revolution and to hang all the "fat cats". Distribute the wealth to the starving.
Hasn't worked very well the few times it's been tried.
>Are they jealous?
> Would they be saying that shit if they weren't poor?
Probably not.
> I'm scared of a world when the poorfags riot and fuck everyone over.
They live comfortable lives and will thus not revolt.

>> No.718128

>stable nation
Who said we need that? Nation states oppress the individual. The only just ethics are those that anarchists propose.

>> No.718132


>How anybody could possibly think that 100% unrestricted and unregulated free markets is a good thing for everybody is utterly beyond me.

Lots of good explanation of why you think that included I see.

>> No.718134

>How anybody could possibly think that 100% unrestricted and unregulated free markets is a good thing for everybody is utterly beyond me.
No US political party thinks that.

It's worth nothing that what's "good for everybody" can mean different things. Some people want to maximize profits whilst others want a more fairer platform from the ground up. The former support heavily regulated markets and nation-states, the latter support a free market and free association, which simply put means anarchism.

>> No.718136



>> No.718141

Others? Who?

>> No.718150

No one is asking for 100% unrestricted and unregulated free markets even when they say they do. When they make a plan for it, it usually has some stops.

The problem is we tried 99% restricted and regulated markets-USSR- and it failed so horrendously. Not in 1990's btw, even in 1920's we have records of incredible fuck-ups, which unnerved many who then got a visit from the Cheka. Thankfully Emma Goldman and some escaped and wrote what really went down.

>> No.718155

>Who said we need that?
Fun fact: extremist capitalism and extremist communism are both forms of anarchism. Both are equally unrealistic.

>> No.718161

The other people there during the conversation.

>> No.718176

But who were they? Their background? Were they his lackeys? Were they granola activists?

>> No.718184

Just some people in my college class. I don't really know them. Not everyone agreed with them just a good bit and it caught me off guard because of how fucking stupid it was.

>> No.718194

Elaborate. Why is oppression a must? Can people not live and associate freely?

Ask yourself this: whom would such a society hurt most? Capitalists (most of which technically are descendants of glorified robbers), of course. Now ask yourself this: who finances most capitalist propaganda? Capitalists, of course.

Do you still not get the picture? You're being brainwashed into serfdom.

>Fun fact: extremist capitalism and extremist communism are both forms of anarchism.
Wrong on both counts. Communism is communism. Capitalism cannot exist without a state that guarantees property rights.

>> No.718200

>Can people not live and associate freely?
>You're being brainwashed into serfdom.
>Wrong on both counts.

>> No.718202

Why don't you reread what I wrote and then provide a better fleshed out response.

You were wrong about the retarded communism/capitalism-analogy, that's a fact. The rest is merely my opinion, but it doesn't seem too flawed.

>> No.718204

>Why don't you reread what I wrote and then provide a better fleshed out response.
Because it doesn't deserve one.
>You were wrong about the retarded communism/capitalism-analogy, that's a fact

>> No.718206

>Because it doesn't deserve one.
You need to actually elaborate your "answers" if you don't want to make a fool out of yourself. You're acting like a fucking toddler.


>> No.718207

Ask yourself this: Do you want some random guy to kill you in your sleep? Because that's what happens when there is no stable nation.

It's easy to speak like that when you're in your home, safe. It's easy to preach for anarchism when your father's money keeps you alive and well. Let me tell you when you see the true face of humans you won't be speaking like that.

You have to oppress those who would use violence to get what they want. The current system is the reason why there are no more "Barbarian Invasions". You think ISIS spawned out of nowhere? They were there from the beginning just took that momentary weakness of the regional states.

>> No.718208


I'm not going to reply to you anymore, for obvious reasons. If you're too dumb to grasp such a fundamentally flawed concept as "anarchism equals extremist capitalism/communism", then you're not worth my time.

>> No.718212

>You need to actually elaborate your "answers" if you don't want to make a fool out of yourself.
>You're acting like a fucking toddler.
I'll take that as a compliment coming from you.
>I'm not going to reply to you anymore

>> No.718216

>Ask yourself this: Do you want some random guy to kill you in your sleep? Because that's what happens when there is no stable nation.
Are you literally retarded? Do you believe people got stabbed all night every night before we had laws and nation states? Of course not. There are rules in a society with or without a state, and nobody will tolerate murderers.

Besides, you can get murdered in your sleep even in our police state society.

>It's easy to speak like that when you're in your home, safe. It's easy to preach for anarchism when your father's money keeps you alive and well.
Money doesn't keep one safe, firearms do.

