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7173443 No.7173443 [Reply] [Original]

Saw this on Reddit.

Anyone selling ICX right now is making a mistake.

Back in July, we had huge FUD from the bitcoin fork that absolutely tanked the market. At that time a month before that, a crypto named Antshares (now rebranded to NEO) came onto Bittrex and had a huge ramp up due to hype, just like Icon did.

They had a conference in a Microsoft office. Everyone thought there was a partnership with Microsoft and Alibaba. When that didn’t happen, it dumped and lost 50% of its value. Basically going from about $12-14 down to about $6-7. It stayed there for a month or so.

Now look where it is. Even if you put 5k in there at $10, and at this current moment is is $130, you 13x’ed your investment in 6 months. This is an average and not using the absolute ATL and ATH (which could have been more).

Now I know it is different in terms of market caps so the multiplier is not the same. However, If someone told you that you could even multiply your investment by 6 times in 6 months, would you hold your investment? Most of you would say yes.

Well I’m that person telling you to hold your investment.

>> No.7173475

dw not even worried holding my 800 icx

>> No.7173530


0 worries mate, we'll be retesting the ATH soon enough, before the BTC crash we defended support perfectly.

>> No.7173533

I bought early and still holding, im immune to the FUD so meh.

>> No.7173568


>> No.7173644

you had support because people still had hope for mainnet and the summit.
the dapps have been announced. no one was impressed.
the partners have been announced. no one was impressed and theyve had to redact a bunch
it has a multibillion dollar cap
bunch of fuckin retards in this thread

>> No.7173733

No one is impressed because many people in crypto are a bunch of stupid faggots that think the biggest companies in the world are suddenly going to partner with them.

A bunch of moon kids that click a few buttons and think they deserve wealth on the backs of other projects actually trying to change and disrupt.

>> No.7173764


Support was held after it dumped retested 715 sats faggot

>> No.7173792
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>See the Youtube broadcast
>Chat filled with kids like you

>> No.7173813

icon is the normiest of norman coins since tron. i will never hold icon again because i know the vast majority of holders are weakhanded moonkid faggots. enjoy your icon. i'm buying into smart money projects. not norman magnets.

>> No.7173837

>Well I’m that person telling you to hold your investment.
That's very dumb advice, and I got in at 2.4 but sold later. Bought the dips and sold again. Some dips I f'd up on but overall I'm up A LOT on ICX.

ICX also did that thing with their partnership page and that's ruined the coin for me. You don't do that if you have something you know is going to be awesome.

>> No.7173868

I'll wait until it bleeds, and bleed it will, and scoop it up at 30k sats or so.

>> No.7173915

i sold the fucking bottom
someone kill me

>> No.7173918

i'm still x2 from my intial investment, riding this one to the ground.
It has everything to be a x5 coin, just give it a few months, everything is tanking now anyways.

>> No.7173989

Making fake partnership announcements showed their true intentions. ICX is officially Tron tier shitcoin.

>> No.7173996

I love this project and I am not selling a single token.

This kind of FUD is the reason why I'm coming to biz less and less. Everything is crashing but people still make posts pointing at a specific token of their choice, calling it shit for dumping.

Pure emotion or trolling. Very little reasonable research.

>> No.7174008

>everything is tanking now anyways.

NEO holding its value pretty well.

>> No.7174049

>comparing based NEO to this shitcoin
have you watched summit OP? it's a shitcoin Koreans don't care about

>> No.7174076

Have you read the title you illiterate fuck

>> No.7174249

these ''fake'' partnerships were all media, we don't know what's really going on, partnerships end, conflict of interests etc, we don't have the full story yet, would be stupid to sell low now based solely on that.
daily group still behind ICX, I would get worried if they use the whole Icon is independent and they drop the loop project, then I would get worried, which honestly it's not outside possibilities and would signal ICX failing.

as of right now, i'm comfy.

>> No.7174344

? But OP is comparing NEO and ICX?

>> No.7174372

There's literally no reason to sell.

>> No.7174732
File: 79 KB, 500x749, 1517089854596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirs why is no one buying this coin?

>> No.7174842

Been saying this since after the conference,

this conference was way better than the Antshares rebrand one too (I saw both and still hold antshares/neo)

>> No.7174929

ITT faglords still not understanding icx is down because btc shit it's pants.

Look at the charts the dumps match up you inbreds.

I was told biz was the place where 'smart people acted dumb'.

>> No.7174978
File: 279 KB, 1512x906, ICX_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just leaving this here. seriously don't get why anybody is selling. get your shit together and look at the bigger picture. If you can't handle dips maybe crypto isn't for you

>> No.7175371

I think your green arrow is a bit optimistic but over all sentiment is correct. Just remember the pajeet levels of IQ your dealing with.

>> No.7175689

100k ICX. Comfy as fuck. Fuck all you poor pajeets with 12 ICX saying the conference was a larp. It wasn't. ICX is the best thing since BTC.

>> No.7175736
File: 23 KB, 568x568, 1516192840396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this shit is sub $6 on binance right now LOL

>> No.7176043


under 3 B cap

Do you understand how small that actually is? I'm sure one day these coins will have large partnerships, but crypto as a whole isn't there yet. The best thing you can do right now is invest in coins that you believe can be the first to make these partnerships, and hold that damn investment.

In my opinion, I think with ICX's bold ambitions in South Korea, it's very likely to have the biggest advantage in business dev in it's geographic region, and is the most likely to one day get a massive partnership in the area. That's why I'm holding ICX.

>> No.7176057

>Bought ICX at 6.30 beginning of Jan thinking there was no way it'd go lower.
Boy was I fucking wrong.

>> No.7176072

Damn nice. Tfw only 25k ICX