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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7168121 No.7168121 [Reply] [Original]

When the subhumans wake up the market tanks

>> No.7168161

Hopefully North Korea nukes shit out of fucking amerifats, we don’t need them.

>> No.7168176

Most people are still asleep, normies dont wake up at 5:00AM and start trading you retard

>> No.7168192

except the massive dip started an hour and a half ago while they were sleeping

>> No.7168205

This is all the chinks' fault

>> No.7168211


You need to check a world clock you fucking moron. This is all Europoors, Pajeets and Chinks.

>> No.7168248

Why do americunts have to ruin everything? Don't they have better things to do other than panic selling, eating mcdonalds or getting shot?

>> No.7168284

We unironically need to ban amerifats from crypto. Not a single thing of value would be lost.

>> No.7168302

The drop definitely wouldn't have been so dramatic if it weren't for the India FUD

>> No.7168340

As an American I agree. Wall street and many other kikes would get BTFO. I'd keep trading using a vpn.

>> No.7168362


That. I am waiting way too long till some1 nukes that fucking weakhanded murican idiots.

Murica is pure degenerate subhuman shithole country.
Watch the movie "Idiocracy" ...it's a livestream of murica.

>> No.7168393

It is 6-3 am you fucking retards this was the fucking Eurofags

>> No.7168403

>waking up at 3 AM

>> No.7168410

Well the media has been on a massive tear, this time it was india banning it

>> No.7168425
File: 2.15 MB, 320x240, 2C4FDCF8-A900-4694-8F59-12114FEC79A9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found the 87 IQ Jafars. No one is even awake here.

>> No.7168444

Rather ban them from reality they have fucked up since world war 1 atleast

>> No.7168448

I'm pulling out every night from now on, America simply can't be trusted with the market.

>> No.7168474

See how dumb the burger is he doesn't even know his own time zones in his country. This is what we are dealing with. We need some kind of petition to ban burgers from crypto.

>> No.7168483


Oops, the retard bus isn’t done unloading.

>> No.7168500
File: 43 KB, 644x430, RefugeesWelcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors gotta dump before they go to bed in their single sized bed.

>> No.7168567
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, CFF4DCC2-DEBC-45ED-88B4-9F8871069C79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So many salty Europoors. Mad that their millennia long lineage is going to be erased in 3 generations by literal goatfuckers.

>> No.7168593


Agreed. We should do a worldwide petition to ban muricans.

What a retarded shithole country full of dumbed down subhumans...

>> No.7168625

You are even worse than europoors.

>> No.7168629

Amerifat here, we are opportunists dingus, BTC is gonna recover back to 10K by 10:30am from us Americhads buying low.

>> No.7168634


dude look at your shithole country: in murica there isn't even culture. you are all refugees you faggots. you are mixed race while we in europe have very different countries with different races. ...hahah murifag doesn't know history, no wonder. ...murifags are statistically the most uneducated and dumbed down people in civilized world.
...we have much more

>> No.7168653

More like we wake up into the shit that Europe has left us.

>> No.7168667
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>> No.7168668
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I think this one is actually going to start crying.

>> No.7168669

and fattest

>> No.7168675
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>> No.7168678
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fucking cunts

>> No.7168680
File: 249 KB, 607x609, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying its america's fault

>> No.7168702

Also do any austrliachads here realise that we witness the waking of korea china europe and amierca all in one day. then its sleep time.

>> No.7168711

>amuhricunts wake up, needing money for "MUH TAX COPS!!"
>rest of the world knows this because unless burger, timezones are not a problem to understand
>every one dumps because unless burger, the concept of timezones is not hard to grasp
>we repeat this everyday now, until we get all the way back down to zero.
>thanks for destroying yet another good thing burgerbros
>this is why we cant have good things

why wait for those spastic fucks to wake up?

>> No.7168713

Amerilard here, its 6:19 am and I woke up to take a piss, should I just sell now before the rest of the fatsos wake up

>> No.7168724
File: 143 KB, 962x640, 1517472610478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right though. Europe is doomed. Only country worth living in in the next 50 years is Japan.

