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7165285 No.7165285 [Reply] [Original]

My parents are threatening to remove me from their will and give it all to my roastie sister.

There reasons being:
> “i’m too immature to handle that kind of money because i haven’t been able to get a stable job, social life or get married by 25 and they don’t want to enable my childish video game/anime lifestyle”.

I stand to lose out on $5.2 million. Fucking cunts. I really don’t know what to do /biz/... they want to give all that money to my roastie elder sister who’s already on her 3rd marriage.

>> No.7165354

simple solution: ask if you can at least have some for your future kids college fund (mention a 529)

selfish parents love grandchildren, they will give you a hug

>> No.7165391
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Calm down and set your priorities straight. You first need to sort yourself out and organize yourself mentally and externally. Quit anything that may be hindering to be productive, including video games, anime, and porn. Search for jobs but you’re going to have to build yourself up and develop discipline which is where physical activity and working out need to come into your life. Sit down and communicate with your parents and ask them what they want from you and try to meet those needs but you need to set goals. There was a Harvard study where they asked 30 students of they wanted to millionaires and only one was successful, the reason being was because he wrote down his goals for the month year and the next ten years. Start small with your goals but it will help you find your way and become a successful individual and you won’t have to worry about losing that will.

>> No.7165413

>future kids
that bluff would be hard to pull off

>> No.7165423

You sound like an entitled little cunt to me. Go outside and work for something in your life. Your parents might appreciate that and have a change of heart. Otherwise, it's their money, and you have no legal right to it. Suck it up and make something of yourself.

>> No.7165444

Get a job and pretend you are responsible until your parents die.

>> No.7165450

t. boomer

>> No.7165452

>wahhh mommy and daddy won't give me their money so i can waste it all wahhh
Lol get fucked worthless NEET. Actual human garbage

>> No.7165457

Anon it's time to man up. Think of it this way - if you're being serious and you're going to lose $5.2m then it's time to nut up and realize your job that you're about to start doing is worth WAY more than whatever salary you're earning.

Just get a job NOW dumbass

>> No.7165462

Suck your dads dick and fuck your mom or suck your sisters dick and fuck your bog or suck your vagene dik and buck yur bob.

>> No.7165475

>muh free stuff
I don't blame them you sound like a massive faggot and an embarrassment of a son. kys

>> No.7165476

Threaten to kill yourself

>> No.7165486

if your parents are really worth however many million, you can afford to buy a decent job

>> No.7165516

Just tell them you'll kill yourself if you're not left with enough to survive after they're gone. They brought you in to this world, you're their responsibility, just because they don't like the way you turned out shouldn't change a thing.

Seriously tho, giving women inheritance is the biggest meme. If the typical woman wants financial stability she need only open her legs to the right man. Sons need inheritance because financial stability is an attractive trait for men to have if they want to have a wife and children. If parents want their sons to have children you're better off buying your son a new car or house and not your daughter who will be able to get lifts and a home easily. It gives him a better position to attract females.

If you want your sons to give you grandchildren support him financially. If you want you daughter to marry well tell her she won't get anything.

>> No.7165539

>3rd marriage


>> No.7165551


>> No.7165564

>stable job, social life or get married by 25 and they don’t want to enable my childish video game/anime lifestyle

that's legit.
stop acting like a damn teenager.

>> No.7165569

Buy a gun

>> No.7165591

This. Fantasize about the 5.2m and what you're going to do with it but know that to get that 5.2m you only need to have a job and a somewhat normal life for like 10-20 years.

>> No.7165657

They have a point OP, sounds like your stripper roastie sister is more successful than you are.

>> No.7165672

They are right, and you need to grow the fuck up. You don't deserve anything, especially not with the fucking shitbag attitude you have.

I hope they follow through.

>> No.7165679

They are correct and are trying to help you. This assumes that you are a NEET leech with no prospects.

It's their nr 1 duty to make you sustainably self sufficient. This is their last chance of doing so.

Your sister at least tries to live in the real life, even if not very aptly.

>> No.7165704

Your parents sound pretty based

>> No.7165724

what a genius.

>> No.7165752

I told my parents that I don't want any inheritance from them. Inheritance is unearned money. Basically lottery winning without the hassle of purchasing a ticket.

>> No.7165757

What the fuck is "anime lifestyle" ?
Do you even get laid my nig?

>> No.7165840

Wrong. It is deserved by right of birth. Intergenerational advancement in wealth, knowledge, and social status is fundamental to an orderly society.

>> No.7165861

Your parents earned the money you doofus

And many people actually work for their inheritance. I've been working in the family business for 10 years now, since I was 16. Why should I not inherit it one day? How is it not earned?

