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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 305x165, no-coiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7169984 No.7169984 [Reply] [Original]

MFW no-coiner and invest in stocks that have REAL value.

>> No.7170018

Yea u wait till you 60s to get 20% profit

>> No.7170043

At least I'm not losing money like the rest of the fags on biz.

>> No.7170061

you're 40 years old?

>> No.7170063

we'll see what happens to the stock market today :^)

>> No.7170164

>yay i made 50% in 8 years!
>whoops its another recession, just lost 80%. oh well!

>> No.7170202

>>yay i made 50% in 8 years!
>>whoops its another recession, just lost 80%. oh well!

You sound like a fucktard who knows nothing about options, or how to profit routinely with them. Keep playing with fake money you can't spend or cash out. lol

>> No.7170234

Feels good as fuck, mang.

>> No.7170239
File: 118 KB, 1024x987, 1516433366196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer: The Post

>> No.7170255
File: 40 KB, 668x374, 1516832533409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock markets are in a bubble right now and it's going to crash too.

>> No.7170283

>2% per yer

>> No.7170303

Stocks boomed almost 100 years ago. Good luck Norman.

>> No.7170320

>losing money
10x this last month alone

>> No.7170335

My stocks and my crypto have been shitting the bed this week. What now?

>> No.7170352

>Real value

hahaha. Good one, goyim

>> No.7170407

Stocks are no different than crypto tokens. They're useless nothings that represent something else, an idea, a company, but by themselves aren't really anything. Both only have value because people decided they do.

>> No.7170410

So people are desperate enough to lie to themselves about realistic stock market returns to justify their internet gambling addiction?

>> No.7170437


>> No.7170469


>> No.7170480

Fuck it time to put all my money in cocaine.
do they still take shitcoin or do i need monero?
been a while lads

>> No.7170515

>tfw major holdings in YY and JD since December with 20%+ returns in a month

>Shitcoin has gone through the floor and wont stop dropping.

>> No.7170541

lol fuck up cunt if you made an inkling of profit you wouldn't be shitposting the same gekko thread on a fucking forum all day

>> No.7170582


I would too but I'm too poor.

Need to invest a little more in ponzi scheme's first to make it big until I hop on those comfy passive gains.

>> No.7170657
File: 242 KB, 374x385, 1509452074927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW coiner and making money in a bear market