>Let me tell you when you see the true face of humans you won't be speaking like that.
See what I wrote to answer your first claim. This "true face" is a boogeyman propagated and spread by statist propagandists.

>You have to oppress those who would use violence to get what they want.
Do you not realize that makes you just as bad as them? Besides, good men outnumber evil men, with "good" meaning capability to feel empathy, so this "problem" is not an actual problem.
>The current system is the reason why there are no more "Barbarian Invasions".
You're right, and instead we have world wars where tens of millions get killed in the blink of an eye.

> You think ISIS spawned out of nowhere?
ISIS is not a threat. Good men and evil men.

> They were there from the beginning just took that momentary weakness of the regional states.
Good men, evil men.

>> No.718217

>A truly generous person would only keep and use what they need.

Then the number of truly generous people on the planet can be counted on with one hand.

If you give away as much as you can and only keep what you need, you will be working 3 jobs at the same time, donating every single penny you earn to other people, living in a bunkbed in a homeless shelter (if that, if you were truely generous you'd sleep out on the street and give the bed to someone else) and eating the cheapest food you can scrape together to keep you alive. You dont NEED anything other than that, so you're just being greedy if you keep anything else for yourself.

>> No.718226

>There are rules in a society with or without a state, and nobody will tolerate murderers.

>>what is somalia

Its cute that you lil 19 year olds come to our chan and stuff but before you apout your anarcho dribble it helps to jave a little real world experience , you ever talk to a refugee from a war zone or a failed state? Because you have this intellectual concwption and it clashes real real hard with reality.

Its cute though

>> No.718227


That is all.

>> No.718228

You are living in a fantasy land, kid. I will take a term from Eric Hoffer's book and call you a "True Believer".

"Good men and evil men" is an incredibly shallow fallacy. Give me one reason that there won't be a second Klu Klux Klan the moment USA dissolves. Give me a reason that there would be no more Nazi's in Europe the moment NATO presence leaves. Give me a reason that North Korean "Communists" won't kill their Southern brethren.

Firearms don't keep you safe because you are not experienced with them. And let me tell you going to a shooting range is not "experience", shooting a man is. And civilised people of 21st century believe it or not can't coldbloodedly shoot a living being.

I'm just wondering where do you live and what is your income and wealth bracket and have you earned your wealth or just inherited it?

>> No.718240

I agree with this guy on some points. Have you ever seen the riots in Katrina? The second it became a wasteland, people started looting, robbing, raping, and killing. We're selfish animals with a tendency towards violence and the only thing stopping most people from doing whatever the fuck they want is because of the state.

The problem is when the state gets too much power/money. Then THEY start doing whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.718241

>Nobody will tolerate murderers
You're absolutely clueless. The murderers gather in groups and run the plane, have you ever heard of the Triad up until 1900?

>> No.718255

>The problem is when the state gets too much power/money. Then THEY start doing whatever the fuck they want.

I agree on this one completely.

While I still prefer a working dictatorship to a anarchic riots it's really unnerving to see the state holding complete power unnecessarily. A good example is Saddam; yes he was a horrible ruler but he was keeping terrorists and extremists at bay. Another good example from ME is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, his country doesn't need that much power concentration yet he's ruling like a Roman Emperor thus showing how bad it can be when the state has absolute power.

>> No.718260


>> No.718267

M I N A R C H I S M is what happens when you ask hard questions to a half-hearted anarchist. He will answer: "Oh that will be handled by the state/government." A "working Minarchism" is not minarchism but 18th century (Classical) Liberalism; which makes it not a minarchy as minarchists oppose macroeconomic intervention.

Minarchism is the greatest fallatical ideology.

>> No.718271


>> No.718278

You know this because minarchy has been implemented into a government right?

>> No.718281

I know this is the reason why minarchy won't be implemented into a government.

>> No.718286

>how much money do you have in your wallet?
>ok, give 50 to me. i don't have money for my bus home, i NEED it more than you. distribution of equal wealth and all of that you know.

usually shuts them right off.
i'll concede if they really give it to me, but hey, free 50 bucks!!!

>> No.718318

>literally being 12 years old

>> No.718322

Poorfags are dumb, apathetic and lazy. They won't revolt.

>> No.718342

That is why the required general education classes blow so much cock. When you mix people who take the path of least resistance with people who want major in something practical, this kind of shit goes down. That's why I never talked to 99% of the people in my general education classes, they are honestly not worth talking to. The people who don't say shit in those classes are the people you want to get to know.