>> No.7165868

This x1000. OP you need to shape up. This is probably more money than you stand to get from your fake Internet currency.
Not that that should be your motivation anyway. Go get a job, have a life, and love your parents. Having a career and a skill and taking pride in what you do will give you purpose and make you happier in the long run. Your parents know this

>> No.7165873

>im responsible with money
show them ur bleeding blockfolio

>> No.7165897


they are just trying to bait you into wageslaving, don't fall for it

>> No.7165962

>right of birth
Unearned income is fundamental to a degenerate , dying, pajeet-like stratified society.

>> No.7166004
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1) Get a stable job, social life and get married with kids. Don't commit to any of these, e.g. a marriage contract that states explicitly you won't pay a dime in case of a divorce. Or don't get married at all, just make kids, I doubt parents will care.
2) Get your inheritance.
3) Abandon your job, your social life and your wife/kids.
4) ???
5) Profit! You're now paying aliments at most (which isn't too bad, since they're your genetic kids (I hope :-))).

>> No.7166053

You sound like some kind of liberalist individualist queer.

>> No.7166082

Where do you live? Don't you have a forced heirship? In my country you would be entitled to at least $1.3 million of that amount

>> No.7166112

unironically, if you dont agree with his stance, youre the faggot

>> No.7166113

Asians have the best pussy and boobs goddamn. Can't wait to finally move to china and bleach the fuck out of some bitch and get her prego with my white seed. HNNNNNG

>> No.7166175

>give it to the weird kid giving him no reason to go out and get a life rubber stamping your predictions of him dying a sad lonely virgin
>give it to your successful daughter who will have children and carry on the family line, enabling several generations who can afford great college degrees and homes.

yeah nah you don't deserve a penny.

>> No.7166356

t. atomized, demoralized, rootless individual adrift in a formless postmodern sea cut off from his ancestors, god, and meaning

>> No.7166418

This is what your parents are trying to prevent by not giving you inheritance.

>> No.7166438

Make sure they die before they do that.


>> No.7166453

Yeah, OP's parents are right. He needs to become a man first. Maybe get a wife and make some babies.

>> No.7166464

Yep, this is the actual correct answer

>> No.7166513

Come on. There are good-looking Asians with actual curves.
This one is a plank with fake tits.

>> No.7166542

Kill them before they do it.

>> No.7166587
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They are going to be real upset if they find out you're larping on 4chan too

>> No.7167094


Just cash out and move out...


>> No.7167187

Inheritances are wrong. Don't even bother.
Make your money yourself

>> No.7167229
File: 7 KB, 235x214, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men marrying before 25

Are your parents deeply religious? Only women should get married that young.

>> No.7167254

Here's a tip - get a job fuck knuckle!!!

>> No.7167297

>a disappointment on the 4chan businessman larp board


>> No.7167298

Why would you need 5.2M from them if you can get it yourself by trading crypto?

>> No.7167314

get a fucking job and hope for half, make a big show over a year about working hard and changing and then slowly taper contact

>> No.7167456

>Your birth and parents is a lottery

I want to go back in time and punch whatever faggot first thought this was not only clever but correct in any way, shape or form. There isn't a cosmic lottery putting your consciousness inside babies, women are not impregnated at random by a random man. Viewing your own existence as pure chance you belittle your parents lives and your ancestors very survival. Wealth isn't a lottery, people work for it, sure some people get lucky but most work for it. Basing your existence on luck is the premise of a lazy sack of shit.

>"Oh we're poor/rich because we're unlucky/lucky not to be born rich/poor!"
>"They're just the lucky/unlucky few born in to luxury/poverty!"
>"Never work hard for your children and grand-children, its all based on luck"
>"I'll not work hard and build upon the wealth left for me, it was attained through luck!"

Working hard so that your children can have an advantage is a basic premise of human success. There is no point is making money if you're not going to use it to ensure the success of your children.

>> No.7167498

It makes you a leech and not someone worth a million

>> No.7167533

>your birth and parents is not a lottery

yeah, tell that to dem niggers in africa

>> No.7167578


Hey OP, i'll marry you for a 20% cut in the money. deal?

>> No.7167618

Anon. You can't get them get away with this. Poison their food and rape your sister, after that burn the house.

>> No.7167635

>Working hard so that your children can have an advantage is a basic premise of human success
Is an admission that you failed as a parent and/or that your children are not fit enough to sustain themselves as adults. It's proof that even if your parents were great specimens, their children prove that it was despite their genetic makeup, which will be harder and harder to sustain through generations. It will funnel into it's inevitable demise as artificial prop-ups will in run-out and the people who are truly fit to live will thrive.

