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7142912 No.7142912 [Reply] [Original]

Can you ever have a high income with a low I.Q? I've made about 400k USD from crypto which is a lot for my age. I know crypto won't last forever, it could either completely crash one day, or in my opinion stabilize and we won't see huge 5x+ gains every year, probably not even 2x. Unless I get in the 900k-1million range after tax I know I'll need to have a job. I might not have to long and I definitely could retire quickly. My only concern is I don't think I could get a job above minimum wage since my I.Q and soical skills are very low. It seems like you have to be a mega genius and/or have many connections to make above 100k after tax. Could a person even make 50k with a poor I.Q? Can anyone recommend some low I.Q jobs above minimum wage? None with tons of social interaction or physical labor.

>> No.7143004

My friend can’t read or spell and he makes around 60k as a carpenter

>> No.7143066

>Jobs with low I.Q. but no physical labor or social interaction
This job doesn't exist. You could be a nighttime clerk or security guard somewhere and talk to maybe 2 or 3 truck drivers.

>> No.7143078

Wow really? Has be been a carpenter for a really long time? I thought in most trades you could only make 50k+ if you've been doing it for a long time, or you work more than 40 hours per week.

>> No.7143100

This. Work with your hands. Tradesmen are normally thick as pig shit but earn as well as some in white collar professions.

>> No.7143139

Whats your iq op?

>> No.7143230

My grandad is a carpenter. Works from home in his own shop. Not the smartest man but he does ok. You have to be really good at it though. He teaches me small things to get started. Sold a shoe rack and a couple picture frames online.

>> No.7143283

110. I also have ADHD, and autism. My I.q might be around average but when I say low I mean too low for Uni or any job above 50k

>> No.7143316

low I.Q socially inept tard reporting in, i can give you a list of jobs i had that didnt work
>delivery truck offsider
>tire fitting
>kitchen hand
>putting up fencing
>mowing lawns
>boat related metal work

plus more
failed at everything no matter how much effort i put in
most recent
>crypto, down 70% on APPC

>> No.7143375

good luck bro

>> No.7143473

A lot of people say crypto is their only hope
For me that really is the case, I'm fucked if APPC doesn't come back

>> No.7143495

Thanks anon, it seems like everyone on 4chan is a software engineer that makes 200k. I'll look into those. At least I did well in crypto. I'm all ETH/NEO. If you're down that much I'm guessing you're just gambling on shitcoins. Buy something with some solid technology that's in the Top 50 and hold.

>> No.7143590

That's above average. Obviously, if you measured it with real tests and not internet meme tests.

>> No.7143647

OP don't downplay yourself like that. I attend 1 of the top universities in USA and I'm a fucking retard

>> No.7143651

I was tested by a doctor when I was 14. I have many other learning problems so I think that's what makes me unintelligent. Could a person with a 110 I.Q ever make 100k+? I doubt you could become an engineer/programmer, or lawyer with that I.Q, what else could you do?

>> No.7143728
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>> No.7143803

Use your money (500k+ at least) and become a real estate developer. buy fixer uppers and hire crews, or even demolish/rebuilds are even better money. make your money work for you.

>> No.7144005


Sounds like me, with inattentive ADHD (used to be called ADD).

No matter how hard we try, we struggle.

>> No.7144025 [DELETED] 
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>your age
>your job
>your salary
>your IQ

>> No.7144160

Haha good one

There are plenty engineers, lawyers and doctors with 110 iq

>> No.7144175
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Some of the most socially retarded motherfuckers I ever met were also salesmen.

You can go about as far as you want, provided you can sell.

It can be brutal if you’re mediocre or terrible. Also you have to be able to deal with people. From the flavor of your post I’m assuming you might not be into this.

>> No.7144266

Got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, feels like we are doomed to fail at anything we do

>> No.7144541

legit question, how does it feels having ADHD?

>> No.7144710
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ty for this post anon

i am Low IQ beta KHV with autism, made like $100k on crypto with luck but it is not going to last me long. i just failed out of school and need to figure shit out now

>delivery truck offsider
how hard is this job?

