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7151506 No.7151506 [Reply] [Original]

Who else suffers from ADHD here? There's literally 0 benefit in having this condition.

>ADHD trading

>> No.7151558

Me. I'm immune to having an hourly wage job because I'll quit in a few days no matter what.

>> No.7151557

made up condition to sell pills

>> No.7151701

I'm not complaining too much. Amphetamine gives statistically relevant benefits to... basically anybody. It just happens that I meet the criteria it's prescribed for.

>> No.7151797
File: 57 KB, 768x576, dragon-half-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you were my friend OP, I have ADHD and like Kuroko too

>> No.7151912

What I have is extreme laziness and that's saved my bacon more than once
> shitcoin crashing
> everyone panic selling
> I hold because I don't want to type the url and then my login maybe it will recover tomorrow

>> No.7151940

pls be my gf

>> No.7151959
File: 115 KB, 676x1410, 1509246070863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just dont fit societies mold. Had to take Ritalin/concerta before school or I´d always get in trouble.

>> No.7151972

If you have ADHD, it's not laziness it's procrastination which is a symptom of the disorder. MFW I impulsively dumped all my coins into a random coin and I'm procrastinating from taking them out and I see the price go down, down, down. RIP my life.

>> No.7151989
File: 119 KB, 750x1000, willsmith_engage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL;DR - It helps me with music writing

I have music playing nonstop in my head no matter what I do and pills don't help anymore.

>good news:
I am a musician so a lot of times it's new ideas involving multiple instruments at once that are playing melodic phrases that form and progress organically.

I often program synth, bass, guitar and drums at once because I can "hear" it all playing rhythmically in my head rather than only having a single guitar riff or chord progression that I have to come up with drums and a bass line for later.

Here's a link if any of you are interested at all.


>> No.7152013

Yeah I have predominantly inattentive. Crypto is the only way people like us will ever make it.

>> No.7152017

How did you guys get proscribed ADHD meds? What kind of doctor did you see?

I think I have mild ADHD, most people would probably say I don't have it, but I've taken ADD drugs in the past and it VASTLY improved my life/work output. I need to get my life on track and I think I need a prescription to do so. Any tips?

>> No.7152065

Dr. Russel Barkley is a great resource... his youtube videos (his lectures / presentations that are posted on youtube. He is not a youtube [personality) are great

I think it is more likely I have SCT than ADHD inattentive...

>> No.7152168
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1476252308577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suffer from chronic criminal behavior (try not to mention this to your psych if you're in the same boat). Mostly white collar crime. I don't get caught so it's not a big issue. While I was researching the condition I found out that my ADHD was actually associated with higher criminality. The more you know...

You have to have the right psychiatrist. Most psychologists can't prescribe meds. Or maybe your family doctor if you have a good relation. The diagnosis to treatment process often takes a long time so you can easily fall off the boat if you actually have the condition. Pill mills usually don't accept insurance.

>> No.7152256

>109 I.Q
>no soical skills, depression.
>many other learning problems as a child.
>tfw you will never go to uni, or get a high paying job.
>tfw probably couldn't even hold down a min wage job.

I'm fucked, aren't I? My only hope is crypto and I'm a young age (19). I have 20k worth of crypto, 50% ETH 50% NEO. If crypto doesn't get me to 200k+ I'm killing myself. There's nothing in this world for a person like me. Genetics screwed me over so badly.

>> No.7152264

Yeah I have ADHD. I take Adderall for it. It helps. But it takes discipline to handle your ADHD, drugs aren't a magic fix.

>> No.7152485

You can probably go to uni, just do a social science major

>> No.7152708

I think its part of just not thinking about the consequences your actions might have. The need for instant gratification to spike that dopamine is also a huge issue with adhd. And the lack of discipline is bad

I´m trying the nofap meme at the moment...hope it helps

>> No.7152800

Listen up fickers I am a little bit older. Don't you fuckers be sucidal because if you do I will kill you all. We are new generation of humans and more and more people are just like us. We don't fit in and thats all. I stopped caring few years ago and I live my life like I want to. I sucked at school, and today I quited my job. And guess what I don't care. Its a new day and I will try again. I will try to find a different job and I will be myself. Noone will tell me what to do and I will always do my best. People will accept you if you are trying hard but alot of people are scumbags so always be cautious. Fuck everything. Btw crypto is good.

>> No.7152833

20mg XR 2x a day here. What benefits you feel?