>> No.7167697

>I want to go back in time and punch
Such grandiose sense of self despite being an anime watching faggot. With physically violent tendencies to boot.

Your parents are heroes.

>> No.7167736

>op neet
>retarded parents
>not successful sister

Bad genetics, I'm near sure you're fucking depressed near all the time.

>> No.7167886

Don't think a tranny like you will cut it.

>> No.7167889

Wrong. It sounds like your only valuation is honor and searching approval life-long from your parents with a very vain mindset.
"Gotta maintain my family names honor". Get over yourself, you are yourself even if you share DNA with your family.

>> No.7167920

kys natalist scum

>There is no point is making money if you're not going to use it to ensure the success of your children.
what about using it to enjoy my short existence you fucking mong?

>> No.7167950

Good, your parents will live until 100 and now you have 0 duty to take care of her.

>> No.7167985

>1 post by this ID

>> No.7168039

Sounds like your parents have common sense, why would they give you that money if they know you're just gonna blow it on dumb shit?

As much as it sucks, what sucks worse is losing your fortune to your shitty parasite of a son. If you can prove to them that you'll do something with that money (read: make more money with it, and not just blow it) then I'm sure they'll be willing to give you your share.

Just come up with a genuinely viable explanation for how you'll handle the money, propose it to them, and see what they say.

Then stick to it. There's a big difference between rich people and poor people with a lot of money.

>> No.7168088
File: 17 KB, 384x384, images-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are your parents? If theyre in their 40's then dont bother cause it will probably take 40 more years for them to die and by the time you get the 5.2 mill:
a) youve wasted your life wage slaving.
b) you have a bitch wife that you only married to get the money, which she will end up taking from you anyway.
c) the dollar will have already hyperinflated and will be worthless. This will happen in the next few years, maybe this year.

Just live your life anon. Get rich off of crypto with the rest of us. We are ALL going to make it lad.

>> No.7168091

obviously you need to provide them a male heir. I mean come on dude if you don't want the money just tell them

>> No.7168133

Where i live it is againt the law to make such a will. You can not favor only one child with everything if there is other to inherit. OP take the law book and study how things really work.

>> No.7168191

>it's important to get married before 25
Fucking burgers
t. parents married at 28 and still stable after 25 years

>> No.7168213

Lol what kind of dystopian shithole tells you who you can and can't give your money to?

What if one of my kids is a heroin addict and the other one is a great son with actual potential? I'd have to give half to the junkie kid?

>> No.7168240

>put work into fucking up well intentioned parents instead of actually making something with your life.

Revolutions were almost always made to get rid of parasites like OP.

>wanting your parents to care about you if you see them as nothing more than money bags.

>> No.7168277

Well then you can start giving shit to the girl while you're still alive so that she becomes very rich by the time you die and put it in your will that you're giving everything that's left to a charity
If you want to, you will always be able to fuck the brat up >>7165285

>> No.7168287

someone shop Homer's do it for her posterboard with photos of cash and two caskets
that's your motivation m8

>> No.7168313

If you're in the UK look up the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.

>> No.7168351

Go to some easy as fuck college to get an easy degree. Being a student is like a half-way point between NEET and wageslave. If you're finding it difficult tell your parents that you're having issues, and you're thinking of dropping out. They'll try to coax you out of it; use this as leverage to go down to 2-3 classes for a semester or two. Go to some club on campus, you don't have to enjoy it, but you can pretend you have a social life. After you graduate, don't get a job. Be unemployed, but keep up an act of looking for work. Apply for jobs related to your degree, and within your qualifications, but make sure those are jobs that a lot of people apply for, so you won't get it. Leave out some papers occasionally just so your parents "stumble upon them." After about two years of unemployment get some shitty job, like a bag-boy. Make it very obvious that you hate it. After a few months approach your parents and ask to go back to school, but this time to learn a trade. Pharmacy tech, mechanic, that sort of thing. Time it so that you get accepted before summer, and then resign from your terrible job. That way you'll be able to NEET it up over the summer while waiting for the fall semester. Once you get this certification, though, you're going to have to start working. You've gotten many extra years of avoiding normie life, but now you have to wait for your parents to die until you can quit. If you're still insecure about getting an inheritance, spread a rumor that your sister is on drugs. You won't be hurting your sister, in fact your family will be much nicer to her. But if they're going to cut off a child for being "bad with money" then a drug addict is much worse than a loser.

>> No.7168394

>Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
what the fuck? does the U.S. have some fucked up shit like this?
>the state can decide what to do with your money, even after explicitly detailing your plans
that's some jew bullshit

>> No.7168417

Have you actually read the post anon?