>> No.7144714

Everything in life is like scrolling thru a twitter feed

>> No.7144958

Memory like a gold fish, zone out all the time, feel retarded yet not retarded all at the same time
I'm refusing to have kids solely because I want these fucked genetics to die with me
Offsider was pretty low pay but also the one I found to be the easiest
I just sat there signing and dating dockets and helping to offload the truck, paid for my Farscape box sets back when I was 14
guy I was offsider for used to manage the trolley contract, but he got fired in the end, some alcohol "fell off the back of the truck" that day, looking back on it that was pretty dangerous him getting shit faced driving the truck around
But I got a bottle of johnny walker out of it so I wasn't complaining

>> No.7145077

>I'm refusing to have kids solely because I want these fucked genetics to die with me
aaay same here, except i know that i couldn't get pussy if i tried

>Offsider was pretty low pay but also the one I found to be the easiest
I just sat there signing and dating dockets and helping to offload the truck, paid for my Farscape box sets back when I was 14
i might need to try this out. thanks anon

>> No.7145153

dude don't set your sights so low, you can be president of the USA with a ~90 IQ

>> No.7145237

I m studying law in uni
I have high IQ got government funded my 4year study in uni.
Got low grades inUNi cause it s full of low IQ shitheads like everyone even lows are made by shitheads and some of them are grmmaticaly and logicaly incorect except constitutional law
>try law

>> No.7145252

yes IQ is not what is holding you back
I think you have other problems

>> No.7145489


>> No.7145631


This guy might help...


>> No.7145647

Union longshoreman. I know because I'm one.

>> No.7145664


The best description I've seen...

You're watching TV, but someone else has control of the remote.

However, I also really like that Twitter feed analogy, by anon.

If I had 50% more cognitive stability, I believe I could do a lot more with my life.

>> No.7145685

>I'm refusing to have kids solely because I want these fucked genetics to die with me


I understand what you're going through, and where you're coming from anon.

>> No.7145705

Do some blue collar shit. My step bro with a felony got a community college 2 semester class certificate in heating and cooling and is making like 30 - 40k now. However, one he makes journeyman (~10 years of work) he'll make 80k. Seems like a nice way to sit on your crypto cash pile while doing dumb dumb work.

>> No.7145723


Canadian Plumber

>> No.7145733

At least you put yourself out there.
Have a (You) and treat yourself tonight, anon.

>> No.7145793

This. We had literal -100 IQ retards vote in a -90 IQ literal nigger who got a nobel peace prize and then went off and caused the worlds greatest migration crisis by funding and training terrorists who destroyed the only stable, worthwhile countries in the region, essentially plagueing the EU in terror attacks and high taxes for gibs which do nothing but subsidize their own population replacement and social clashing.

Bro, you can do anything. ANYTHING.

>> No.7145879

Your aversion to social interaction would hamper those careers even more than low IQ

>> No.7145936

Thanks anons, just knowing other people are out there struggling with this makes me feel less alone
It's hard for normies to understand it, but how could they?

Thanks anon, I will watch this and hopefully there is something I learn from this

>> No.7145948

Why not start your own business?
>inb4 doomed
A small food truck where you sell salads to overweight college students, or an ice cream parlor doesn't require much mental capacity and normies eat that shit up.
Reinvest your gains and possibly employ yourself, OP! Don't work for someone else...

>> No.7146119

Truck driver mate, as long as you can drive. Very little social interaction and can listen to all the meme podcasts you can handle and start at 67k

>> No.7146270

Everything's boring

The only thing that I can really focus on is a fast paced game like StarCraft

I don't even have the attention span for chess or go anymore

>> No.7146350

If you live in the south west look for oilfeild jobs shits booming right now my brother in-law is clearing 100k with just a highschool diploma

>> No.7146498

When the mining boom was on here, miners were earning between 150-200k. Totally unskilled.

