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7163638 No.7163638 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys I will be doing AMA threads this week. Stockbroker with a series 7,63,65, and CFP designation. Turned 30k into roughly 1 million in about 7 months when turning my attention to crypto. Check my twitter for proof WeLamboNow I have posted holdings screenshots in the past and some of my licenses. Hope I can help ask away.

>> No.7163663

Do you think we will have another bullrun like the one in December last year?

>> No.7163677

What coins are your top picks for decent returns during 2018.

>> No.7163810

We are due for a recovery but the days of easy 10x gains on coins is over. Market is oversaturated with coins and ICO's there is not enough real money invested to go around. Only the strong will survive. The market needs to eliminate about 95% coins in existence many are clones of each other with just different names and icons looking for a quick money grab. You do not need 50 different privacy coins or spinoffs of bitcoin. >>7163677
I really like NAS, QASH, and CMT for starters

>> No.7164105

Agree on QASH, I’ll have to check out the others. Thoughts on LISK and NAV? What’s your trading strategy? I.e. strict holding, day trading, hybrid, etc.

>> No.7164266

dragonchain yes or no?

>> No.7164721

Lisk is solid. NAV is just another privacy coin in the over saturated sector. If I had to buy a privacy coin I would want to ZEN which has the best tech arguable or Monero which has an amazing team and name recognition. I like to hold mainly because trying to time the crypto market is very difficult and you will cost yourself tons in transaction fees etc trying to catch every shit coin pump. There is a reason there is not many bitcoin millionaires because most people are too impatient to hold. I do keep about 10% of my account liquid to swing trade and take advantage of market opportunities. >>7164266
It's okay I am a strong believer in buying platform coins hard to place accurate evaluations on them and they typically moon hard. Plus muh disney is easily shillable to normies.

>> No.7165141
File: 135 KB, 876x898, Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 3.11.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi op, would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on my portfolio here. Feels like I have to reduce this to 3-5 coins but having difficulty deciding.

>> No.7165203

yeah man way to diviseried for your bankroll. DM me on my discord you can find the link on twitter and I will be happy to help you rebalance.

>> No.7165356

What are your opinions on jibrel?

>> No.7165414

sounds like an African American name

>> No.7165415

no opinion.

>> No.7165499

great, thanks for the productive feedback.

>> No.7165580

Do you know there are thousands of shitcoins? I am not going to pretend to be a expert on every single coin.

>> No.7165978

My nigga just loaded up on more CMT caught a fucking knife but don't even give a shit. Have a substantial amount of QASH also

>> No.7166037

which coins would you recommend?

>> No.7166076

Hold eth or omg for a 3k portfolio?

>> No.7166085

I already listed a few that I like read up above.

>> No.7166099

ETH is probably one the best/safest holds in crypto currently. OMG is solid but I would choose ETH over it if you are gonna choose between 2 top 20 coins with huge caps

>> No.7166248

No cash to join now, but can i register interest for when things look better in the future? When your group gets more exclusive

>> No.7166659

Just join the discord and pm me. I will hold a spot for you. Also follow my twitter I post lot's of stuff on there.

>> No.7166958

Can QSP 100x? It has been on my radar since the various POWH debacles

>> No.7167062

This dude literally says this shit I everyone and when you pm him he instantly tries to get you to sign up to his shitty premium service or whatever the fuck he calls it