>> No.7168451

Fuck off cuck
Go work and be happy about it
I'll work and get inheritance because i see it as gains. In this life... you need to make gains
Food stamps?
Sure, it's gains
I'll shop and buy useless shit at the grocery store with MY tax dollars that are reduced from my pay checks

School? Sure, give me financial aid
I want to be paid to study, not slave away in the books for no reason.

You cannot prove me wrong because you are a fucking cuck.

>> No.7168477

yes and it's fucked

>> No.7168493

>sitting around whining about not getting 5 MILLION dollars if you stay a lazy neet
>instead of getting your shit together

even if you do an epic fail youre still proving to them you can handle that money. wow you are stupid. for someone who posts on an investing board you dont know fuck all about what kind of amazing investment your situation could be

>> No.7168595

Your parents are right. I wish my parents were pragmatic like that

My communist brother lives with then, never worked in his life and it's 30 yo. They will probably raise their grandson, in case he is stupid enough to get his girlfriend pregnant.
I would never allow that kind of shit, and I wish in my life he never ask me for money, with few exceptions.

Man up op

>> No.7168637

>If you're in the UK
No you have not

>> No.7168663

>>If you're in the UK
>does the U.S. have some fucked up shit like this?
I read it and questioned the possibility of a similar law in the u.s.
have you actually read my post anon?

>> No.7168705

That is beside the point, you provide enough to support your kid even if they aren't as great as you are. You do this to ensure your genetic legacy. If anything your child not being as driven for success as you is a better reason to ensure you work to provide them with every opportunity.

I was making a point, the premise of your existence being based on luck is bullshit and I hate it.

Having children and helping them succeed is enjoyable. Parents deciding to not leave their children anything dooms the majority of children to live the same shitty economic status as their parents. Most children grow up and live their entire lives in the same economic status as their parents. It is about making not just yourself but your children and their children having happy and fulfilling lives.

>> No.7168717
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Looks like I misinterpreted your post
I'm sorry anon

>> No.7168747

Using the money as a leverage to force your kids to man the fuck up is a really good thing to do genetically
the other choice is make another kid and make sure not to fuck up like you did with that one

>> No.7168753

kys nihilist

>> No.7168808

If your sister had an accident they would value their only remaining offspring more

>> No.7168814

Sounds like your parents are making a sound financial decision. I wouldn't invest in a virgin socially inept neet who won't give me grandchildren either. At least the roastie will pop a few out.

>> No.7168862

get into therapy, OP. It helps with getting a more purposeful life.

>> No.7169017

Why do you feel entitled to decide what your parents should do with their money by using some impromptu patched-up up ideology?

>if my parents won't support my bing bing wahoo machines, children of man will suffer eternal damnation

inheritance is the single most important thing that calcifies societies, making deserved upwards mobility harder and harder.

>is bullshit and I hate it.
Temper tantrum? You can't be serious.

>> No.7169033
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kill them before they remove you from the will

>> No.7169057

See what you can do to apeal them, considering the amount of money whatever would deffinately seem worth it. Also there's nothing more painful to look at than a fully grown infant so it might be time to grow up bucko

>> No.7169062

Go to jail so that the world has fewer insufferable cunts to deal with

>> No.7169070

kill them before they write it, then you'll get the money

>> No.7169094

>inheritance is the single most important thing that calcifies societies, making deserved upwards mobility harder and harder.

calm down Trotsky

>> No.7169199

So just buckle up and get a good job and a wife. Have a grandkid then go on about how you will have more. Hold this life for a couple decades till your parents die then roll in the dough. Even if you have a horrible wife you can still divorce them and sit on 2.6 million.

>> No.7169225

>strawman, the post

>> No.7169257

>if you have a horrible wife you can still divorce them
Holy shit that would be a horrible wife

>> No.7169264

Same, but for different reasons.
I've made more in crypto (cashed out after january tether printing spree) than they could ever give me. They will feel entitled to my gains if I accept money from them and they find out.

>> No.7169269

kill your parents

>> No.7169289

>Having children and helping them succeed is enjoyable.
only if you actually want to raise children, and then only if you're lucky enough to have compatible personalities
otherwise it's a fucking slog and you end up hating eachother

>It is about making not just yourself but your children and their children having happy and fulfilling lives.
again, why do you assume everyone views having children as the only, or even just the MOST, worthwhile thing to spend their time and money on?

