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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7154299 No.7154299 [Reply] [Original]

What board has the wealthiest people? My guess is /biz/ or /sci/. What do you think? The top 5 imo are.


>> No.7154333


>> No.7154369

Fa doesn't seem wealthy. Isn't it a lot of 18-20 year olds? Sure they buy expensive clothing but I doubt they're wealthy, maybe "nigger rich"

>> No.7154478

Wealth is almost a prerequisite for fashion. If anything /sci/ is filled with a bunch of phds and wannabe phds with fresh debt. /biz/ and /fa/ for sure.

>> No.7154549


STEM-lords who think that their 85-120k a year job after college is guaranteed

Guys who could probably make a lot more but don't.

Trust fund kids mixed in.

Poor pseuds and bored bougies

>> No.7154568
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lit g sci biz


>> No.7154582

Are you serious /g/ are a bunch of meets ricing arch Linux on their secondhand thinkpads and /v/ spillover children that complain about GPU prices because their mommy can't pay for a 1080 so they can play Minecraft on 2 displays

>> No.7154619

/r9k/ without a doubt

>> No.7154685

I’d say that biz does overall. People originally on this board was split between well to do and poor fags. Whoever jumped on crypto earlier and wasn’t just old fags made a fortune and although they probably come in and out, I’d still say those poor fags getting into earlier icos like ETH make up the disparity especially between other boards

>> No.7154702

/pol/ because they're hardworking whites that are richer than the rest of this thirdworld infested website.
You wish you were as rich as us.

>> No.7154819

There's other boards besides biz?

>> No.7155489

Nice try /leftypol/, you larping as a retarded /pol/ user and thus framing the board doesn't work here.

/biz/ is the wealthiest board, no doubt

>> No.7155564

/o/ and /biz/ hands down.

>> No.7155617

/biz/ would be the wealthiest by far if the pajeet mods ever agreed to range ban pajeets

>> No.7155638

/biz/ or possibly /vr/. Then /g/ followed by /fa/.

>> No.7155682


>> No.7155683

Unironically /pol/ because it has the oldest user base, /g/ is also making 150k starting in silicon valley

>> No.7155702

I have yet to see any concrete evidence that anyone on here is actually making decent money. I doubt this is the richest board and I doubt many rich people are sitting on imageboards obsessing over altcoins “mooning”

>> No.7155713

I would also propose /k/, guns are expensive and hold their value and so while they probably have average jobs over the years as their collection grows they accumulate collections worth some money, this puts them above the average person who buys in to normie-tier stuff and hobbies.

>> No.7155734

/biz/ obviously
Then maybe /sci/ /g/ or /lit/ as others have said.
I'd argue /fit/ is up there too. Most of them have jobs, which is more than you can say for 90% of this site. Plus we have the same motto. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.7155831

Are we , dare I say it, new money?

>> No.7155868

unironicaly, /a/ should be pretty wealthy, the chinese cartoon merchandise cost a lot

>> No.7155916

Fags acting out their retardation intelligently

>> No.7156398
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/biz/ for sure as long as we Hold the Right Coins we will rule in 4-5 years

>> No.7156435
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/a/, haven't you seen the figures they have?

>> No.7157479

Eh. I browse /sci/, /g/, /lit/, /his/, and /biz/ and I consider myself poor as fuck. Buy everything on credit, pay a couple hundred off each payday and throw the rest at shitcoins. I guess I have ~15k in liquid assets so I'm not entirely broke, but it sure don't feel like money when you can't use it.

>> No.7157539

I mean , I'm at the upper half of six figures, but I ain't sure if that classifies me as rich.

>> No.7158048

1.) biz - high wealth inequality (7 figs then also people who can't afford lunch)
2.) k - similar wealth dynamic except the poorest can at least afford a hi-point
3.) o - car maintenance saves money, but cars are huge money sinks too so net worth is dubious
4.) fa - people who waste money on clothes are either independently wealthy, dating, or SUPREMEly stupid dubious wealth claim here
5.) g - If you can into gentoo you probably have above room temperature IQ and can get a job in a well paying tech area.
6.) sci/lit - although the smarts are there unless they are in pharmaceutical research they likely won't be super rich.

wildcard is fit - a group of people who only spend money on their health or in the case of fraud their physiques. If health is wealth and they are pretty frugal outside of splurging on brotein they are most likely financially sufficient. Plus if you can maintain your body it is a piece of cake to attend to your finances and look good for promotions.

poorest board is definitely r9k, b, or a (maybe ck since they all just post about is alcohol and fast food)

Not sure where all the other boards would fit in like /n/ and /pol/ since there are diverse backgrounds with these interests.