>> No.7152896

Tfw I manage to run a business with ADHD

telling people to do shit for you is a good solution desu

>> No.7152936

"chronic criminal behavior"

Huh, isn't that something. What sorts of casual crimes you suffer from?

>> No.7152986

>The diagnosis to treatment process often takes a long time
yeah all of an entire day to make an appointment with your family doctor and tell him you have trouble concentrating at school or work

>> No.7153137

I actually abuse my meds so ehehehe. :^)

I extract the amp salts from mine and make nasal spray. I take hits of 5mg to prime myself for anything that requires using my brain. The max dose for the day can range from 5-15mg. There's no need to be medicated the entire day. Intranasally less medication is needed and it's slightly shorter-acting.

I did a lot of script kiddie shit and some fraud (oh boy). May have dealt drugs in one chapter of my life, let's not talk about that. Never got caught though. Changed my grades in uni more than once.

Now keep this in mind I'm not that smart. My brain only kicks into 11 when I'm doing interesting things, which tend to be illegal. Anything mentally strenuous or uninteresting and my brain immediately shuts off so most of the time I function worse than a normie.

>> No.7153191

I too lied on the TOVA test to get adderall prescript

anyways, try talking less

>> No.7153252

I think I have ADHD. I can't sit through a YT vid for more than a min sometimes and just fuck around on other tabs before going back to watch it. It's a annoying shitty habit but I'm not about to take prescription drugs by (((them))) just to """cure""" it.

>> No.7153334

Fascinating. We share some traits and some, shall we say, tendencies. I suspect we'd be grand friends

Also haven't ever really gotten caught. I've gotten close a few times but seem to have been blessed with some level of good fortune

>> No.7153464

Have severe ADHD that makes functioning in day to day to life very difficult because I simply forgot to do stuff like pay my bills. Old job got really pissed at me for various ADD stuff like spacing out while talking to people and generally just not being able to pay attention.

The good news is that I'm actually really good at focusing on really hard math and science, (had to train it for years) and that and shitcoin trading almost negate the negatives of ADHD. I'm not really sure why I have enough attention span for boring science lectures but can't do chores around the house without forgetting what I'm doing and getting distracted

>> No.7153547

I can’t even work in fast food because of my attention span. I used to hand people their food and forget to ring them up constantly. I work in a warehouse overnight and forget a lot of shit. I won’t be able to ever get a decent job that involves any responsibility because I’ll end up fucking something up. Like, sometimes I think I want to go into a trade like HVAC or something but then I realize I’m dealing with oil and gas and I’ll end up leaving something open that I shouldn’t and cause an explosion. My attention span is complete shit

>> No.7153589

forgetting to pay bills is a good one. Lost my power one night because of this. I thought we were having an outage so I went to bed and ignored it. Went outside and saw the new tag on my meter and I knew I fucked up

>> No.7153637

>Be me
>Have genius level IQ
>Have severe ADHD
>Be in all AP/Advanced classes all my life
>Get kicked out of or sleep through every single class
>Never do homework
>Get all B's in school
>Go to a mediocre college
>Never go to class
>Get all B's in school
>Graduate with a meaningless degree
>Start a rock band
>Tour the country for 5 years
>Be poor
>Get a job at a startup
>Make a 6 figure salary
>Marry hot woman
>Get her pregnant
>Buy house
>Still can't pay attention to anything for more than 5 minutes
>Have 2 dogs
>Start painting
>Take up photography
>Continue to write music
>Be on biz all day

WTF is life? I don't even... I literally just go with the flow. Bad shit happens, good shit happens. What does any of it mean? Nothing.

>> No.7153837

Your life is good

>> No.7153964

Everyone's life is good. Look around you. Stop your struggle. Either accept fates grasp on you and enjoy the ride, or change gears. No one is forcing you to wake up every day and work some shitty job and live in some shitty box of a house/apartment.

Go to San Diego or Miami and be a homeless person. You never have to worry about freezing to death and you can legitimately take a shower for $5 at a truck stop and spend $10 on a suit at goodwill and get another shitty job any time you want.

Life is 100% what you make of it. It's all in your head. Nothing means anything.

>> No.7154029

This is dumb. Don’t take this advice.

>> No.7154067

>Go to San Diego or Miami and be a homeless person.

Do you know how I know you’ve never been homeless? The fact that you think this is a remotely good idea