>> No.7146900

Truck drivers don't start at 67k, I doubt you would even make 67k after 10 years.

I live in Florida, where do I find these jobs?

>> No.7147097

>Truck driver
>a profession that will be entirely replaced by autonomous vehicles within 10 years
Good fucking idea.

>> No.7147109

Non-stop thinking of different things. Focused study is too slow and boring. It's a dopamine production problem in the brain. You need fast action to stay interested and get your dopamine fix.

>> No.7147145
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>Actually believing that vehicles will be driverless someday.

You should definitely kys.

>> No.7147198


real estate

>> No.7147210

> thinking IQ equates to anything in real life
> thinking in reality you are not a fat, lazy, unmotivated piece of shit
Never change 4chin

>> No.7147415
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>actually believing vehicles won't be autonomous
Have you ever considered not passing on your subhuman genes?

>> No.7147497
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trump got the presidency, aim for the stars OP, nothing is impossibel

>> No.7147590

One word: WELDING.

Go to school for it anon and get a degree easy peasy. Listen to music in your headphones as you make nice clean beads.

It isn't retard tier like pouring concrete but its pretty easy. Also if you do a good job car people will look up to you big time when you show them your clean welds. Do work on the side for them, charge $300 for 10 minutes of work tell them it took 5 hours.

>> No.7147614

>Can you ever have a high income with a low I.Q?

Of course. Affirmative Action and hiring quotas can give even the lowest IQ population nice, cushy jobs.

>> No.7147675

Interface or User Experience design.

Literally can get paid 100K+ for figuring out the best place to put a button on a screen. Download Sketch and you're already 90% there.

>> No.7147682

>thinking IQ equates to anything in real life
It demonstrably does you moron. It's far and away the most dependable indicator for life outcomes.

>> No.7147730

Put your money into education and a place to live. Once you have those two things handled you will have less problems than 90% of the population.

>> No.7147750

>Of course. Affirmative Action and hiring quotas can give even the lowest IQ population nice, cushy jobs.

BTW, having worked in HR for tech for over a decade: absolutely put "african american" as your identifier. You'll get around 30% more views and have a much higher chance of getting an interview than if you put white, asian, or other. The valley is doing everything they can to fill their office with blacks to avoid getting sued, but there just aren't many qualified candidates.

>> No.7147821

I drive tankers so maybe pay diff there. You drive in the north or west coast 67k is easy even easier if you lease a truck mate. There's an oil field in central Florida only one I know of. Good luck getting a job there though with nothing on the resume

>> No.7147823

West texas, new mexico, arizona, if you want big bucks see about offshore drilling can make double that. downside your stuck on oil rig in the middle of the ocean for a few months out of the year

>> No.7147847

>absolutely put "african american" as your identifier. You'll get around 30% more views and have a much higher chance of getting an interview

BTW: I mean that all races should do this, for the sake of equality. HR literally does not check your racial history & background. We did that once and got sued for trying to deny someone wasn't "black enough" and stopped checking afterwards. As far as we're concerned, we just need the checkbox filled for compliance; we aren't accountable if the applicant lied on the forms.

>> No.7147907

This. I worked at a company in the valley that had only 1 black dude. His job became obsolete because of a restructuring, but management was afraid to fire him so he just stayed there for years doing nothing.

>> No.7148084

>but management was afraid to fire him so he just stayed there for years doing nothing.

Pretty common in CA. There are alot of people in California who's only job is to try to blackmail tech companies because they don't have enough qualified black employees (which is 99.99% of all companies).

In HR, we call them "Race Extortionists."

Jesse Jackson is a great example:
1) JJ informs tech company they don't have enough blacks
2) JJ threatens to sue said company and drag the company through a public media shitstorm, created by JJ
3) JJ offers to "mitigate" the situation if said company hires Jessie Jacksons "HR consulting" company for a ridiculous fee
4) Said company has no choice but to "hire" JJ and pay his exhorbant fees or else be slandered

This is really not a joke. It's gotten pretty common here to the point where companies are now pro-actively defending themselves.

