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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7143014 No.7143014 [Reply] [Original]

Bittrex announced USD pairs

Is this the end for us?
I held through the UI failures, I held through the market order execution bug
I held through the shitcoin trading promos

But seriously guys, if bittrex gets USD paired against alts, why the fuck would anyone use COSS?

Im getting really fucking nervous and want to sell my bag right now

>> No.7143301


>> No.7143381

sell it pls
its over

>> No.7143422
File: 245 KB, 2048x2048, losscoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for your loss

>> No.7143458

I knew it was over when the UI came out. It was total shit.

>> No.7143489

What you fail to realize is that nobody cared about USD pairs except COSS holders hyping it up to be the killer feature that will surely make COSS moon.

>> No.7143522

lel coss never actually worked on my macbook, that should tell you everything

>> No.7143563

Half of it comes down to first mover advantage here. If major exchanges begin releasing USD pairings before Coss does, it's going to have to fight 10 times as hard as it has to right now (which is already fucking hard) to get some traction. But there's another thing to consider.

If Coss is first, they will might see a big influx of users/volume. But then at that point, it still depends on whether or not they can make their exchange actually usable and decent. Because last I checked, it's still pretty garbage, even after their "updates". So even if Coss gets USD pairings first, people will probably leave for Bittrex or whatever else gets it next since their sites aren't a royal pain in the ass to use.

>> No.7144028

Will bittrex offer fiat trading + fee split based on the exchange volume and from the Fiat?

>> No.7144097
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selling before the Fiat Gateway in March is Suicide.
Please sell anon... i would love to buy more for an even cheaper price :)

>> No.7144114

This isn't the issue. The issue is Coss has no volume cause its shit and there is no reason to use it. When they get the server upgrade in place, and then Fiat, the fiat would drive volume as its one of the only places to have that.

If they don't get it first, people wont bother moving to Coss nearly as much and since the coin is based on volume it will be pretty worthless.

>> No.7144270

Did you even read the interviews on the /r/cossio subreddit?
Selling now would be retarded, by march it will be back to 3/4 usd

>> No.7144390

> C...COSS p...please drop in price...

>> No.7144396

So if COSS get it first it would be useless for bittrex, Binance, etc. to implement it and Coinbase will be useless

>> No.7144672


It is still useful to any site that adds it. But Coss needs a VERY big increase in volume to make their coin worth the cost.

The most likely way to pull that off is to get Fiat first.

When they get fiat volume will go up, just wont be by all that much if a ton of other exchanges beat them to the punch on it.

Bro I have 12k Coss. I want the exchange to do well too. I'm just being realistic.