>> No.7169376

I have some bad news for you anon, there are many states in the US where you can't write off your wife out of the will if you have kids with her, even if you are divorced

>> No.7169380

Read your Bible op

>> No.7169442

My thinking isn't based on wanting my parents shit, I got nothing from my parents and grandparents because they were lazy fuckers that were the latest in a long line of working class that refused to improve not only their own lives but the lives of their children as well. Content to let my siblings and I grow up in shitty conditions while not encouraging or providing much of anything to help us improve our place in life. They believed the meme that being born rich is based on luck, if they had been more conservative with how they spent their money they could have been the foundation for allowing future generations of their family be born "lucky."

I am not saying you need to support manchildren, you just need to use your wealth to give your children the opportunity to better themselves, if one is acting like a manchild you can use your money to improve their position in life and better prepare them for life without you, there are more options available to help them. I don't care about how leaving behind an inheritance for my kids effects the lives of other peoples children, if it ensures a better standard of living for my own descendants the difficulties of social mobility for everyone else doesn't concern me in the slightest.

Inheritance making social mobility harder for everyone else and improving the lives of my family is honestly a win-win scenario for me.

>> No.7169473

This guy gets it. Arrange an "accident".

>> No.7169565

>I stand to lose 5.2mil

gee i wonder how much work YOU put in to wrack that up..

fucking westies are so disgusting with their entitlement disorders

>> No.7169614

Thank fuck we have anons like this. Praise kek.

>> No.7169726


>> No.7169740

I have never said it was the most enjoyable thing and I agree it is full of hardships, but if you want children its a horrible thing to do if you don't intend to do everything in your power to help them succeed, nepotism, inheritance and all.

Making money and using it to enjoy it is in the end pointless if you have no one close to you to leave it to who can also hopefully benefit from your hard work. Memories and experiences die with the person who felt them your descendants are all that remain.

>> No.7169797

Your parents are 100% right you especially dont deserve any off that will. I hope they also disavow you as a son

>> No.7169999


>> No.7170563

Seems like OP would not use his inherited money for the same purpose. For that to be possible, he'd have to do what his parent demanded of him.

So given this line of reasoning, OP must shape up to get inheritance.

>> No.7170641


>> No.7170664

>if you want children its a horrible thing to do if you don't intend to do everything in your power to help them succeed
agreed, BUT how does
>nepotism, inheritance and all.
actually help them succeed as individual persons? it may take care of their living expenses, but unless they have the personality to do anything "worthwhile" with that money it just goes to waste on someone who doesn't understand the value of it, and that's a trait you can only nurture by earning your own money
money as anything but a reward for knowing what the fuck you're doing and doing it well corrupts people. giving anybody something they didn't work for themselves and instead just got "lucky" enough to born into defeats YOUR OWN reasoning

>Making money and using it to enjoy it is in the end pointless if you have no one close to you to leave it to
damn that's a hot opinion bro
>who can also hopefully benefit from your hard work.
and why shouldn't I be the one to benefit from my own hard work?

>Memories and experiences die with the person who felt them your descendants are all that remain.
so you're just trying to live forever through some weird passing on of a history of your existence? what right do you have to bring another life into the world for such a selfish desire?
your nothing but a tyrant if you honestly think that's okay OH WAIT
>I don't care about how leaving behind an inheritance for my kids effects the lives of other peoples children, if it ensures a better standard of living for my own descendants the difficulties of social mobility for everyone else doesn't concern me in the slightest.
>Inheritance making social mobility harder for everyone else and improving the lives of my family is honestly a win-win scenario for me.
you really are nothing more than a selfish pro-natalist shitbag
your "fuck my parents for being poor and fuck the rest of the world too, my worldview is the only one that matters" mentality disgusts me and literally every other morally sound person

>> No.7170695

just buy ethereum now and you'll be fine
fortune favours the brave

>> No.7170702

Nice post. A shame the Rothschilds figured this out first and convinced the goyim that inheritance is a bad thing.

>> No.7170720

>"I am a teenager", the post.

>> No.7170741

whoever said that probably ended up a red wojak

>> No.7170753

>"I have no valid argument", the post.

>> No.7170773

The thing is, lad, you are such a hollowed out husk of a human being at this point that you are literally incapable of understanding the value of your connections to your ancestors and descendants, however eloquently anon explains them. Enjoy your sense pleasures, bug man.

>> No.7170832

>uses terms like pro-natalist
>wants to be treated seriously

>> No.7170865
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Not everyone is an edgy Anti-Natalist. Some of us are competent members of the species. You're the weirdo who doesn't work here.

>> No.7170893


>> No.7170919


>> No.7170921

Still salty from that Trotzky post, I see.

>> No.7170926

How is OP in any standing to have descendants of his own?

Seems like his parents see this and the sister gets the money.