>> No.7148157
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>tfw going to uni for electrical engineering
>tfw there's no way my iq is 130


>> No.7148609

High IQ anon reporting in. Over 160. Doesn't mean anything re: how successful you will be. In fact being super high IQ is more of a handicap. Everyone hates you in school. Because you always know better. Without even studying. In jobs it's the same. Impossible to get ahead in any large organisation. Because people still hate/envy your intelligence. So that just leaves self employment. Hence I've been self employed for most of my working life. And that's a boom bust kind of existence. Been millionaire, been homeless. Then millionaire again. And lost it all again. Rollercoaster. Actually enjoyed being homeless the most. That's intelligence for you. Be happy with your 110 anon. Life is much easier there. The summit is harsh place. Lonely, cold, grey and it lasts for the rest of your life.

>> No.7148773

>IQ is bullshit because it doesn't factor in innovation and creativity and if you want to just memorize everything you can force people to learn anything including complex math / medical information by the basic means used to brainwash or captivate people.

>most nerds can name everything about their focused activity - pokemon people know every character including traits.

>IQ levels are actually variables in willpower to learn things useful to society

>Do I want to memorize everything about the human body OR do I want to memorize every anime naruto / bleach / one piece from the last 10 years.

>> No.7148835

Creativity is highly correlated with IQ

>> No.7148887

I wish I could use AA to get a decent job but I would feel like a piece of shit for doing it, plus I would probably end up in over my head

>> No.7148975

IQ has nothing to do with memorizing anon. It's the opposite. People without baggage can travel much faster than people with baggage. And high IQ means lightning speed. Instant understanding. Why memorize something that's 1 google away? Not clever.

>> No.7149230

>400k USD from crypto which is a lot for my age.

400k is a lot for any age. Only like 0.1% of the population makes more money than that.

>> No.7149257

>1 post by this ID

If you're going to larp atleast put some fucking effort into it

>> No.7149341

Avatarfagging is not allowed

>> No.7149353

Exactly. Getting tired of the LARP fags on here that act like even 250k a year is nothing. You're making more than like 98.5% of the population if you make that.

>> No.7149420

Become a trucker. I drive for ups, make 100k last year.

>> No.7150205


It's not that special to make 250 or $400k once in your life. But annual salaries in that range, sustained over a lifetime, are more impressive.

>> No.7150242

Usually those high paying jobs are in cities with high cost of living.

But if you live frugally, of course, you can keep most of that

>> No.7150313

No, it doesn't, you dumb fucking faggot, it is vaguely correlated. And this is coming from a Mensa ex-member.

>> No.7150327

the average is like 110 you fucking moron
how dumb are you
can you not read the graph?
its showing a spread

>> No.7150395

>it is vaguely correlated.
wtf are you talking about
its one of the most important factors for success
>vaguely correlated
i guess having longer legs is vaguely correlated with running faster
mensa member my ass
maybe brainlet mensa
it works with a combination of other factors, but its hardly "vaguely correlated" or unimportant

>> No.7150444

Yea sure

>> No.7150466

If you're ok with being isolated long haul truck drivers make a great salary

>> No.7150484

Well at least we can be sure that his IQ is not above 130.

>> No.7150576

I use this formula:

(number of people you influence)*(magnitude) = the amount of money you get

So yes, you can make a lot of money. The answer to this is entrepreneurship and selling your company. You can do this in any place where there is demand for something, even cleaning. Doesn't require high iq, only grit and perseverance. Good luck anon

>> No.7150590

Ok, kid, prove it, prove me that IQ is the most important factor for success, and I don't want meme charts or w/e your /pol/-tier mind can try to do, I mean actual papers with actual citation, peer-reviewed that can prove it, go on faggot.
Sorry kid, but your above average reasoning won't give you the success you thrive.