>> No.7168731

shut up weeb

>> No.7168734 [DELETED] 

3 AM on the west coast, 6 AM on the east, and these are where most of the population lives. Are you sure about this evaluation, you absolute retard?

>> No.7168745
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>we have much more

Yes, much more Muslim cock in your women. Look, you can’t even form a complete sentence.

>> No.7168756


>> No.7168765

someone is jealous they are not an australiachad lmao. maybe in another life bud, maybe in another life

>> No.7168781

history of making our own fucking culture faggot, not sucking our great great great grandaddies cock like the eurotrash "culture"

>> No.7168788

Sorry that was meant for OP

3 AM on the west coast, 6 AM on the east, and these are where most of the population lives. Are you sure about this evaluation, you absolute retard?

>> No.7168792

Fucking retards, buy the morning dip.

>> No.7168796


Eh, I'm already all in Ether, there's no need to ever sell. Back to bed Night night :)

>> No.7168816

ayy goodnight, sweet dreams about starbucks and fat bithces

>> No.7168821
File: 95 KB, 640x640, 88343FCD-C608-40A8-B6B8-4599397BF699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 100% certified aussie shitpost

>> No.7168823

Yea a culture of McDonald's and hip-hop
>top kek

>> No.7168828

kek it's 9400 already. burger will wake up to 8000
and send it down to 5
it's all ogre

>> No.7168838

Dude it’s fucking 5am EASTERN TIME when you made this post burgers are still sleeping you idiot.

>> No.7168854


Ayyy I got a chubby one right next to me. Good for warmth

>> No.7168861

Fucking glass handed burgers are cancer on earth

>> No.7168872

fucking bongs did this lol

>> No.7168874
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Stay mad europoor

You will live to see the EU kill white Europa instead of heeding my warning

>> No.7168892

Literally nobody is awake right now, like 10% of the country woke up an hour ago

>> No.7168909


This. I hate Americans as much as anyone else that's sensible, but it's only 6:30 in New York.

>> No.7168926

no body is waiting for burgers to wake up.
this is preemptive selling

>> No.7168943

My burger senses are tingling

>> No.7168946


Fuck off, nigger, history of kike culture. Listen, I'm American and love the original spirit of the founders, the settlers, and even some of the late 19th century WASP elite, but we are a diabolical, second-world, jewish shithole at this point.

>> No.7168963

Goddamn I cannot imagine being an obsessed Eurocuck. These threads are pathetic.

>> No.7168971

holy shitfuck it just climbed 100
the Winklevii are awake

>> No.7168977

>be Euro
>couldn't sleep so I browse biz during burger hours

It is not a meme burgers are stupid as fuck

>> No.7168988

there is more muslims in the US than any given EU country (bar France), add to that the negros and beaners etc you guys should be the ones worried.

source?, google it faggit

>> No.7169026
File: 92 KB, 700x676, turbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is every country flipping out and banning crypto after so long? Is it literally da jewz? I'm so upset right now.

>> No.7169034

its 3-6 am in america though

vast majority are asleep. this thread was made by a retard

>> No.7169044
File: 73 KB, 625x510, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I travelled around the world 4 times in my life. I visited every continent and Know a variety of different cultures.

100% that muricans are absolutely disgusting and dumbed down retards.
They don't understand their own history and have no culture. Even the poorest countries on earth know their roots, their background. They learn from each other and are very friendly and welcoming.
While burgers are simply worthless dumbed down idiots. They know nothing about the world because they just think "USA USA USA" - while in fact most of civilized countries are by far superior to murican.
...well, if being fat and shooting around like a retard would be a culture, muricans of course would have a culture.

Just look at youtube, Murifats are the worst, by far.

>> No.7169776

can second that
funny thing is, while behaving like the last retards on earth, they actually think their gods gift themself
its kind of tragic