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File: 23 KB, 200x200, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7161306 No.7161306 [Reply] [Original]

>pump confirmed for 12:00UTC
why aren't you accumulating?

>> No.7161392

Because this coin is for fucking retards who hate money


>> No.7161412

>Because this coin is for fucking retards who hate money

Care to elaborate? or are you the fucking retard?

>> No.7161430

why is it pumping?

>> No.7161700
File: 145 KB, 1200x675, 1516742531656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who ALL IN here???

>> No.7161882

FUN me to the moon!

>> No.7161915
File: 319 KB, 612x792, funBags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7162036

and let me FUN among the stars!

>> No.7162052

how is it confirmed exactly?

>> No.7162076

>1 post by this ID
OP please give info about pump or fuck off.

>> No.7162478

1 dollar by the 8th

>> No.7162545


but i wrote a bot thats telling me that funs gonna go up
so im buying fun

>> No.7162580


Like you need a bot for the obvious.

>> No.7162650

More like .35$

>> No.7162712

Aaaaaaahhhhh tired of you fags JUST BUY SOMETHING USEFUL AND MAKE MONEY.

>> No.7162880

2k funlet here my body is ready

>> No.7162912

You should be having more FUN.

>> No.7162913

Rundown on why you need to chill, DYOR, and just wait:

Feb 8th ICE - being shilled to casinos
Late Q1 - early/mid Q2 - casinos can use the tech

Any other pumps are just a bonus.

If you actually follow marketcap in crypto like a moron and require the maths to add up to buy in, it's a $5B marketcap for $1 FUN. Online gambling is $60B, which doesn't include the online gambling options like CSGO, and it definitely doesn't include the people who refuse to gamble when something isn't provably fair. Gambling (not online) is over $240B in the US /alone/, ie. no Asia.

Remember that ICE has over 15k people on average, and over 8.5k of those are representatives of gaming and gambling companies. Literally all it takes is one major casino to buy in early to get as many coins as possible before they raise in price, and they alone will pump us up to $1. It only takes one small casino + investors who react to the news. It only takes Asians even fucking learning about it. Even $10 is proven achievable with the current marketcap, and when coins start getting burned from being used, it'll be that much easier to hit those kinds of highs.

Casinos also have additional reason to purchase the coin in the form of dividends, as they can loan FUN to other casinos for guaranteed returns through contracts. This means they can buy as much as they want as soon as possible (ie. the second ICE hits us), and they'll never be at risk of being unable to use some of the coins they've purchased for a few years, as they can just loan the excess to other people. Also, I keep saying 'casinos', but literally any random shitter with a bar can now have online gambling as an option with FUN. This is a huge selling point for Asians as well, due to their internet cafes being able to get in on it.

Finally, the team is likely the best team in all of crypto (look up their background), they'll almost double their employees to 50 soon, have connections to casinos, and have no real competitors.

TL;DR Chill out

>> No.7162933


Provably fair gambling (saves billions in lawsuits)
Over 12 playable games (the next biggest gambling coin has 2). It has over 20 in development, whereas most others aren't even aiming for 10.
Not a casino - it's technology the casino adopts and adds their own spin to. Every other gambling coin is an actual casino that adopters have to assimilate themselves into and gives the casinos buying in no freedom.
Uses state channels, meaning that you can pay one (1) initial transaction fee and then you can play all day if you wanted without any fees.
Crypto guarantees that you can cash out your winnings in minutes - hours. Online casinos can currently take weeks at a time to cash out your earnings, and they can even be frozen. This is a big thing for both the casino and the consumer, as it cuts down on manpower needed to process the transactions, and the consumer doesn't get JUSTed while waiting for their money.
29 team members, which is more than 3x the next highest gambling coin. This will be almost doubled to 50 very soon (with even more planned after), which puts it at 10x the next highest. A number of the members are poached from big casinos (like David Greyling, whom was a high executive at the biggest online casino, William Hill)
The actual team behind it is likely the best team in all of crypto (seriously, look that shit up). They all have connections to casinos, all have been in the gambling/online gambling business for over 20 years
License is pretty much in the bag (only other gambling coins that have licenses are in shitlands that don't let you do anything, anywhere, and anyone could have gotten)
CEO is the guy behind Starfox lmao
Best memes
https://youtu.be/IItTUaRCvDI?t=475 (look at 7:58 lmao, this is some illuminati-tier shilling)

Buy the dip, we were at a 18 - 19c, which was still going up even after two major pumps, before the Korea fud and whales have kicked in to capitalize since it's so close to ICE, it's not that the coin has lost any steam.

>> No.7162967

FUN saves casinos billions in lawsuits
FUN means literally anyone can start an online casino. Not just actual casinos, but even random shitty bars, Asian internet cafes, or even some random faggot in his mom's basement - and you know that each and every one is proven to be fair.
Whichever casinos do get on it will effectively monopolize the online gambling market. If you're doing online gambling it's not like location matters, so you go to the casino that can prove itself to be fair and has the most options.
FUN guarantees the people gambling aren't being scammed by odds being manipulated (whereas you could lose the BTC you've been gambling due to jews fucking with odds)
It also allows people to cash out their money pretty much instantly, whereas online casinos currently have to process your winnings, which can take weeks at a time, and you can be frozen if they 'suspect you're cheating'. Even if you prove yourself to be doing everything legit, they can still take ages to accuse you of it, and you certainly won't win the lawsuit
FUN allows casinos to loan each other money for guaranteed returns (once again, no lawsuits because it's based on smart contracts)
It also means casinos don't have to waste time and resources developing their own online gambling options, and it means they can cut down on staff required for processing/have more time to allocate their staff to other matters, as everything is automatic.

The entire world is being taken by storm by crypto apps. The stock market is taking hits from it (stocks have started to become a little more volatile as a result). Whichever casino adopts a gambling coin will end up monopolizing the market, or at least stealing customers from those who don't. Even if it's not FUN, anyone who wants to remain competitive in online gambling will need to be able to prove themselves completely fair or they'll fall behind, and only smart contracts have that kind of transparency - and they'll choose the king.

>> No.7163715

>Enough for me to cash out 150K USD.


>> No.7164025

Oh shit you wrote a Laplacebot that can predict the future? Download when?

>> No.7164033
File: 87 KB, 512x512, 1515735327913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am :^)

>> No.7164113

Hope so, but I would be happy at .2 USD :)

>> No.7164182
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1515727645944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this good news is actually making me want to sell my coins...
You're just trying to sell off your coins aren't you?

>> No.7164230
File: 32 KB, 519x254, 14846344242460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am fucking ready to HAVE SOME FUN

>> No.7164236
File: 315 KB, 1466x1960, 1517326145014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuckkkkkkkkk we are all going to be rich. JEZ HAS CONTACTS WITH THE LIZARD PEOPLE.

>> No.7164347
File: 9 KB, 298x169, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me , her dad is probably all in

>> No.7164463
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>> No.7165197

2k bucks below initial investment

fuck this goddamn shitcoin

>> No.7165515

annnnnnnd its crashing again

nice thread

>> No.7165549

People dumping before a pump

>> No.7165571


sure thing buddy, they are crashing bitcoin to get ready for the fun pump