>> No.7150653

Two words: Kim Kardashian.
$50k is entry level pay in most in-demand trades (which is all of them right now). A local semiconductor manufacturer is hiring HVAC techs out of high school and offering them $21/hr, 40 hours a week to maintain their AC and refrigeration systems.
A residential service company is hiring at $19/hr entry, plus a cell phone, truck, vision, Rx drug and dental coverage.

>> No.7150802

>prove me that IQ is the most important factor for success
>I cant read
>ex mensa here
former trump voter here
fuck off
I didnt say it was the MOST important, I wouldnt say any one factor is the most important since from what ive read it seems as if being conscientious, industriousness, and being not very agreeable, in addition to your iq are the best predictors of success.
>I mean actual papers with actual citation
What im suggesting seems to be common knowledge; in that its an important factor in success. Its hardly "vaguely correlated".

I shouldnt have to look anything up for you
theres studies in this thread even that would suggest it. how do you explain the 25 point iq gap between the median of doctors and plumbers then moron?
fuck off

>> No.7150869

Although I agree with you, I must say that you shouldn't so clearly show the influence of Jordan Peterson in what you're saying. You sound like a woman parroting those words

>> No.7150933

>I must say that you shouldn't so clearly show the influence of Jordan Peterson in what you're saying.
I took a couple of psych classes in college and they said the same thing.
seems to be the general consensus

>> No.7151056
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>former trump voter here
>Oh he said the most important when I clearly said one of the most important, he's brainlet r-right guys?
>I wouldnt say any factor is the most important
>There is no way something can be the best indicator of w/e
>from what ive read
>In /pol/
>in addition to your iq are the best predictors of success
>Not a single proof.
"What im suggesting seems to be common knowledge"-->"its one of the most important factors for success"???? It doesn't look like suggesting there, but you're pretty much autistic so I'll leave the subject there, btw define me common knowledge and try to tell me how effective "common knowledge" is in science.
"Its hardly "vaguely correlated""
>I can't prove it, but I tell you kid, I am right!!1!
>I cant prove anything to you cuz im a brainlet who fell for the /pol/ meme
> how do you explain the 25 point iq gap between the median of doctors and plumbers then moron?
hoe dos sziense work?

>> No.7151227

Just say you have 7 figure portfolio anon, the interview will suck your penis and offer you the job

>> No.7151265
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>define common knowledge
>hair splitting the post
at least you tried
>25pt iq gap is just coincidental
u t ried atlest

>> No.7151268
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My suggestion would be to buy a franchise that you can be an absent owner of with your crypto earnings, hire a manager to run the place and take your profits from doing very little other than providing the financial commitment.
Alternatively be a salesman, I know some really awkward and really dense motherfuckers that make bank off of sales jobs.
Last good option would be to get into a trade if you're okay with working with your hands, some trades pay quite well for not too much intelligence, and if it's one where you're mostly alone your social skills won't mean shit.

>> No.7151291

I'm a cashier at a hotel gift shop. Half the time I fuck around on 4chan at work and make a comfy 15.60 an hour. It's a soul crushing job however.

>> No.7151294
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Feeling like a fucking failure because things in life don't "click" because your willpower gauge can't get up like a nigga with erectile dysfunction.

Depression is often comorbid with ADHD because the condition often makes people feel like they're worthless.

>> No.7151348

>get back to work michael

>> No.7151429

Can't define it kid? A'right, i'll do your hw
"Common knowledge is knowledge that is known by everyone or nearly everyone, usually with reference to the community in which the term is used. Common knowledge need not concern one specific subject, e.g., science or history. It was common knowledge that the Earth was plain 800 years ago, so scientific, right?
>25pt iq gap is just coincidental
You literally said IQ isn't the only factor that could explain someone's success, but then take this chart as absolute truth?
u t ried atlest

>> No.7151539
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>this downy level of reading comprehension and projecting
just stop
what are you doing lel

>> No.7151611

Ok kid, explain what I'm doing wrong, I can barely communicate with brainlets that can't express themselves like yourself.

