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7167267 No.7167267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0.

>> No.7167283
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 5doolars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7167286

shut up nigger, btc will die, but that has nothing with tulips, stupid ape

>> No.7167349

>shut up nigger

he's not a nigger, he's a /pol/tard, stop falling for obvious bait

>> No.7167652


Damn haven't seen one of these threads in a while

>> No.7167916

I'd pay one of these niggers to fuck my white girlfriend while I watch. Does that make me a cuck?

>> No.7168085

Of course not, you pay him, he's your employee. You're in power.

>> No.7168143

Man I feel like a loser when I see pics like this. How do I get a girl like that but who likes white guys?

>> No.7168154

Look at those rap niggers. They have no future, just like Arabs.

>> No.7168166


>> No.7168407

>doesn't know the actual history of "tulipmania"
>doesn't realize that tv cucks don't know the actual history of "tulipmania"
>doesn't realize that public intellectuals don't know the actual history of "tulipmania"
>doesn't realize that "tulipmania 2.0" is a meme created by anti crypto banker shills and goldbugs
>knows he's ignorant but posts here anyway

>> No.7169055

don't feel bad when confronted with obvious psyops...
just think rationally... a roastie who would gladly spread their legs for "people" like that... do you think you could deal with a person like that?
i can't even be in the same room as most roasties and their "boyfriends" without wanting to pull my own brain out through my nose because of the mindless drivel they spout all day...

simply grow as a person... replace that diehard-urge to find a sexual mate with actual interests and grow out of your comfort zone...
no need for PUA, no need for grovelling for pussy (that's all they do, btw.)...

and at some point you just realize:
there's more than pussy in life... that's the alphas biggest secret... and none of them will explain it to you the way i do it right now... most of them are to stupid to realiize this, anyway, since they're simply genetically priviledged...
>yay, you were born a certain way... congratz, i guess...

it should be indicative that all great philosophers and all great men in history, who moved mountains, were ugly as fuck... pussy is nothing but ONE GIANT DISTRACTION for any real man...

and guess what...
no matter how you look like...

the moment you stop lusting after pussy like a nice little beta watching the alpha do the only thing he can: fuck bitches and dominate like a big ape, the pussy starts coming to you...
if they're spoiled already (nig-dick, mudslime dick before), fuck them off.. if not, have some fun and then dump when appropriate...

but not roasties interested in your money... the ones who want you for you...

and you realize then, you didn't even want them...

don't let the outside define you...


inb4 go back to /pol/
i'm half jewish, goy. so don't put me in any pol. category lel or look like an idiot.

not gonna read replies, since they usually bore me. i just felt the urge to help. do what thou wilt with it, /biz/

>> No.7169215

all 3 of them are below average if you cant even get that you have no hope

>> No.7169233
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Nice speech m8

>> No.7169271

Daily reminder,

That's what (((they))) want you to think

>> No.7169290

You think the nigger in the center wants to fuck his bro?

>> No.7169303
File: 114 KB, 533x800, VYDD6gQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black guys clean up all the ugliest white chicks same as white guys fall for the ugliest asians. Who gonna clean up the black uggos though?

>> No.7169334
File: 37 KB, 770x300, calvin-ayre-digs-deeper-into-bitcoin-with-acquisition-of-coingeek-com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, this is why Bitcoin Cash will overtake it.
Although by the looks of it, ETH will claim the #1 spot first.

>> No.7169337

Obesity related diseases

>> No.7169373

>a girl like that
>literally below average mudshark sluts

dude like every girl in the planet prefer white guys kek
t. chad

>> No.7169440
File: 15 KB, 236x354, e6cfc0321c7f6329876ea7205c8176e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A girl like that
Any man with self-respect would only go for 6.5/10 and above

>> No.7169484

only 56% of me is bothered by this

>> No.7169557

it has everything to do with tulips you retarded fuck. its even worse cause a tulip has a real life value. its a beautiful flower you can look at.