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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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716518 No.716518 [Reply] [Original]

I'm procrastinating like crazy. I'm in my final 6 weeks of a degree I really dislike. I have quite a bit of work to do but am not under a lot of pressure. I also have exams to revise for but after my group project finishes I'll have two weeks to revise hard.

I don't have a job lined up but I am confident of getting interviews. My only worry is that I'll go crazy because of the guilt I'll feel at wasting my free time.

There really is no procrastination epiphany is there? All aphorisms get simplified to triteness. All self measurements get abused. I sometimes get the feeling that I should feel bad for feeling guilty about laziness because its sucking the dick of productivity / capitalism etc.

>> No.716524
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This is /biz/. what you're seeking is facebook.

>> No.716557

Pomodoro method.

Basically, don't self-measure. Submit to an alarm clock/eggtimer with its face turned away from you, and work in continuous twenty minute bursts. Don't try to guess how far you are into your session, just submit to the eggtimer and let it decide when you're done.

>> No.716564

complete your degree, it will bolster any sense of credibility you have.

talk to a career planner about the next step, does your higher ed institute provide this?