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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, raiblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7163958 No.7163958 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the Shitgrail drama has cooled down. The rebranding happened despite the FUD. And we know Binance is taking long to list it because of the rebranding. What is a realistic price for this EOY.

Pic unrelated, can't find the newer logo.

>> No.7164000

gunna miss rai desu, the logo kinda grew on me

>> No.7164036

So here's my question: should i fomo in or will the bitgrail fixes cause a dump from people sellingn

>> No.7164040

I know /biz/ won't agree with me but I could see it getting to like $100, maybe even $200 if we're lucky. But it really depends how crypto is doing by the end of the year.

>> No.7164085

The fixes will cause a rise in price because the problem caused a dump. People could sell their rai the entire time but the ones holding are in it for the long haul.

>> No.7164092

eoy prediction in crypto hardly make sense, because everything in crypto moves at x10 speed, more realistically you should think EOM which I hope will be $40+

>> No.7164107

Btc in a bear market though.

>> No.7164125

I'm guessing there's gonna be a steady rise until the Binance listing, then a huge dump once it's listed.

>> No.7164158

Look at every other coin that gets listed on binance, that's just not what happens. The amount of people dumping never matches the new demand from all the new buyers

>> No.7164200
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>> No.7164222

But xrb already dumped.

>> No.7164224
File: 35 KB, 1440x392, Screenshot_20180201-074017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe once listed (hopefully soon) there will be a big pump, but then even out and slowly grow over time - hopefully new ATH this week

>> No.7164237
File: 51 KB, 384x313, 33413123345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if people start actually using it, it could go pretty high since its only job is suppose to be a currency. But idk, lets see how it goes and see what I'll be able to buy with ti.

>> No.7164247

Considering nobody on Bitgrail can get anything off the exchange because nobody can get verified what do you fucking dicklets think is likely to happen with this shitcoin?
The FUD hasn't even started yet.
People are going to jail for this.

>> No.7164257

1000 EOY

>> No.7164264

More like there will be one pump and then over time it will just bleed to death

>> No.7164265

It needs alot of trading pairs and real world adoption

>> No.7164273

...what? Yeah? I'm saying the price will go up when it hits binance. The fact that we had the bitgrail dump won't have much impact imo because of what this guy said >>7164085

>> No.7164281

Like link right?

>> No.7164286

Withdrawls are enabled, which means Euros have bought em off Bitgrail to sell on Kucoin for profit which has balanced out the prices and gotten a lot of XRB off that exchange

>> No.7164302

Like icon

>> No.7164301

If >>7164265 starts to happen, I expect growth similar to how Ethereum grew over the past year. (Not in market cap, but a similar trend in growth)

>> No.7164340

You mean a growth in the entire crypto marketcap?

>> No.7164363

Only Euros can withdraw. And that was never the problem because they all weren't getting kicked off the exchange.
SEC is already looking into this.
Expect indictments.xrb is dead.

>> No.7164403

Store owners won't use nano unless they think it will bring in customers. The irl use case for nano is cheap international payments

>> No.7164432

Indictments for bitgrail not nano.

>> No.7164468

Might become the go-to arbitrage coin.

>> No.7164470

To be honest I don't think raiblocks is fast enough for mainstream adoption. This needs visa level scale

>> No.7164493

Nano is a scamcoin with one italian whale. Good luck spending it in iran and north korea fags.

>> No.7165306

Idiot. You are an idiot.

>> No.7165405

OKEx today!


>> No.7165858

All this XRB fud. Cya on Binance faggots, when you fomo in dont say we didnt tell you! Like all the other times..

>> No.7165929


>> No.7165972

no i am from eu and i am verified level 3 and can not withdraw my XRB from bitgrail.

>> No.7165980
File: 234 KB, 500x500, 141433717039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that italian faggot fix this shit soon.

>> No.7166029

Withdrawals have been active since yesterday

>> No.7166066

Only to euros?
I can't even terminate my account!

>> No.7166089

I sold scammer Italiano my Rai
Closed my account
Been 24 hours and he still didn't send my shitcoin
kek they'll probably be worthless by monday so jokes on him.

>> No.7166352

Ah ok thank you..but i have some fear to send my XRB from bitgrail to the new Nano webwallet :D

they will fuck it up bigtime and everything is gone :D
only 130 XRB but still..

>> No.7166612

>I hope that italian faggot fix this shit soon.

Implying that Bomber fuck being just incompetent and not doing it on purpose.

If it actually is incompetence, it is the most profitable incompetency ever.

>> No.7166652

read the twitter posts from bomber, he is doing it on purpose he explained why