>> No.7171007

You dig yourself deeper and deeper hypocrite.

>> No.7171034

>you are such a hollowed out husk of a human being at this point
lmaoing @ this projection

>you are literally incapable of understanding the value of your connections to your ancestors and descendants
I am my own individual person and have accomplished things of my own values and by my own efforts. I have no need of holding up what others have done for me as some kind of trophy.
>however eloquently
"dude my genes and superiority complex need to propagate, btw fuck everybody but me"
>sense pleasures
more useless projection, I spend most of it growing my own business or on charities to help people back into the workforce, which only helps give more people the opportunity to earn their own money and be better people for it

>edgy Anti-Natalist.
quite the contrary, I just think that having kids for any selfish reasons like "being remembered" is abhorrent

>> No.7171037

The point of this thread is that OP is a parasite shitbag incapable of having children and raising them in a semi-competent manner.

>> No.7171041

/r9k is the place for you. they are the board for family issues. Listen to them.

>> No.7171100

OP needs to shape up and stop being a NEET faggot. No dispute there.
You will spend the next few decades feathering your nest and fluffing your ego with shinies and eating sweet treats like a court eunuch then die as you lived: pointlessly.

>> No.7171149 [DELETED] 

>edgy Anti-Natalist.
>quite the contrary

you really are nothing more than a selfish pro-natalist shitbag


>I am my own individual person and have accomplished things of my own values and by my own efforts.

Take a break, have a cup of tea and then come back and read your posts.

>> No.7171186

>edgy Anti-Natalist.
>quite the contrary

>you really are nothing more than a selfish pro-natalist shitbag


>I am my own individual person and have accomplished things of my own values and by my own efforts.

Take a break, have a cup of tea and then come back and read your posts.

>> No.7171203

What if you're incapable of having children. :/

>> No.7171298

Why would conveying benefit to future generations be limited to someone you contributed genes to? Why helping your direct progeny is the only satisfactory direction in life?

The fact that it is your bloodline is of no significant meaning to th life of the everyday person. Had meaning in royal disputes about power when it was hereditary which was a significant internal conflict dampening effect, therefore useful. Now it isn't.

>> No.7171426

It's amazing to see the amount of good goys taking offense to your post. The belief luck governs our lives inevitably leads to socialism when followed to its logical conclusion. Ultimately, our wealthy society produces a majority of parasites who will put their formidable brains to work on justifying being a wretch, which is a shame. That same amount of effort could lift anyone with 90+ IQ out of poverty.

>> No.7171450

Because nepotism and inheritance gives them the and inherit advantage over other people, its the same logic as reading to and eventually teaching your children how to read before they learn at school. It gives them a distinct advantage over children of parents who didn't take the time to give them an early advantage. You are giving them the necessary tools to begin their journey and "succeed as individual persons."

Nepotism and inheritance is just an early advantage, they use the head start you have given them to work for themselves and their own family, for the family to achieve true success and happiness long term it would require successive generations building upon the foundations of the one before them, stagnation is not something I am advocating for.

I never said I was stating facts, merely what is best for my family. I never said you shouldn't benefit from your hard work but in the end you can't take it with you so your happiness should be viewed as merely the first link in a long chain that ensures the happiness for your children and hopefully theirs.

>so you're trying to do what successful families have done for millennia
I wouldn't frame this like it is a bad thing.

You're advocating for selfishly refusing to assist your own flesh and blood in favor of your own happiness and you're saying I'm the morally corrupt one. Sure I admit I'm not a nice person, if you're not my family I'm not going to help you, but at least I love my family and would do all I can to see them succeed, your world view seems entirely centered on yourself and your own personal happiness to me which is weird. I guess you're more of an individualist and I'm more of a family-collectivist and so we'll never see eye to eye but its really no reason to insult me like you've done for a few posts now.

>> No.7171463

Welcome to Yuropistan, anon. Don't forget your kids will only get about 10% of the inheritance, because generational wealth is bad and unfair.

>> No.7171464


>> No.7171490

Kill your parents.

>> No.7171510

>starts talking about socialism
>not a strawman

>> No.7171532


>> No.7171570

It is unfair and unproductive. You familiar with the concept of the trust fund child?

The most useless bunch of people one could fish out the barrel.

