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7144059 No.7144059 [Reply] [Original]

the crypto market is being propped up by fake money just like how CDO's were propped up by subprime mortgages in 2008. you guys have all been warned

>> No.7144096


>> No.7144117

Its been printed, sure. But how much USDT is actually active?

>> No.7144129


>> No.7144153

They can print 10B USDT daily as long as they back it. Nobody knows the truth and nobody will ever know the truth.

>> No.7144157

How about Tether they burnt 30 Million coins after printing 29.999.984,995 fake coins. But hey, I know, this is just the fud thread, no information in here. Just a thirsty shill who sold too early

>> No.7144202

link broken because mods seem to fear the truth and are marking o m n i as spam
o m n i c h e s t info


>> No.7144206

>one of the 1.5k shitcoins is a scam

Go figure. So what if it tanks

>> No.7144224
File: 42 KB, 578x645, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PONZI. The sooner Tether dies the faster crypto can recover to normal levels. Burn it all down so it can grow anew. I'll soon be 100pct out and ready to buy in 2019.

>> No.7144254
File: 83 KB, 1586x519, tethering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7144303

it's a CYA move because of the subpoena. btw i sold BTC at 16k so i'm doing pretty well thank you

yeah there's no way BTC should be where it is right now

>> No.7144324

cash CDOs or synthetic CDOs.
let's see if you know the difference and by association if you know what you're talking about in general.

let's have it asshole. don't vomit stuff you saw while watching The Big Short

>> No.7144413

they just destroyed 300million tokens today you fucking nigger
kill yourself bitfinexed

>> No.7144440

how dare they?
were those tokens backed by tether.?
oh the shock and horror

>> No.7144489

It's 30 million, brainlet.

>> No.7144502

As I said, no information to be expected by you. Just the usual demotivation shilling that already failed so many times and keeps on failing. Liberals, Ancaps, Lolberts and everything left of cuckservatives are truely the bottom of the barrel when it comes to propaganda and any kind of marketing. just fuck of if you have no stake in the game

>> No.7144515

Tether and BTC are going down, deal with it tether fag.

>> No.7144731

Tether crash is already priced in

>> No.7144777

Off yourself bitfinexed piece of shit.
We know it's you, stop posting about this bs, NOBODY CARES, just shut up you retard.
It's incredibly annoying. To be honest, this is the last time I will look at your bs, I will filter your shitposts.
>>7144129 This.

>> No.7144817

So, audits. They will always find shit, intentional or not. Then the auditors ask you how much you want to pay them to not fuck your ass, if you're not retarded, you pay them and they give some minor shit to the people who sent them who are also paying them. Like maybe for a week in december USDT=0.998 USD. So then you make a statement saying "thank you mister auditor, thanks for fixing our mistake" and destroy some Tether and that's it. The magic money machine will keep working.

>> No.7144920

Honestly if i was a no coiner i would be just as salty as op

>> No.7144945


People are cashing out => high Tether demand

Is that so hard to comprehend. Fucking idiot.

>> No.7144954

I care, shitbrain. Go die somewhere.

>> No.7145006
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Newfags that doubt the Tether/Bitfinex stuff are so new that they dont remember BTC-e.

BTC-e was registered in BVI, just like tether. No one knew their banking partners, just like tether. Promised an audit to prove solvency, and never delivered, just like tether. Ultimately got shut down because of money laundering accusations, which tether is in the midst of with the US govt.

Read this article and replace "BTC-e" with "tether" and its pretty much exactly the same

>> No.7145193

Lol they don't have to answer shit to the US dumbass

>> No.7145391

If they can get a subpoena, they can be held liable. All it takes is for Bittrex to get rekt.

>> No.7145470

what does Simple Send mean? They moved it from one place to another?

>> No.7145598

Fuck off

>> No.7146056


Its 30 million retard. First time they ever done that. Kinda weird that now that they're under investigation they're not printing hundreds of millions a day and actually reverting some of the tokens. Really activates those almonds. Its almost as if they're trying to cover their ass

>> No.7146090


How much have you lost already anon? We aren't even halfway through.

>> No.7146118
File: 203 KB, 950x855, SDEX1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when FairX saved crypto?

>> No.7146159

They we're subpoenaed in early December, brainlet.

>> No.7146242

Oh look, another retard who thinks bitfinex uses 100% of printed tether to market buy btc on their own exchange
No other exchange is issued tether.... 100% of usdt volume is on the bitfinex btc/usdt pair only

Brainlets gtfo

>> No.7146330

If your going to cash out WTF would you cash out to tether?

>> No.7146429
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The dumbest pajeet I've ever seen