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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 258 KB, 902x789, 1515483686556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7148660 No.7148660 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, assblaster here. I have about 45 minutes to answer questions.

Also just a heads up, the market has hit its bottom. Stocks are giving their quarterly reports and dumping as a result. It has become blantantly obvious that the Stock bear market will begin in 2018. Once it does.. I hope you are ready for the biggest bull streak in crypto ever. ETH especially is going to reach ATH within the next month.

>> No.7148681

is XLM gonna make it?

>> No.7148714

XLM will see a significant increase. Especially is FairX delivers.

>> No.7148731

proof or larp

also, VEN?

>> No.7148738


>> No.7148744

Will I have a chance to get ETH for 0.015?

>> No.7148758

Larp. Not even a trip. Gtfo

>> No.7148767


>> No.7148771
File: 93 KB, 290x251, 1513887056443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a psychic? Will req, prl, and bnty ever recover?

>> No.7148772

no trip kill yourself

>> No.7148780

So where's the handle on link?

>> No.7148786
File: 36 KB, 803x688, C1F697D2-6767-48E5-A4F8-CC8266BF353F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no trip
10/10 newfags will fall for this b8

>> No.7148823

Just lurk and enjoy

>> No.7148837


Proof would take 10 minutes. I only have 40 now.

You wish.

NEO and then flip gains over into ADA around end of march.

>> No.7148870

Everything will recover to a degree. Eth is decoupling from BTC.

>> No.7148889

Why’d you choose that image?

>> No.7148905
File: 13 KB, 255x191, 9704ed5f9352ca026fd5f137142fc08a44681acf3007be90bca0446ba314eee7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof would take 10 minutes

>> No.7148920

give us your prognoses for Chainlink!

>> No.7148948

what are your thoughts on Trinity? and what do you hold atm

>> No.7148964

By the time social media reports on it, it's too late. Notice how they have slowed their shilling down significantly since the correction?

>> No.7148965

what will happen to LINK in the next weeks?

>> No.7148966
File: 768 KB, 680x787, 836745367726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his trip is QLs6KZoe u newfag

>> No.7148998

I just got a $2500 check.

What do I put it into.

>> No.7149048

Can't say much about link other than make sure you have some before the Link Pool goes live.

Back when ETH was first being developed, no one knew what the fuck it was and blew it off. Those who are too ignorant to understand LINK will be severely Butt hurt when their measly little brains come to an understanding of what it is. That's all I can say.

ETH is safest my friend and about to begin its next bullrun.

>> No.7149059
File: 56 KB, 400x400, CFBEBB70-43CD-4357-B1D5-E4270A35D8EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cany you give insight on what you think FUN will do in February

>> No.7149062

50% of my portfolio is REQ, how fucked am I?

>> No.7149081

skip the Q&A and tell us what you know


>> No.7149102

Fun is unique, its market is capable of being very Illegal tho. So it will stay very volatile if it ever takes off.

This first large company to use it will cause a NEO level spike however.

>> No.7149109

ok you can stop it now you larping faggot

>> No.7149121

NEO eoy price estimate?

>> No.7149129

Sounds great, but can you give a short answer as to why? You said it would take 10 minutes to get proof? I think there's several of us who'd like to see. I've been feeling miserable since the initial crash. Crypto was the only thing i had going for me man, help a fellow /biz/raeli out with at least a mention of the proof pls

>> No.7149145
File: 5 KB, 192x250, 1507930836860s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salty No-linker detected.

>> No.7149155

>take me 10 mins for proof

chop chop

>> No.7149174

where is your trip you stupid larpinng faggot?

>> No.7149175

Brainlet here:

1. When does the Link Pool go live?
2. Worth hodling ETH instead of LINK until then?
3. Titanium Bars, what do you think?

Thanks a lot

>> No.7149198

the absolute tragic state of cointards trying to prop up their dying hobbie.

get a job you degenerate faggot.

>> No.7149200

Do we still have time to cumulate LINK?
I deicided to lock in my 10k stack, cos trading is too risky at the bottom. But I still desire more

>> No.7149206

Thoughts on INT?

>> No.7149221

You all really want the truth about LINK lately?

Mobius has put us on high alert. Sergey has begin pushing us harder than ever. He wants main net ready by end of february and link pool will begin 1st week of march.

Mobius is a serious threat.

>> No.7149227


I feel like it can eventually be 1.00 before the end of Q2.

>> No.7149256

>No trip
>No time stamped pic of ass
>No inspect edit screenshot of supposed wallets
Poor desperate Coiners larping on an anonymous west gahnaian scammer imageboard

>> No.7149258

> Sergey has begin pushing us harder than ever. He wants main net ready by end of february and link pool will begin 1st week of march.
Plz, I can only be so erect

> Mobius is a serious threat
Lol. At least try to larp convincingly

>> No.7149261

The regulatory framework it operates within makes this a risky investment.

>> No.7149263

no trip = no belief

>> No.7149268

Has ChainLink reached its bottom?

>> No.7149275
File: 71 KB, 606x617, 1862F24A-8FDF-44C3-AC86-F5C50537607C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof would take 10 minutes
>have 40
>no trip

>> No.7149284

What do you think about the Swiss hedge fund guy?

>> No.7149286

This LARP is fucking awful.

Why’d your writing style change so much?

>> No.7149289

>You all really want the truth about LINK lately?

no we want your tripcode

>> No.7149304

I heard sergey is kill?

>> No.7149316

Don't have time guys. Sergey just cut my lunch break to 30 minutes. have to be back at work in 8 minutes.

I have time for a few more questions.

The big bankers have 0 clue what crypto is the beginning of. This is why we don't shill LINK real hard.

>> No.7149319

Nice larp faggot shilling mobi

Real assblaster threads have IASIP memes

>> No.7149321
File: 23 KB, 425x425, 1516708910388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys, ASSBLASTER here

>> No.7149323

Recent XRB rebrand and it's current pump? Is DAG based worth anything at all?

>> No.7149329

Is OST worth holding? It's way down still.

>> No.7149330
File: 62 KB, 290x269, 351EF61C-DAE5-4149-A80E-BC96F824488A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH wait also can you give your opinion on COSS and how you see it’s trajectory.

I am finding precious little usable info here.

>> No.7149346

redpill me on REQ please. yay or nay?

>> No.7149376



>> No.7149383

Alright guys well, Sergey has decided he wants me on his erect penis while he watches the other guy finish the GO implementation of LINK.

>Stay poor you gullible cucks.

Both trash. kill.

>> No.7149386


>> No.7149404

Thoughts on origin trail?

>> No.7149414

>have to be back at work in 8 minutes.

had a feeling this would be posted

>hey guys only got 40 mins fugg
>ok take 10 mins to do it
>aw man cant do it anymore only 8mins left

pls go larp

>> No.7149422

Now I am sure sergey is ded, dumping

>> No.7149425
File: 683 KB, 1024x673, 1507767137750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7149427

Can someone give me a quick rundown on Assblaster's feats? Who is he?

>> No.7149440

I'm up on it, but it's had a rough few days.

>> No.7149472

A kurdish trap with unibrow, avoid

>> No.7149496

>If I make it look like a larp and ignore the secure trip code, they will never know it's me.

You guys are in for the ride of your life.

>T. Microsoft, Sony, Multiple real estate companies, Hundreds of banks.

Just wait for the update. I promise all will be okay.

>But he's just a larp?

>> No.7149537

Is OST good?

>> No.7149538


>> No.7149615

>still no proof
Fuck off larper