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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 477 KB, 758x1212, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7173067 No.7173067 [Reply] [Original]

>It’s a literacy test and voter suppression double whammy and basically, we are all fucked. Well, most of us.

As far as I'm aware coinbase is required by law to require ID, but you can't argue with the rest.

It's a conversation that we will need to have at some point if crypto is going to go legit. We can't expect governments and institutions not to fight us if this is what we're doing.


>> No.7173232

hmm, sounds like I should start an "easy" web wallet targeted at women and niggers

>> No.7173271

I don't get this. Are they intentionally calling themselves dumb? This must be a parody, or bait.

>> No.7173273

This is /biz/ not /pol/, thanks any way.

>> No.7173277

This is satire/b8 just so you know.

>> No.7173278


If you can't get BTC in 2018 you certainly can't open a fucking bank account either.

>> No.7173301

Because you need a certain IQ to get into crypto, niggers and women don't have it, im sorry.

>> No.7173310

Historical context is needed

No, it makes real arguments and I can't find a way to discount them other than the coinbase thing. They are required by law to demand ID so that's not an argument against crypto.

>> No.7173312
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what part triggered you niggers or women?

>> No.7173338

I honestly think crypto would be impossible in a world with only women
All the dips would be harder since women panic and make extra poor decisions and the moons non-existent as women don't take risks.
So the value of every coin would be stable around 0, assuming women even developed them in the first place

>> No.7173356

Bigoted woman femnazi spitting venom trying to victimize women and blacks, most likely what she is herself.
I am not familiar with this page. But all of it seems far too satirical to be true. Then again im not american. 2/10 made me read 2 paragraphs

>> No.7173403

No, it doesnt make any real argument. Buying btc is as hard as making an amazon account and buying shit there

>> No.7173405

kek I hope you're not letting illiterates take administrative decisions in your company, anon.

>> No.7173419

Because they’re stupid


>> No.7173425

this site is satire, but I'm pretty sure I saw something very similar on BBC or some other normie news source (how bitcoin buyers are overwhelmingly male and that's a problem)

>> No.7173431

end female suffrage

>> No.7173453

If it's satire then why is it making the heaviest arguments for the idea out of all the sites that discuss this topic? Salon and the rest just screech and blame white men.

>> No.7173460

>it makes real arguments
kill yourself

>> No.7173471

Babe, im holding my btc since '14 and made a fortune off shorting btc since dec. Its not panic selling, its risk management. Just because women are Seen as more emotional, doesnt mean we cant learn to control them.

>> No.7173476

>don't be racist
>don't be sexist
>bitcoin is too hard for black people and women to figure out
such incredible cognitive dissonance

>> No.7173487

because you're a dumb brainlet and you get baited like the low IQ gullible dumbfuck you are

>> No.7173548

You missed the point entirely and probably didn't even read it. This is not Salon. Where are the counterarguments?

>> No.7173562

this whole thread is /pol/ bait, idiot. the tl;dr is "why do I have to understand public key cryptography when all I want to do is invest in what's essentially a timestamped PKI?"

I'm just stating the obvious here. anyone who wants a quick million should target women and afro-americans with some bullshit SJWcoin. most of the mass public's only purpose is to be a cash cow anyway

I won't actually do it because I'm scrupulous and can't be bothered to fuck with this nonsense

it really treads a very fine line

>> No.7173598

Come back when you've shorted the house market in 2008, sweetie.

>> No.7173649

Those white supremacists seem crafty. Having devised cryptocurrencies and such.

>> No.7173706
File: 46 KB, 444x180, til-computers-are-racist-219267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint got time to learn no wite boi computa hackin shit. gimme bitcoinz so i can b a real ballin ass nigga

>> No.7173723

What a Dumb ass Post.. I am a person of Color and have been into Bitcoin since 2014.
A friend of mine ran to my dorm room in 2014 and showed me Bitcoin and showed me how to mine it on my laptop. He was so excited. I at the time was playing Warframe Leveling up my Loki... :P

>> No.7173748

It says right in the post there are many "PoCs" doing bitcoin...you're missing the point entirely.

>> No.7173829
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>> No.7173910
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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.7173934

>Only argument is muh ID which doesn't even apply to women
>OP constantly trying to post that this article makes multiple, concrete arguments
OP confirmed for author/website owner shilling for clicks. Fuck off.

>> No.7174000

It discusses the impact of literacy tests as well. https://www.thoughtco.com/literacy-test-definition-4137422

This is a real thing. And history has thoroughly condemned it as racist.

>> No.7174016


If you're too dumb to not be able to get a government I.D., you should not be allowed to vote or invest. If you're that painfully stupid and lazy, you shouldn't enjoy privileges.

>> No.7174109

so pretty much women and POC suck at everything?