>> No.7151681

OP really is dumb.society doesn’t pay dumb ppl high wages... dumb people aren’t as valuable as smart people. Just be nice to people OP and do some hard work. You have the mindset of a parasite. Society tries to get rid of parasites. You will get what you deserve, good or bad.

>> No.7151724

Wait until 1 million then invest and live off dividends you brainlet.

>> No.7151781

most blue collar jobs actually pay quite well. think truck driver/welder/plumber

>> No.7151898

Country singer

>> No.7151915
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>I took a couple of psych classes in college and they said the same thing.
Wut izz argumentum ad verecundiam?

>> No.7151937

Started as a Carpenter, now GC, still do subcontract carpentry when slow, pushing 120k

>> No.7152003

Go to literally any trade school, or go to school for computer science.

Trade school can be completed quickly and you'll make a good living and have great union benefits, and you can be a total fucking dummy and do alright.

Computer Science you'll never get a top paying job but you'll make 60-80k easy right out of school and maybe if you actually enjoy it you'll get good enough at it over time to get a senior position and make 120-150k+. You don't have to be smart in compsci unless you are a lead dev making high profile logic decisions for how to steer product. Outside of that you're basically a code monkey. They tell you code something, you do it. Same as being a plumber, or an electrician, or any other shit. You learn the trade, you do the job.

>> No.7152074

Most CS majors have a 130 I.Q. there's no way anyone could pass or do well in CS with a 110 I.Q

>> No.7152366

wagecucking is just not for people who are very smart

what got me is every time I disagreed with a decision but told to ignore my opinion because the boss man said otherwise

I'm so glad I got into Bitcoin so I don't have to work anymore

>> No.7152398

my IQ is lower than that and I passed no problems

>> No.7152543

Go into IT OP. I don't mean programming because it will be painful if you're a brainlet but basic bitch Windows server system administrator kind of stuff. I'm a leader developer for a web agency and I have to work with these people all the time. I think most of them are probably <100 IQ but are making a solid income. They just learn the right buttons to click and don't actually do much critical thinking but it's enough to do well financially with, especially if you get all of the meme certifications.

>> No.7152586

>leader developer

Maybe I'm actually the brainlet.

>> No.7152965

been ok with computers but never into programing. what IT is good for a borderline retard

>> No.7153010

>tfw be me
>mom never finished high school
>dad was a farmer and only learned to read in his 20's, never had proper education during youth
>nobody in my direct bloodline has ever finished high school
>yet still majoring in mechanical engineering in the most prestigious uni of the country with excellent grades

IQ doesn't mean shit. Most CS majors do not have a 130 IQ. All my brainlet friends took CS in college and uni because it was much more easier than the other STEM programs that forced you to go into non-general chemistry, advanced theoretical physics and biology. CS programs had much less science courses than other science programs.

OP, forget IQ. Unless you're doing theoretical physics in university or some STEM doctorate program, IQ will change little to nothing. The most important thing is perseverance. Only worthless subhuman lazy neets on 4chan that have done nothing with their lives boast their "IQ" online because it's literally the only positive thing they can attribute to their pathetic existence. And if anything, it seems like EQ nowadays is much more important than IQ.

All you really need is that, perseverance, and as you've said, connections. If someone like me with no hereditary advantage in terms of intelligence made it this far, you should be able to get much further.

>> No.7153188

this. I got my phd, had an amazing time in school, loved every second of it and loved researching just to end up quitting because of all the bullshit office politics. you can't escape it

>> No.7153217

most CS majors program, which requires like IQ 90. nobody touches the theoretical CS stuff that takes actual intelligence

>> No.7153311

Construction. I used to do construction security part time back in school, got a chance to talk to a lot of construction bois. Average IQ can't be above 80, many are barely above literal retard level but they make decent money. You have to be ok with carrying heavy shit and working with your hands.

