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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7147945 No.7147945 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Anons, oldfag here

Did very well last year.

Wanted to ask the other oldfags here (no jeets or newbies) If you had 150k to invest in today, which crypto's would you invest in and how would you structure your portfolio percentage wise

thanks anons , god bless

>> No.7147967

i'd hold a lazy portfolio of stocks, bonds and some cash (rebalancing quarterly) until I see bitcoin come down to around $5k, then i'd rebalance and make BTC part of the equation.

>> No.7147975


>> No.7148027

If that was all I had, i'd wait for btc to hit $5 after the tether audit, then I'd go all in on alts. If it's just a small bit of my total net I'd put it in real estate.

>> No.7148047

25% BTC, 25% ETH, 10% Monero, 10% Nano and put the rest in promising low MC coins.

>> No.7148057

$5k *

>> No.7148059

10% enigma
10% vechain
10% waltonchain
10% icon
10% nano
10% neo
10% iota
30% ethereum

>> No.7148092
File: 328 KB, 724x754, youtubeBAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 29 years old and I've got about $150k invested in BAT.

>> No.7148096

Split it 3 ways into high medium low risk coins.i went with COSS ENG XMR respectively

>> No.7148113

Bitcoin 50% eth 25% qsp Link and ecl 5 % each mobi Stella xrp bch and ltc 2% each

>> No.7148130
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ooOOoOOOoOOoOoOhHhhHH MAMA!! That is a very spicy prediction my sir. I very much enjoy the advanced decentralized database query technologies that your token is offering, I am all in!

From me to you, have a nice day my sir.

>> No.7148135
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Turtle coin is where it's at only on one shotty exchange at the moment though. Hesd over to tradeogre and buy 10m if you have the mkney...people going overboard with x100 predictions but a x5 will happen. X10 could happen.

>> No.7148156

You goin broke bruh

>> No.7148186

you're just jealous of my gains
invested all your money in shadowfork? suck a dick

>> No.7148193

split it up evenly among the top 11 coins besides bitcoin
when my crypto portfolio grows to at least $400k, I'd cash it all out and put it all into more stable investments

>> No.7148223

OMG and LINK. 60-40. You pick which way. Guaranteed 250k min by this Christmas.

>> No.7148229

25% ETH
25% BTC
10% NEO
10% VEN
10% NANO
5% XLM
5% XRP
4% CND
1% TEL

>> No.7148289

basicly mine right now

>> No.7148391
File: 1.65 MB, 2652x1989, TJz4cgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k in gold/silver
>40k in weed stocks (aurora, emerald health, emblem cannabis, nemus bioscience)
>50k OMG
>10k LINK
>10k ELIX
>10k VEN
>10k KMD
>10k ZRX
>become multi millionaire

Woah im foaming at the mouth I wish I had 150k

>> No.7148432

I'd go all in ETH, but DCAing half of it over the next 6 months and setting limit orders on the other half of it

i.e. right now, buy $2.5k of eth, then repeat every week until $75k has been spent
remaining $75k goes in escalating limit buys under market price
i.e. 1k at $1000, $2k at 900, $3k at 800, $5k at 700, $8k at 600... and so on to the bottom
this way you got your ass covered no matter where the market moves

>> No.7148462


buy a VEN masternode (~60k)
rest in QASH, OMG, DRGN, ICX thank me later

>> No.7148519
File: 324 KB, 1125x2436, 879117FE-F798-45EC-9E7C-EBB526F77F44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with $50

VEN is a gamble. CND will be used by hedge funds to find algorithms in crypto trading. Buy CND if you are holding.

>> No.7148845
File: 42 KB, 739x315, 23234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here.

I put in 70k. My strategy is on lowering the risk of loosing, instead 100x gains. I just want to go with the market. Strategy is diversification as its best.
Therefor I invested in the Top 200 coins. In the top 20 coins I put in a lot of more then in average for more safety. Some of the coins are shitcoins of course, but years ago Ethereum was a scam coin.
10k I have in USD if the market drops -90%, so I can buy in again.
Worst case: You dump with the market. Best case you go with x20 the market.

>> No.7148967

Look at the volatility on those weed stocks. Theyre already in the greed stage. Its too late

>> No.7149002

>all those mine free coins with 100% centralized development teams

>long term gains

You may choose only one. The eth is a nice pic tho

>> No.7149044

Hello fellow oldbro. How comfy has this crypto thing been?

