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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7163487 No.7163487 [Reply] [Original]

Like what the fuck biz, you guys are full of shit I swear to God, can't get any decent advice anymore from this crap hole. Also fuck ED aswell, if that piece of shit exchange wasn't such cancer infected I would have dump this shit weeks ago. Fuck this

>> No.7163600

Chill yo. Lamden is setting up for long term adoption, not short term gains.

>> No.7163636

this will shoot back to a dollar by march

unless you bought the top, relax

>> No.7163639

One of the team got canned for leaking info under NDA

>> No.7163642

Yeah but it's just started to seems like bullshit now, kind of like the whole to good to be true, if these fucking frat boys scam me I swear to God I'll fuck all their mothers

>> No.7163676

Yeah heard about that, what a stupid fuck and a stupid tweet
I'm sure I said I don't use ED right, so how else do you think I got this shit from, ico holder here

>> No.7163705

Check out the order history on ED
Big big buys under 200kgwei

>> No.7163771

You held Lamden? I thought I was just for dumping on people after the ICO. They don't even have a real product, do they?

>> No.7163865

With 30% lockup for 2 years there's plenty of incentive to build a solid product that drives demand for TAU. If it was all bullshit why wouldn't they just tell hodlers what they want to hear and burn the tokens and pump the price?

>> No.7164170

Fair enough anon, I believe this to be a great project, also the honest at the start when they made that mistake with the bonus tokens and they even could it out of their own token supply. But just with that stupid tweet it has put me off

>> No.7164313

You could say this for 90% of tokens out there. People in alts need to be waiting at least a year

>> No.7164401

Which tweet?

>> No.7164427

what the fuck why do you still have lamden? The idea was to get in the ico and dump it for a quick 2-3x, their team is hilariously shit what are you doing bizbro you missed the out

>> No.7164474

Tweet from some faggot on their team giving out info he shouldn't and then the way he ended it, so fucking unprofessional, dumb cunt.

>> No.7164507

I don't use shit hole ED, fucking doesn't work half the time, just fucking loads. Gave up on that piece of shit after I got Hacked. Also I knew they had some shit coming up so didn't want to dump, fuck sakes

>> No.7164618

The ICO was supposed to be finished a month from before.

We got our tokens.
They have an Alpha of one of their programs.
They have a partnerships with Bounty0x.

You faghotts are an impatient lot. Sorry if you think you should’ve dumped when it x10 - this is a long term hold because no fucking product aims to do what this project is doing.

Like Vatalik is a professional looking part. This is crypto go back to sucking the corporate banker wanker dicks.

>> No.7165524

Fuck but anon it's drop like a rock for ath, this thing hit $1.20, it's a now like 30c. Fuck feel for any faggot you brought at ath

>> No.7166469

Nick leaked info in the telegram. Got repeatedly warned to cut his shit out. Finally big daddy Stu came down and beat his ass. But damage was done, NDA was breached and some of their partner's bailed (they didn't disclose names).

It will probably bounce back when people forget I guess?

>> No.7166519

I sold the bottom. This is a fucking SHIT. COIN. get out now. devs are literally children.

>> No.7166583
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In from ICO at 400k tau. By far, the worst bleeding item in my portfolio.

Let's see where this thing will take me.

>> No.7167419

If you're not buying this dip you're literally retarded...the coin is 3 weeks old guys jesus christ get yourselves together

>> No.7167557
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