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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7160520 No.7160520 [Reply] [Original]


Thank me later pajeets

>> No.7160567

dafuq is polymath

>> No.7160566

thx just bought 100k

>> No.7160607

This was a FREE coin. Beware.

>> No.7160625


>> No.7161164

I feel the need to protect my fellow /biz/tards here. This was a 10,000,000 coin air drop, that is part of a larger 1,000,000,000 coin play that has yet to be enumerated as to how they will be distributed. This coin is not an exchange, when developed, POLY will be used to pay 3rd parties for a KYC/accreditation review, to allow people to trade on secure exchanges. This is a super small use case as there are no secure exchanges, tZero will be the first if and when it launches. Then that will only be open to accredited investors. I got into the POLY airdrop and sold for $1.63 today per coin, it peak at around $2.12 before collapsing in the past 2 hours down to below $1. Do not buy, this coin may have promise, but the distro will be too large, and the project too far off. Let it continue to fall before buying.

>> No.7161252

Don't they have a partnership with tzero?

>> No.7161494

They do indeed. They are 'consulting' tZero on their launch, whatever that means. So I actually have access to the tZero sale as an accredited investor. I have read their whitepaper. tZero has no roadmap, at least not available to early stage investors, and state in the white paper that work has not begun on the token exchange platform. Now tZero has a lot of the infrastructure work built or in process, but not the actual exchange part. There is no mention of Polymath in the whitepaper, so it is unclear exactly what they will do together, but I would imagine as two of the bigger security token players out there they will at least play well with each other when it comes to standards.

>> No.7161521
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I've only got room in my portfolio for one low poly animal

>> No.7161619

ma nigga

Once this bull market is over its off to the races with this horse

>> No.7161640

I did t get into the airdrop cuz too lazy
How much did I miss

>> No.7161671
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>once this bull market is over

>> No.7161690

You missed a pretty easy $250 - $500 short term gain.

>> No.7161821

wtf is that?

>> No.7161860

whats the circulating supply?

>> No.7161875


>> No.7161898

9.95 million, until they decide what the other 990.5 million is going to be used for. At the moment we have no info.

>> No.7162011

so is circulatin supply 250M or 9.95M?

>> No.7162038

Wrong, 10m was distributed as a VERY generous airdrop, the other 240m distributed to the people who contributed in the presale

>> No.7162082

i was into this from the start. thought the idea had a lot of promiss. then the airdrop happened, it was a shit show. the site crashed and at the end of it all they didnt register everyone including me. i dont see how giving away 250 bucks to pajeets who didnt know how to open an etherwallet and got their entire village to joing to airdrop helped to promote this company to corporations looking to get into crypto. it made zero sense. not even bitter about the airdrop, just confused what the point was. I get it if it was tron or some crypto currency for the common man, but this company is targeting rich people. it makes no sense. also why are they sending everyone emails advertising a seminar in barbados and tryng to sell tickets? what percentage of people on the telegram are in barbados? what type of person that spent all day trying to get free internet money is going to buy a ticket to barbados? nothing makes sense. Still a good idea at least to hype and sell the coin. Pretty hard thing to fuck up but they found a way. The kid who started it is just the son of some rich guy, so maybe he has autism i dunno

>> No.7162138

wrong no preseale. I know someone who knows someone on the team personally. we have been trying to BUY tokens for 2 months. There were never tokens for sale. We are accredited investors and had to watch pajeets fll up the airdrop boasting about free gibs and asking for tutortials on how to open an etherwallet. People with no cypto experience at all.

>> No.7162267

nice story bro

>> No.7162316

fuck you faggot go suck a dick. i guess hearing im worth a million set you off. enjoy your 250-500 of charity loser. looks like you are going to be working for it.

>> No.7162342

WAAAAAHHHHH no pweee sale

fuck off

>> No.7162523

While it is possible I am wrong, I have not seen anything about a pre-sale, and they have publicly denied having an ICO or pre-sale in their telegram multiple times. It was a regular question. I have also never seen that 240m number come up once. If it did, perhaps that is what the team share is? I know their white paper and presentation had no breakdowns of how much was owned or who would get what share.

>> No.7162606

>worth a million

I can already tell you're going to lose it all

>> No.7162634


>> No.7162637

I have more money simply by not being born to losers than you ever will. Even if you get lucky with this crypto shit you will always be of poor stock. Your father and his father before him are losers. You are a loser. Ony a loser would react in such a way to good information presented by a genetic superior. Again enjoy your charity. Our genes and upbringing determine our place in life. Crawl back into your hole you vermin.

>> No.7162649

I remember we are on a fucking blockchain, so I just checked how it is distributed. It looks like they did distribute around 239.5m tokens, and the other 760.5 million is still sitting in their wallet.

Here is the contract address: https://etherscan.io/token/0x9992ec3cf6a55b00978cddf2b27bc6882d88d1ec?a=0x105b2b74fe6de95b68d435f3a3bc8ace03cf1658

I found one of the bigger holders here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3aa52a11b2437f3a7ba9298853b19068e95e423f

Wouldn't you want to be that guy?

>> No.7162679

Nah I was raised properly. I could lose it all and still have the tools and social reputation to walk into a bank with a buisiness plan and get a loan worth more than you ever hope to make. Cheers peasant.

>> No.7162718

5x is going to happen this week
screenshot this if you wish

>> No.7162814

Unless your blockolio has broken 6Mil your're not worth more than me. Family is unironically worth 100M. Cute tho

>> No.7162830

As it turns out there are around 240m tokens. Currently trading a little below a dollar, to 5x would put it at 1.2 billion market cap, or another way of saying it just before tether. So yeah, that isn't going to happen this week. But keep on chasing that rainbow man.

>> No.7163020

I got 500 POLY Airdrop free, so good xd

>> No.7163392

Blockfolio? I have real money in a bank account hahahahaha. Nice LARP. Wait are you Trevor? Its all making sense now. You are waisting Dads money Trev. Just do a msturbation VR coin next time. Stop trying to get fancy and you wont have to outsource your projects, loser.

>> No.7163541
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>I have more money simply by not being born to losers than you ever will. Even if you get lucky with this crypto shit you will always be of poor stock. Your father and his father before him are losers. You are a loser. Ony a loser would react in such a way to good information presented by a genetic superior. Again enjoy your charity. Our genes and upbringing determine our place in life. Crawl back into your hole you vermin.

>> No.7163654

I pray none of you are dumb enough to give them eth.

Take it from me, one of their victims. I will never forget the anger and sadness.... Don't be dumb...like me. DON'T BUY THIS WORTHLESS TOKEN.

>> No.7163746

What did you say you're worth again? 1M? I'll flash a sell wall that is equal to your entire network on Bittrex if you want.

>> No.7163913

You don't know about ETHORSE?

you're not going to make it lel