>> No.7171578

>You will spend the next few decades feathering your nest and fluffing your ego with shinies and eating sweet treats like a court eunuch then die as you lived: pointlessly.
lmao @ this projection once again. I don't own much that isn't related to the hobbies I enjoy doing and eat healthy as to prolong my life and wellbeing and enjoy it as best as I can

pro-natalism: you should have kids no matter what you want
natalist: you can have kids if you want them
anti-natalist: you should not have kids no matter what you want

I only think it's immoral to have kids for any reason other than giving them the opportunity to go and get the best life possible for themselves with no puppet strings attached
I do want to have my own kid later in life when I have the opportunity to teach them anything they'd want to know how to do with their life

>Take a break, have a cup of tea and then come back and read your posts.
or maybe you should get to work on your own goals so you can stop relying on mommy and daddy to give you everything, like inheritances or your reason to live

>> No.7171599

>get married by 25

Who the fuck ruins their life at 25?

>> No.7171608

>Don't forget your kids will only get about 10% of the inheritance

This is false in literally every european country

>> No.7171611

OPs parents breed a genetic failure in OP. How would inheritance perpetuate superior, prosperity prone, genes in this case?

>> No.7171621

They're probably right though.

>> No.7171827
File: 34 KB, 500x366, 649d042d57373687c688c09df31145fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a troll thread.

It makes no sense to remove someone from their will if they're only 25 and haven't found a steady life yet.

Older people know from experience that you can change your life drastically around 30 and people aged 20-25 are still just kids.
Seriously, I've been 25 before and I can say you're not as mature as you like to think.

>> No.7172168

OP is clearly towards a road to failure. He's not unique in his life experience and all symptoms point to him squandering the inheritance, despite his age.

One can calculate the trajectory from the starting circumstances. This one leads nowhere.

>> No.7172300

Just wait till their dead and take your sister to court for manipulating your parents against you

>> No.7172336

you don't deserve it anyway

>> No.7172384

>Because nepotism and inheritance gives them the and inherit advantage over other people, its the same logic as reading to and eventually teaching your children how to read before they learn at school. It gives them a distinct advantage over children of parents who didn't take the time to give them an early advantage. You are giving them the necessary tools to begin their journey and "succeed as individual persons."
finally a good argument, but you're still linking it all back to your own selfish ideal of only helping your own children simply because their your children, and not because they actually show any promise to use that advantage for anything but wasting away without working for anything

you're right you can't take wealth with you, which is why it's important to use it to the best of your ability while you're alive, and I can't think of anything more worthwhile than helping the whole of your own species gain access to opportunities to better themselves and their place in the world through their own actualization of will

>You're advocating for selfishly refusing to assist your own flesh and blood in favor of your own happiness
WRONG, I'm advocating against giving that assistance to anyone but those that will properly utilize it and in the same breath adding the clause that that person may not be your own child

>no reason to insult me like you've done for a few posts now.
I have every reason to insult you because I find your morals reprehensible and quite literally harmful to many people, as you admit yourself you don't care for those outside your family
and maybe if you saw your kids as something more than mere tools for your own plans and showed them some genuine fucking love and encouragement to do good (by THEIR values) things with their life you'd have the big happy family your collectivist mind wants, and maybe your kids would actually love you back and want to succeed both for themselves and because you're someone worthy of measuring up to

>> No.7172592

He's a conservative. They only care about their family and to a lesser extent their race. They use tough love to rationalize things. They only give concessions to their own children and shit on everyone else. They don't give a shit about the world as a whole. According to them if you get rich and keep the wealth in your family, the world can rot for all they care because they'll end up better than everyone else to some extent.

>> No.7172632

>and I can't think of anything more worthwhile than helping the whole of your own species gain access to opportunities to better themselves and their place in the world through their own actualization of will
and to further expand upon this point: to help the whole of your species includes helping yourself, because unless I myself am the best person I could possibly be, then I cannot help others as best as I possibly can
taking time to relax when needed and enjoy your own hobbies and interests is what gives you the energy and fulfillment to do as much good work as you're capable of

all full cups long to overflow

>> No.7172940

I don't know if that's quite it, because I tend to lean kind of conservative myself
I use tough love to rationalize a lot of things as well, such as the idea that maybe your own kids a piece of trash and needs to learn how to take care of themselves to succeed and not just a shitload of money

>They only give concessions to their own children and shit on everyone else. They don't give a shit about the world as a whole. According to them if you get rich and keep the wealth in your family, the world can rot for all they care because they'll end up better than everyone else to some extent.
which is the part of his mentality I've been giving him all the shit for and trying to make him see the foolishness in it
a rotting world feeds nobody, not even your own family

>> No.7173190

>selfish ideal of only helping your own children simply because they're your children
They are my children which makes me responsible for them. I didn't father other peoples children, it isn't my job to see everyone that shows promise reaches their full potential. I refuse to waste my time assisting other people (no matter how promising) unless helping them is going to benefit myself or my family.