>> No.7149186

I’d like to invest in whichever coins are holding or gaining traction with darknet markets. I think that’s where the real utility of cryptocurrency lies, past all of the hype and greed.

Besides BTC and Monero, what coins are popular in this category!

>> No.7149218


....category?* Fucking autocorrect

>> No.7149241

No joke, I'd start a cult. Fuck this shit. I'm headed down south and convincing the inbreds that Trump is the second coming of Christ and asking for donations to build a railroad that takes you to heaven or some shit.

>> No.7149253

100 % bitconnect ofc

>> No.7149331
File: 8 KB, 200x200, nebulas-token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it insane that in all of these threads I almost never see any mention of Nebulas. It's really true that /biz/ hates money. You fucking idiots keep starting threads about moneypits like DBC, VEN, REQ and XRB over and over again with no mention of coins that are legitimately going to make people rich.

>> No.7149457


? have u ever smoked brah?

>> No.7149463


basically just throwing your money away.

>> No.7149464

Nice threads so far anons . This is why I love biz , the serious smart people post based in same level of seriousness of op

I forgot to say time frame : rest of Q1

Any updated advice input welcome

>> No.7149503

South here:
You're thinking of hillbillies, moron.

>> No.7149853


surprised , thought more oldfags would post suggestions ...

come on biz keep 'em coming

>> No.7149884


i have some NAS
no doubt in my mind this is gonna make a lot of money
but hard to get excited about this project. I just think its a really dumb idea.

>> No.7149931
File: 25 KB, 300x250, 686EB3C6-0936-4BD9-B764-1AC0D0596362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had 150k and wanted the biggest gains I’d say go long on turtle, huge upside with little to no risk, once it gets listed on a larger exhange the sky is the limit for this coin

>> No.7150015

I do have over $150k to invest today and my answer is still simply Bitcoin. That's it. It's boring, not doing much right now, and probably not as exciting as other crypto, but Bitcoin is where I put my money and it's going to up again soon. That's just the way it is.

>> No.7150018

what???... You have to be 18 to post here, retard

>> No.7150030

anon, convince me to use the Brave browser. Seriously.

Your BAT investment, depends entirely on convincing me in this thread.

>> No.7150036
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, portfolio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7150092

100% ChainLink

I have no regrets

>> No.7150117

50% XRB
50% NEO

You will make enough for plenty of lambos. I'd like mine in black.

>> No.7150237

Tron, you colossal fucking faggot.

>> No.7150347

interesting, this is. you mean just do 50/50 for Q1.

I could just do , 30% xrb, 30% neo, 12.5% ven, 12.5% icn, 7.5% eth, 7.5% btc

>> No.7150384

Forget crypto, way too much volatility and a crash is still overdue even after falling in value by almost half over the last month.

Real estate in up and coming neighborhoods is what you want to invest in. You can leverage the $150k into a investment in $750K-$1.5M in property. Not to hard to find areas where you can see 10-15% increase in property value over the next 12-18 months. Sell after that, and pocket the ~$200k in increased valuation after your fees and expenses.

That's a return of 133% - more than doubling your investment - in 18 months with very limited risk.

If you really want to chase the exponential growth possible if crypto doesn't crash, put in $10-15k, not your whole nest egg.

>> No.7150410

I'd go 30% NEO, 30% BTC, 30% ETH and 10% whatever.

I am very conservative and careful tho

>> No.7150461



>> No.7150884
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unironically bazingacoin, ICO running out tomorrow

>> No.7150965

Ahh yes,
I've been in NAS for a long time. Shilled it first here at $6 but nobody listened.

It's the early stages of search engines on the blockchain. One of my comfiest holds

>> No.7151009


In that order

>> No.7151252

You guys that bought Link , did they brainwash you ? No oldfag woukdnahve bought link , it’s obviously vaporware like Reddcoin .

>> No.7151394

>Smart Contracts - EVM compatible.
>Master Nodes - Minimum 5000 AKA required, No presale, More details will be posted on Medium.
>Oracles - Intelligent smart contracts, More details released once masternode functionality is complete as Masternode functionality will provide the building blocks for Akroma Oracles.

>Under the radard, not even on CMC and Exchanges yet

>> No.7151399

LISK 50% VEN 25% ICX 25%

>> No.7151705

75% AIX
20% ETH
5% XMR