>> No.7158159

/fit/ /lit/ /biz/inessmen master race

>> No.7158855

>science phd

That's not how that works

>> No.7159099

Plenty of poor wagecucks spend all of their money on nice clothes

>> No.7159199

Probably /pol/ and /b/ eheh

>> No.7159286

There's a shitload of millionaires on /biz/
$5000 invested at the beginning of 2017 would have turned into 1m

>> No.7159300

Biz, Pol, Fit. Everything else is weeb trash and degenerate (not that there aren't wealthy people on those boards). But most of biz has made a good amount of money off of this retarded market and Pol is actually full of people from all sorts of demographics but generally older people who got careers and families. Plus there's a lot of overlap between these two boards. Probably K as well considering guns is more than likely and expensive hobby and they tend to be more conservative minded i.e. not total pussies with a work ethic.

>> No.7159362


>> No.7159386
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>1.) biz - high wealth inequality (7 figs then also people who can't afford lunch)
Agreed. I say overall richest board due to Crypto and everybody interested in making money. Literally the money board. I'm a millionaire, too and we had many threads in the past months of people becoming nauseous of their galactic gains.

> k - similar wealth dynamic except the poorest can at least afford a hi-point
Weapons overall just cost a few thousand bucks. Spending time with weapons likely decreases your fitness to make money in the economy.

>3.) o - car maintenance saves money, but cars are huge money sinks too so net worth is dubious
At least most people there have cars, so they are not absolute poor fags. Also, cars are motivators to make money. On the other hand, you're right they are big money burning consumption goods

>4.) fa - people who waste money on clothes are either independently wealthy, dating, or SUPREMEly stupid dubious wealth claim here
Similar to /o/ and /k/ only that their game is cheaper. While some of these people might have money to spend most of them are rather poor because they are young students.

5.) g - If you can into gentoo you probably have above room temperature IQ and can get a job in a well paying tech area.
They have skills in high demand by the market and future. Many of them very crypto rich, too (/biz/ exists because crypto-money threads on /g/ were getting out of hand). Strong contender for place 2.

>6.) sci/lit - although the smarts are there unless they are in pharmaceutical research they likely won't be super rich.
Definitely way above average rich. Either for skills or your cultural background which could be a predictor of wealth.

>wildcard is fit - a group of people who only spend money on their health
People who OVERLY spend on training of their body don't develop skills for making money but the wildcard is definitely agreed on. Probably one of the most diverse boards but with not too many predictors for extreme wealth.

>> No.7159439

Yeah definitely /k/ as well, a lot of them crossover into /biz/ and /pol/ territory as well. Now that I think of it, probably /out/ (quality hiking gear and having tons of free time to hike isn't cheap) too but they're low volume so there won't be as many on there automatically.

>> No.7159528

Pol has the youngest user base
Where do you think most of the traffic came from during the election? Underage memeing faggots

>> No.7159553

I'd count /lit/ out, they seem to be just wagecucks that can never get themselves to aspire to their writing ambitions. I hung out there for a while, was alright but they keep talking about their shitty books they want to write but can never accomplish.

>> No.7159562

Pro tip: Spending money on consumer goods does not mean wealth.
/fa/ will be loaded with credit debt
/a/ /k/ will have nothing invested, be full of welfare neets or be wage slaving to feed their habits

Id say /biz, /pol/ because of the size and variance in demographic, /fit/ because it's fairly frugal and requires some discipline and the crossover between these boards

>> No.7159686
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hahah /fa/ is literally the definition of an impulsive middle class man with the average american saving of 1k usd.

>> No.7159735

the sad part is most americans could not cover a $500 bill

>> No.7159804

fit, fa, o are wealthiest

Biz is probably one of the poorest because people come here when they are looking for money