If wealth is sustained and growth through several generations within a single family more people that you consider worthwhile will get access to better themselves by working with that family, business and investment won't die with a single person, it will continue with the next generation. My "selfish" method will help more people over a longer period of time that your method of dispersing my money to everyone that shows promise upon wealthy persons death.

Your idea sounds very grand in theory but it would be a complete mess to apply practically. Even if I have a useless and lazy manchild that doesn't improve despite my best efforts I will still pass my wealth on to him in the hope that his own children are better. I would only refuse to pass significant wealth on to a child with a history of poor financial decisions (gambling etc), which is why you have more than one.

I honestly can't understand your own thinking, assume you have a mentally deficient child, you'd cast them aside because they'll never be able to live up to your own preconceived notions of potential. Perhaps you have a clever kid but he just simply isn't as clever as some stranger you have never met, you'd leave him in the cold in favor of benefiting a strangers life because your son just didn't show as much potential. In my mind you don't love your hypothetical children and its upsetting that you believe I don't love mine.

>> No.7173233

Can't you just contest the will after they die?

>> No.7173305

Children who don't live up your standards don't deserve love.

>> No.7173355

>It makes no sense to remove someone from their will if they're only 25 and haven't found a steady life yet.
From what I gather, it's not just that he doesn't have a steady life, he has NO life.

>> No.7173439

You want me to fulfill the role of government. This is why we pay taxes. If we lived in a time before universal education, wider access to heath care and various public services your ideas might have merit, today we all pay taxes that go in to supporting such "good works." In the past wealthy people would donate to religious institutions to care for the less fortunate, today the state taxes us and such people are cared for. Before public institutions were founded only wealthy people got the opportunity to thrive, this simply isn't the case today unless you live somewhere awful.

>> No.7173513
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>1 post by this ID

Gues you didn't get the response you were looking for huh? Literally kill yourself

>> No.7173595
File: 35 KB, 460x338, 6470B77F-8066-4F31-91A2-BCFB95689B7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants me to work
>must be a boomer XD lel

>> No.7173766

>love=giving money

>> No.7174037

Ever considered they're right? Of course not, that would require introspection, something you obviously lack.

>> No.7174080

> wanting to work

>> No.7174160

>nearly 50 yous in an hour
This board is too easy to play. Stay mad, thanks for the attention!

>> No.7174227

Get a job faggot

>> No.7174255

time to go to Craigslist and hire a fake girlfriend

>> No.7174337

Niggers are subhuman animals, not even human.

>> No.7174394

>I didn't father other peoples children, it isn't my job to see everyone that shows promise reaches their full potential.
your right it's not "your job", but it sure as fuck helps your own existence and family more than actively reducing the amount of opportunities for wealth in the world
no average joe farmers means you don't eat. no smarty pants computer nerds mean no technological innovation.
every part of a functioning society is important to it's continued function

>business and investment won't die with a single person, it will continue
this is true, but still doesn't support your nepotism if businesses are to survive AND thrive, they need to pick the best people possible to run them, and that person MIGHT NOT be your child
and my point is that my wealth is spread over things while I live, not upon my death

>Even if I have a useless and lazy manchild that doesn't improve despite my best efforts I will still pass my wealth on to him in the hope that his own children are better.
and what reason do you have to believe this lazy manchild is going to do any of that?

>which is why you have more than one
referring to your kids as tools

>you'd leave him in the cold in favor of benefiting a strangers life because your son just didn't show as much potential.
when did I ever say this is a zero sum game? the work done should be rewarded equally to the value it has produced. my own son would simply not earn anymore from me in this situation than someone unrelated but of equal standing

>its upsetting that you believe I don't love mine.
because my words are finally piercing your thick layer of rhetoric. you wouldn't second guess something if you knew you were right
I'm not necessarily calling you a bad parent because I don't know you and your actions raising your kids, but I will say that I think being a loving parent is about letting your children be happy, and the most important part of that is letting them decide for themselves what that entails

>> No.7174421

how does any of that "fulfill the role of government"? there are more things than just money you can help people with, including your own family

>> No.7174545

Your parents are right. You're a small-souled bugman. Get your shit together faggot and stop eating soy.

>> No.7174555
File: 3.07 MB, 480x480, wojakgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my rich dad is totally under the thumb of a horrible Serbian woman who is only with him for the dough
>when I got his old disused phone of him he forgot some files on there
>one was a pdf that was some kind of weird "contract of submission"
>Alongside some SM fetish shit about how women are superior etc. it also said "all his belongings belong to her"
>That bitch is literally using his sexual kinks to get his money
>mfw my dad is a brainlet