>> No.7174155

So those that were too stupid (nogs) and those with literally no balls (women) want a handicap for missing out on a high risk opportunity that white men took. Sounds like America

>> No.7174156

Wait, they are admitting that women and niggers are too dumb to use exchanges?

>> No.7174185

have you been on this board or on crypto reddits in the past month??? lots of retards.

>> No.7174219

Go back to plebbit, subhuman.

>> No.7174230
File: 69 KB, 618x412, Russell-Simmons-RushCard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contract with companies like Wal-Mart to make a crypto only usable at their store. Employees get a choice. Employees who choose to get paid in crypto can earn 10% more.
>crypto payday loan scheme: loan pays out in fiat but consumer gets a deal if they pay back interest in crypto. Once they are established enough in crypto, start marketing a variety of services that require crypto.

>> No.7174252

biz is where pol goes to make money

>> No.7174256

> lots of retards.
Average black IQ lies between 60 and 75.
A white with down syndrome is still smarter than an average nigger.

>> No.7174257

The people that find "hard" to buy btc, would probably be the ones to fall for bitconnect, confido, and the countless scams that we hear every day.
This "barrier"(which ironically is a barrier only to the retarded) is protecting them from their stupidity.

>> No.7174262

0/10 shit b8

Fuck niggers though

>> No.7174265

it's not that complex, you just want to take your time and learn the ropes a little if you want to keep your coins

still nothing is keeping them out

please, come in

>> No.7174404

>it's not that complex, you just want to take your time and learn the ropes a little if you want to keep your coins
Please spare 10 seconds of your life and google literacy test racist.

I want as many people as possible getting into crypto and today I've been shocked. There is no finer instrument for literacy testing (the racist concept, not literal) than cryptocurrency.

If we solve these problems, we'll all be better off.

>> No.7174407

But I'm a spic and I've made a shit load of money off of Bitcoin

>> No.7174422

That's great.


>> No.7174475

Fact is women and blacks are too fucking stupid to get into crypto. On the other hand, it's entirely likely that this bubble popped because of the intrinsic weakhandedness of women and coloreds, compounded by a Soros-funded antifa ploy to crash Bitcoin since SJWs believe that cryptocurrency is some form of economic white supremacy

>> No.7174519

heres one: https://www.femaletoken.org/

And they had the audacity to get a .org domain.

>> No.7174521

>It' too complex, that's why women and niggers don't get in
So it's saying niggers and women are stupid? Good, I agree

>> No.7174599

>history has thoroughly condemned it as racist
You mean (((history))), anything the jews like is bad, anything the jews hate is good.

>> No.7174627

Niggers and women shouldn't even be allowed to own property, so...

>> No.7174636

>being this blue-pilled
>he thinks cryptocurrency is the problem
no one is going to make niggers and thots equal to White men you delusional faggot

>> No.7174640

whoever wrote this article is saying thay women and shitskins are too stupid to figure out how to buy crypto--and they are calling us the racists? leftys are more racist than the people that they cry about

>> No.7174668

Are you Green or Pink?

>> No.7174681

Are democrats and judges racist when they strike down literacy tests because they're racist?

That makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.7174702

Who? Every real country still has a literacy test and it's a right thing to do. Can't wait for your retards to go extinct, it's embarrassing for you to keep living.

>> No.7174719

they are bolsheviks, predominantly jewish, who derive their power from convincing faggots like you that if we "solve racism and sexism" then everyone will be equal

>> No.7174724

circular logic. try again, sweetie

>> No.7174742

Of course. That implies that an average nigger can't even read. Which is actually true, along with 60 IQ.

>> No.7174830

Don't blame white men for more people's short comings.

I'm a white male, and I have nothing to do with the fact that some dumb bitch nigger doesn't understand how to invest in this market.

Why are whites told we ALWAYS have to help everyone else because they're too fucking stupid or too fucking lazy?!?


If you dumb women and non-whites can't figure it out, that's not anyone else's problem but your own.

All these white men who have invested in crypto have done their own research and spent a lot of time trying to figure everything out.

This just proves that white men have that special something to push the boundries, always. While all the females and non-whites sit back while we lead the way.

No fucking more.

Be a poor dumb nigger bitch for the rest of your life. I don't give a fuck.

Fuck you leeching fucking parasites.

>> No.7174845

Taking a 5% fee...

>> No.7174851

race war when?

>> No.7174877

All this anger over a satire article.

/pol/ is so fucking retarded.

>> No.7174886

Yes, it's a white guy's fault that some dumb fucking nigger doesn't know how to read or write.

That's bullshit.

Intelligence is all in the genetics, and intellectually, non-whites are (aside from asians), the most gifted on the planet.