>> No.7153365


read some bukowski books to understand your best path - post office and factotum should be good life maps for you

>> No.7153649

Are you kidding me? There's barely anyone in uni with an I.Q of 90. Let alone CS or anything STEM related. To do well in coding you definitely need above a 110 I.Q

>> No.7153743
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Guys don't even worry about it. Get medication for it. I was in a huge funk when I didn't realize I had ADD. Gained weight, no motivation, depressed. Started taking Concerta 18mg through my doctor, started getting into Chad mode, lost some weight got fit, started a Masters degree and killing it (90% average first course and 100% so far on another) etc.

Take your drugs man. Not all of them are the same but see a doctor.

>> No.7153913
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>only make 65k

>> No.7154223

That's around double the income of the average single person in the U.S

>> No.7154312

OP listen to me. I attend university in IT Management. And i can tell you i have 0 actual skills. Pick something you like and get really good at it. If it's crypto then find out everything about the technology. Try to find out everything about blockchain, AI, cloud computing, whatever is interesting for you. Then you go to the dev teams at conventions or mail them that you are enthusiastic about their project, and convince them that you know lots of stuff about the market and the technology. You'll find some company that will hire you. That's exactly what my plan is. The team will grow larger and larger and there will be or there already is a high demand for geeks like you and me. If you get into this branch you will have a huge advantage in the market because only few people actually understand the tech behind all this stuff. You know it may be hyped right now but this hype is all about prices and how to get money, not about the actual tech behind it.

>> No.7154440

If you've lost money on Crypto, please join this discord server soo I can laugh at you:

Thank you :3


>> No.7154499

Shit I think I have ADHD.

>> No.7154677

Nope, it's just an indicator of how high you can score on a IQ test. There is not a single shread of evidence out there that IQ can 1. Be accurately and consistenly be measured in a controlled environment 2. Be an indicator of how successful you will be in life. Only Asspie faggot rejects on an malaysian basketweaving forum thinks it means anything because that's all they have to show for thier miserable failed lives.

>> No.7154756

Finally someone sensible.

>> No.7155030

>Be accurately and consistenly be measured in a controlled environment 2. Be an indicator of how successful you will be in life. Only Asspie faggot rejects on an malaysian basketweaving forum thinks it means anything because
are you black? Only shitskins take issue with the importance of IQ because theyre the only ones left in the dust

IQ is incredibly consistently measured. In fact it has an error rate of like 5% for the same subject:

"The validity of IQ as a predictor of job performance is above zero for all work studied to date, but varies with the type of job and across different studies, ranging from 0.2 to 0.6.[106] The correlations were higher when the unreliability of measurement methods was controlled for.[9] While IQ is more strongly correlated with reasoning and less so with motor function,[107] IQ-test scores predict performance ratings in all occupations.[105]"

You are an utter fucking brainlet if you think IQ doesnt matter at all
thats not to say there arent things you can do to get ahead and make up for this, but you have to be a fucking science denier to say it isnt extremely important.
>Only Asspie faggot rejects on an malaysian basketweaving forum thinks it means anything because that's all they have to show for thier miserable failed lives.
thats so fucking ironic comming from someone who goes on said forums to shitpost about how its "all about hard work"

its almost as if
someone is extremely bitter about their tested score or their races tested score...hmmmmm.........

>> No.7155329


>> No.7155358
File: 9 KB, 250x185, 1511053347410s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7155415

>Two words: Kim Kardashian.
People knowing who she is makes her money. You and everyone else thinking she's a dumb normie makes y'all dumb normies.

>> No.7155483

>IQ doesn't mean shit.
Why do you assume you have low IQ because your dad is a farmer? You clearly state the reason yourself: he never had a proper education during youth.
If he had he probably would have got to the same or higher level as you.
Obviously IQ is not the only important factor, there are more. But it is important.

>> No.7155758


147 reporting in. This is true. Most average IQ people can't really discern a difference between someone 125 and above anyways. Everyone above that is just "smart". The IQ communication gap blinds them.


>> No.7155945

Iq190 here

Why couldn’t I have been born wealthy instead of brilliant?

>> No.7156085

seemed legit til the kindergarten teacher part. nice meme anon

>> No.7156280

I hope you've sold otherwise you haven't made 400k