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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7165998 No.7165998 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read Andreas Antonopoulos's "Mastering Bitcoin" textbook? There's a sample address in there so I thought I'd look it up and see if anyone sent anything to it, and lo and behold they have - any Andreas even transferred funds out of the address. Kind of funny:


Instead of shitposting in /biz/ you should be reading good materials like this

>> No.7166051
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Hurr durr muh 2smart
What is dunning Kruger effect

>> No.7166068

Haha fuck my dick, never mind Andreas made these transactions I believe as a reference.

>> No.7166080
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>> No.7166121

I've been listening to his videos in the background while doing whatever during the last few weeks. He' smart, but he's making me bitter against the traditional banking system. He has good arguments, but you have to wonder what is full agenda is.

>> No.7166122

Genuine helpful advice on /biz/?! OH MAH LAWD

>> No.7166134


People who mention dunning kruger are usually the ones that have it, unironically

>> No.7166196

>He' smart, but he's making me bitter against the traditional banking system
That's the point, you should be. His full agenda is that he's Greek and was personally affected by the Greek banking crisis in a deep way - he had to instruct his mother on how to take out her wealth from the banks in a safe way and put it in Bitcoin since she was stubborn and trusted her government.

From a first world perspective you might not understand, but from his perspective it all makes too much sense and he is 100% right

>> No.7166263

I was going to ask you how you knew it was actually andreas....Besides, he has a vanity address that starts with 1andreas....

This is his publicly know public address (heh)


>> No.7166330

Because in the book it goes through example transactions, and they're the exact amount that is used in the book. Shit now that you say it, actually I think the later deposits are other randoms. I stand corrected.

>> No.7166350

And you'd think he'd be smarter than to use vanity addresses - they are less cryptographically secure due to lower entropy (private key generation criteria were isolated to a certain range of output addresses including the string andreas)

>> No.7166351

shut up faggot

>> No.7166485

I agree, but in my situation saying "fuck it" and putting everything I own into cryptocurrencies very probably wouldn't be a smart decision. Being angry and critical of the traditional banking system is fine, but if you're going to do something it needs to be thought out and rational, and not just because someone else riled you up enough to do it.

>> No.7166607

Be the change you want to see. I live in a first world country and am financially secure even disregarding crypto entirely, and I am migrating away from the use of banks. Most of my wealth is in crypto now (but even if I lost it I'd be fine)

>> No.7166616

Knee pads for both of you kuks

>> No.7166747

what would be the point of her putting her money in BTC
It's not like the Greek government was just emptying ppls bank accounts lol

>> No.7166798

They couldn't withdraw money from the bank anon without waiting in long lines

>> No.7166824

He probably has thousands of addresses.

I'm not close being financially independently right now, I'm diversifying but still need to figure out what I do money-wise. Good for you if you've made it.

So anyone who doesn't do what angry Greeks tell them to are cucks? You also don't seem to exactly grasp what the Dunning Kruger effect is. There's a reason why the other anon said what he did.

>> No.7166833

why do you have to withdraw money to buy things? Just use your Visa
At least your Euros won't lose 50% of their value

>> No.7166879

Anon please research the Greek banking crisis. They were withdrawing money because the Greek financial system was collapsing and if they didn't withdraw now they suspected they'd never see it again