If you couple courage and curiosity along with intelligence, we have the entirety of the human race beat in spades.

>> No.7174889

You shouldn't be able to vote if your IQ is under 100.

>> No.7174908

>I can't provide counterarguments so it's satire please don't call attention my deficiencies

>> No.7174918

how the fuck is buying on coinbase and transferring to binance difficult? women and niggers prove once again that they're inferior

>> No.7174952

This article may be satire, but the underlying argument, sadly, is not.

It has been an argument going on on twitter for many weeks now.

>> No.7174974

it's not difficult and they're really that dumb. reminder that these people who can't figure out a simple website these are the people being shoehorned into tech, engineering, and etc.

>> No.7174993

Nice bait faggot.
Reported and saged, please neck yourself.

>> No.7175013

>literacy tests
This is not a literacy test you retard.
I googled the bs you said and it's entirely different.
Literacy test were obviously trying to get people not to pass them, but in crypto it's in the interest of every person (coinbase, devs of different cryptos) to get more people inside so they can make more money.
What does this all have to do with women and black men?
At this point I think you're baiting, because you can't be that retarded.

>> No.7175105

There's weren't any arguments to counter, just incoherent screaming because /pol/ is incapable of critical thought and falls for obvious satire every single time.

>> No.7175129

It literally on lulz.com.
It's a joke.

>> No.7175192

So black women are poor regardless of what currency you measure their value in? Really keeps the noggin joggin

>> No.7175197

Is Salon literally a salon?

>> No.7175198



>> No.7175307
File: 134 KB, 900x737, choose white nationalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attention to the map

>> No.7175325


>> No.7175380

WTF I'm a nocoiner but I will definitely invest now. What is the most patriarcal coin I can get /biz/?

>> No.7175401

Why isn't there a PatriarchyCoin?

>> No.7175414

they arent
remember bitconeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7175453

Die nigger reddit scum

>> No.7175487

Salon is the worse kind of satire, because retards take it seriously.
Now tell me, why should anyone consider niggers human? In my country we sterilize and execute them.

>> No.7175545

>targeted at women and niggers

>> No.7175625

>pasty creature from the recesses of the internet
Go outside for once and and stop living out your fantasizes in your basement

>> No.7175745
File: 149 KB, 1208x476, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We actually do. And there is a libshit outcry about sume murdered mud children literally every month.
We don't give a fuck, because American government is our bitch and we actually care about racial purity.

>> No.7175973

>Thinks birth control is the same as sterilization
>still fantasizes about murder
Matter of fact, don't go outside. No one will miss you.

>> No.7176055

What is the prevailing view on /pol/ in regards to global warming?

>> No.7176189


legit interested in doing it

>> No.7176251

Maybe these whores should buy Pinkdate

>> No.7176274

there are actually lots of coloreds into BTC

just not the god-forsaken American Negro, who need an android app that sends constant push notifications about "aw shiet, you got mo dem papes son"

>> No.7176308

>fat Jew kike who lives in 98% white suburb yells at the internet to genocide all white people
>Trump gets elected
>"Y-you're gonna help me fight Trump though, right my fellow white people?"
A real holocaust would be nice

>> No.7176387

what do you think lmao

also what is this argument even? It's basically that "computers are racist" pic but for crypto

>> No.7176417

Did you even read this article?

It literally says, in large bold letters,

>"Bitcoin right now is a very egalitarian game."

It's presenting the exact opposite argument to the satire in OP.

To make it even more clear, further down they have this:

>"I think what has hindered Bitcoin in some respects is that its early adopters have been largely counterculture, libertarian white males," he says. "There's nothing wrong with those early adopters at all, and they don't exclude anyone."

Read the shit you post. How is /pol/ so retarded every fucking time?

>> No.7176441

>Grace Hopper basically invented that damn internet thing.
Yeah but she didn't. I hate fucking femicunts and sperging niggers.
>The process of obtaining Bitcoins is so labyrinthine and headache-inducing.
Sounds like they have no brain, it's not about color or gender it's about having a fucking brain.
Shit man, i'm a shithole country citizen and i opened my way to crypto without to much hassle.

>> No.7176447

We are making you go extinct as we speak. By 2050 there won't be a single white in the world. When the whites are gone we will finish niggers swiftly, because there will be no one to challenge us.
The whole world was promised to Jews and only Jews shall have it.

>> No.7176475

meant for

>> No.7176477
File: 3.88 MB, 344x203, 1429808414299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black and crypto is fucking stupid

>> No.7176532

>mfw this is a shitpost, but Jews actually believe this IRL and this is what they're taught in synagogue
Read the Talmud, and then realize why you have no friends among the Nosemen.