>> No.718376

I remember when a girl had a breakdown because our joke of an elective class of issues in world affairs was too hard. She was a psychology student

>> No.718396

Wealthy people have power and influence. They use this to make sure they keep their wealth, power and influence, and to make sure people without it stay that way (because it's impossible for everyone to be wealthy).
Some people contribute greatly to society (Tesla for example) but aqcuire no wealth.
Many, many others have wealth but contribute little or nothing to society (most boomers).
I really don't understand people who defend the ultra-wealthy, or hell, even the moderately wealthy. It's a flawed system.

>> No.718574

>The average 1st worlder has access to much more food, fresh water, and material goods than even the richest kings a thousand years ago
>Its impossible for everyone to be wealthy.
Yeah, by definition its impossible for everyone to be in the top 1% for obvious reasons but that doesn't mean everyone can't be wealthy.
In b4 zero sum fallacy.

>> No.718685

You are confusing wealth with prosperity. Thanks to this system everyone except those who rejected it are living in prosperity.

>Wealthy people have power and influence. They use this to make sure they keep their wealth, power and influence, and to make sure people without it stay that way

What you said requires a cooperation on a complete different level. "Wealthy People" is far too open-ended. Unless of course you think Carlos Slim Helu and Warren Buffett can see eye to eye.

You are claiming things you can't prove and using your tinfoil hat's shine to blind those who come near you. Also Tesla was poor because he didn't join the society. He burned bridges and acted as if he was allmighty thus alienated everyone who could help him. So he contributed greatly to the society in scientific level but actually hampered it in social level.

Also if it's contribution Bill Gates contributed this society more than anyone did by pioneering the way to IT.

>> No.718690

>implying 99% of rich people aren't inheritancels leeching off their dad's fortune

>> No.718692

>Also if it's contribution Bill Gates contributed this society more than anyone did by pioneering the way to IT.
>stealing other people's ideas, rebranding them and released closed source bloatware applying a tax on every sold computer that comes with it
Literally Clueless.

>> No.718693

>I'm scared of a world when the poorfags riot and fuck everyone over.
That will never happen because they spend their entire day stoned and playing video games, thoroughly sedated

>> No.718718

Property is theft, since in its most basic form, it's just depriving people of access to something. Not reserving it for your own use, just preventing its use from others. It's not legal to live in some empty house just because the owner has no intention of ever using it - because property on the most basic level is deprivation, i.e. theft.

Not that I have a problem with that. It just highlights the fact that business is one big shark tank and that you need to stay cold and objective.

>> No.718798

Well I'll keep taking the blue pill again and again. That way, if I die a failure, at least I won't go out blaming everyone else for my own personal problems.

>> No.718823

>Does not know the definition of theft

Sure would be great to be a 14 year old edgy Lord again and shitpost on a mongolian noodle image bord again

>> No.718849

It's a 19th century catchphrase
Pretty obscure
You've probably never heard of it

>> No.718851

I always feel bad for those guys at Xerox. They birthed what is basically the modern windows GUI, had it just handed off to Steve Jobs, who then let Bills Gates steal the thing.

>> No.718902


>Property is theft

How can you steal something that isn't owned?

>> No.718974

Like I said, a catchphrase. It's more emotional than logical, but it encapsulates why people hate the rich.

>> No.718979

I'm a fire fighter

I will never be a millionaire

The fact that millionaires exist dosent offend me and I will defend them against socialist cucks like you

>> No.718989

The problem with the social welfare mentality is that while there are some people who are stupidly rich and there are of course families and people who inherit ridiculous amounts of money.

The average "millionaire" in America are small business owners and/or those that sold an idea or concept. The problem is the social-welfare knights only see the result of these people's hardwork. They don't understand the concept that these people started off working 80-90-100 hours a week on their business. That they took out second mortgages on their house, or that they literally spent months and months fighting of debt collectors until things turned around for them.

Instead they see the end result of hard work and think those that took no risk, didn't put in effort should still be entitled to that money. And to that, I say Fuck them.

I'm a pretty socially liberal attitude person - gay marriage? why not. be transgender? doesn't bother me any. Should there be a safety net for those that fall? sure.

Should there be a ladder for those that want to climb out of poverty and find a way to make things work? Yes.

Should there be an escalator for those that don't want to put in any effort, or contribute anything at all yet still move? Fuck no.

And that is the problem that I've been having more and more as a democrat/liberal. Right now its all about escalator syndrome. Where those that take no risk, don't work or try to have stable careers, don't do anything to better themselves, still want handouts? Fuck that.

>> No.718997


People look back to the postwar boom and notice that if you even had a modicum of stewardship and personal industry, you would be relatively successful. Back then you had to be a REAL fuck-up to end up on skid row. Arguing about resource scarcity or suggesting that 99.9% of humanity are just lazy isn't gonna hold water anymore.

