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7149510 No.7149510 [Reply] [Original]

My Mom gave me $3500 for me to invest for her and she said put it all in crypto. I told her its super risky and all that but she says do it anyways. I was thinking of doing:
$2000 ETH
$1000 NEO
$500 XLM

Thoughts and suggestions?

>> No.7149532

go all in on FUN

>> No.7149557


>> No.7149558

This board is for people over 18 years of age.

>> No.7149560

100% REQ, don't say nobody warned you.

>> No.7149561

You picked some fairly safe bets with business backing. Although you shouldn't necessarily put the biggest amount in the highest cap coin.

>> No.7149593

Seems solid
ignore the streetshitters in this thread, your picks are good

>> No.7149597

you wont make much money in the near future with those

but its pretty safe

>> No.7149608

Lots of people hyping up BazingaCoin on here, could be a winner

>> No.7149613

If you want the quickest money, chase a pump. Find a low cap market coin with semi hype that hasn't been significantly pumped yet and pray. You either win or you don't.

However, if you want stable gains then all in ETH.

>> No.7149638

Solid, OP. I would maybe even ditch xlm for more ETH and NEO

>> No.7149672

Pick looks fine, nothing going to go crazy long term but should be decent long term

>> No.7149690

Ignore the fuckheads
Your plan is good

>> No.7149695

>ditching XLM, when banks will go live on the blockchain this year
There is still lots to gain.

>> No.7149728

Go 2000 Neo
1000 eth
500 gas

>> No.7149792


Why buy the milk when you can own the cow?

>> No.7149890

Ur going to wait along time for those coins. Walton will get you there fasters

>> No.7149910


>> No.7149913

what will walton do?

>> No.7149920

all in on tether

>> No.7149926

Leave some money for btc, and some to throw at random shitcoins. Also join this https://discord gg/pFGxB6r

>> No.7149935

$3000 in NANO
$500 in WTC

>> No.7149982

Smart. Walton gonna moon big time soon , main net and master nodes released q1

>> No.7150046

Dragonchain - Down 70% from ATH
DBC - Down 80% from ATH (don't recommend long term, but it's an easy 5x)

>> No.7150076

>I told her its super risky and all that but she says do it anyways.

Your mom sounds pretty based.

>> No.7150095

There was some theorycrafting that gas would be more profitable than neo in the longrun because of how the supply tapers off. Some people say it's true and some say they will be about the same.

>> No.7150138


pretty safe mom portfolio

>> No.7150200
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Icos. Thank me later. Tomorrow is Credits and Medical chain.
My Eth address for a tip when you make some money
Don't forget to tip!

>> No.7150291

This. Most icos, even if not ones you want to hold in the long term, are good for big injections as long as you never buy at ath. Then you can build up your capital and throw it at more stable coins.

>> No.7150325
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>> No.7150493

I'd split it between XRB and NEO. XRB is being shilled everywhere and hasn't really mooned because normies are too dumb to make a kucoin account. Might even 5x on the next bull run (especially if Binance lists it). NEO because apparently they're working on shit instead of promising stuff that's never going to happen. Of course, with how cheap BTC is right now, that's an option too.

>> No.7150553

All in on neo

>> No.7151174

Literally everyone and their mother wants in on crypto rn. It's all over but the crying

>> No.7151208

CREDITS is on the 15th