>> No.7176576

"fellow jews, we must stand up to the chinese oppressors by laying down our lives and blighting our prospects"

>> No.7176615

Half black guy here... got in before all these unwashed poor whites with their porn-fried brains got in at ATH. Feels good.

>> No.7176628

This is not even a shitpost. Once we remove Iran and Syria we will have enough room to grow while you perish.
At this point there is no point in hiding it, because you are so dumb you won't believe it until it's too late.

>> No.7176639

Thats because you are black...its legal and it works thats why you think its stupid.

>> No.7176704

The Chinese are incompetent, albeit very diligent and respectful towards authority. They are the perfect working class for the new world, they are the promised slaves that will do all the work for us in our new world.

>> No.7176723

>and it works
will it work without the internet? real money will

>> No.7176870

Most money is digital, do you really have all your assets in cash?

>> No.7176896

please, by all means, get into crypto my friendly niggers

>> No.7176982

t. the perfect scapegoat

thanks again for being so loathsome, lest the masses realize who pulls the strings

brb, establishing the framework of civilization and slipping a jew in the CEO slot to take all the heat

>> No.7177172

>we wuz paper and shit

>> No.7177235

Well well well.
Time to start LGBTQQIP2SAAcoin

>> No.7177250

he wasn't talking about sterilizing them you retard. He was suggesting ways of exploiting them for their unearned capital.

>> No.7177288

Black people only follow normie hype.

Post the pic of Wojack explaining to a black guy why LTC would be a better buy than TRON

>> No.7177333

>ork without the internet? real m
Wow a talking black :D Damn

>> No.7177619

Maybe they should learn how to read, just a thought

>> No.7177941

That's the argument republicans use, and judges see right through it. Guess who loses those cases.

>> No.7178250

>umm excuse me but my anecdote contradicts your trends

>> No.7178300

Women are on average better investors. Google it.

>> No.7178309

What is a "people of color"

>> No.7178603



>> No.7178919

>"women are better"
>15 700 000 results
>"men are better"
>9 180 000 results
Really makes you think

>> No.7178935
File: 48 KB, 750x600, DoubleFacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.7178949

In Weimerica, any difference in outcome is blamed on racism because Weimerica is a communist country. Just remember that communism doesn't actually work, you faggot.

Trillions of dollars and fifty years flushed down the shitter trying to raise these niggers to our level and you still think the problem is racism.

>> No.7179113

>we are stupid therefore it's discrimination

>> No.7179242

Wait. So if women are better then why are you bitching? The market is the ultimate meritocracy. If what you do works the you will have the wallet to show for it.

>> No.7179370


>> No.7179417

This is the truth, if you disagree than you're probably on your period.

>women were designed for the kitchen
>women were designed for doggy style

>> No.7179482

Not a problem women can play with my testicals for 100 satoshi's next year

>> No.7179581

no they are to dumb, women only come along after a man has built something and complain. only fucks things up. repeal womens right to vote!

>> No.7179718

It is way easier to buy bitcoin as a minority than get a bank account or loan.

Why don't people attack banks for being so anti-POC?

>> No.7179731


And you wanna tell me that thots and nogs can't figure it out? Pajeets can't figure out how to use a toilet and they can buy bitcoin.

>> No.7180179

It's because they coded the damn think stupid nigger

>> No.7180224


They make it sound like the nerd Klan got together to keep out the darkies and women

The same fuckers who gave us shit in school for being interested in computers instead of partying and sports are now crying about it

Fuck them. Suck my dick and scrub my toilet

>> No.7180297

You are fucking retarded OP

>> No.7180339

Then enjoy stagnation

>> No.7180370

You're literally a moron and this is low quality bait.

>> No.7180441

it's called being a NIGGER

>> No.7180520

TIL pajeets are not considered people even by feminists

>> No.7180557
File: 13 KB, 320x319, gtfo3cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying /biz/ isn't a /pol/ colony
Fuck off darkie

>> No.7180704
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Nigger. You have to go back.

>> No.7180767

This is /biz/ not /mlpol/, thanks anyway

>> No.7181288
File: 1.22 MB, 292x278, tips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The edge on this one

>> No.7181450

Fucking kek

>> No.7181468

>Grace Hopper basically invented that damn internet thing.
Fucking hell I'm enraged

>> No.7181535
File: 77 KB, 1162x850, 1307809861001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nigger

>> No.7181562
File: 80 KB, 234x230, sasasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godamn how is a lonely Virgen white male like me supposed to argue against this

FUCK Im a lefty now

>> No.7181571

That's called humor, the rest of the line clarifies that she just invented the code.

>> No.7181785

We need to attract dumb women and dumb pieces of crap (POCs) into crypto so we can dump our turd bags on them

Not even kidding

>> No.7182057

The article is basically saying women and niggers are too stupid to figure it out. Kek