But hey, when the time comes and you have an angry mob surrounding your McMansion, surely they'll understand your indignation and disperse.
Having autism must be a bitch.

>> No.719030

This guy gets it. Ultimately a stratified society always leads to a French/Russian revolution scenario where the haves and anyone who associated with them get the guillotine.

The important thing to recognize is - how do societies become stratified? And the answer to that is - when the social lifts stop working, when you can no longer get into middle class from lower class, or upper class from middle class and so on. How come? Because, indeed wealth doesn't trickle down, and the rate of accumulation of wealth at the top accelerates thought rent-seeking behaviors. Price of housing and food increases whereas it should decrease due to increased competition. Things like profit prisons are introduced into society. Meaning that money is made less by real entrepreneurs, and more by monopolies, patent trolls, middle men, etc... Results of skilled labor do not trickle down to the laborers. Heck, Apple and IBM wants its engineers to sign non competition agreements for up to 2 years after they leave the company. The positions are salaried with no overtime and 10h workdays on average.

>> No.719033

Let me guess, 18 and you've discovered the works of Alissa Rosenbaum?

>> No.719053
File: 31 KB, 459x459, 1427436431817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a democrat just for the social issues
One day I realized that the economy and security of this country are more important than gay marriage and abortions, which are just wedge issues to distract us anyway.

>> No.719070

When they surround my McMansion I'll just pay their friends to defend me. They're just as greedy. Shit won't happen.

>> No.719077

I agree of with having resources beyond your needs like luxuories
But I disagree with having reaources beyond your needs that are not being used....
They should be out there making money not sitting around doing nothing

>> No.719080

Do not be afraid...
Use your money to keep them subservient...
Money is power after all...

Give them bread and circus while you focus on the important things...
Keep the sheep following the shepherd and butcher them when they are ripe...

Sincerely yours,
The loomnaughty

>> No.719088


>They should be out there making money not sitting around doing nothing

>What is investing?

You think Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have their money in a big vault?

>> No.719095

You would be suprised how many rich people let their spare opportunities rot....
Like a successful farmer with too much harvest and throws away the surplus seeds...
In 100 percent free markets trickle down economics does not account for mens greed....and lust for power.....

>> No.719097


Are you high?

>> No.719099

Or laziness/misa

>> No.719101

No why?

>> No.719265

It would be so much easier to be a Republican if they would stop with the bible. Their retarded fears and bring up stupid shit like Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve. And basing their entire political agenda around a god damn fairytale is what has kept me from committing to that side fully.

They just sound ignorant as fuck in a modern world and are clearly out of touch with normal people. Not to mention, Republicans have badly needed new blood but the "old" blood just won't fucking die or retire. I think once this current (by current I mean, old as fuck) bunch of Republicans die and we start getting some slightly less backwards one, it will be much easier to vote that way.

>> No.719357

I agree wholeheartedly. If the Libertarian party can get rid of the nut jobs who want to do crazy shit like disband the IRS/Remove regulations that are actually good to have in place, they could potentially replace the Republican party.

Either that, or the Republican party needs to completely reinvent themselves.

As much as I hate politics, I've actually been considering running for office at some point because absolutely nothing is getting done.

>> No.719366


>It would be so much easier to be a Republican if they would stop with the bible. Their retarded fears and bring up stupid shit like Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve. And basing their entire political agenda around a god damn fairytale is what has kept me from committing to that side fully.

There are a whole bunch of reasons not to support homosexuality that aren't related to religion, m8.

>> No.719378

Like what? I don't care if faggots fuck each other.

>> No.719985 [DELETED] 

>you'll never be this rich


>inb4 delusional morons that they'll make it

>> No.719990

Muh Buffet and Muh Gates: underage alarm.

>> No.719992

>you'll never be this rich

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2SKpmgFwTI [Embed]

>inb4 delusional "muh deserves it" morons

>> No.720036


How about you try communicating your opinion without the usage of memes?

>> No.720091


>Socialists shilling their bullshit again.

In the real world, you need to get the govt the fuck out of the economy and let the private sector determine economic growth without interference.

Socialism is cancer and always will be.

>> No.720094


What you ignore is that money isnt hoarded. Money in the bank is lent out for productive activity.

Whether rich people keep money in a bank or spend it on consume it or invest it themselves, it is getting distributed already.

>> No.720096


It's not unethical to have more wealth than you need, but it is unethical to be exploitative of less wealthy people.

See: The 'Company Store' of Coal Mines and Monopolies.