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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1 KB, 100x100, 1_27_vmmqL4sdigujd6frNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7142802 No.7142802 [Reply] [Original]

I've said it before I'll say it again.

If you haven't at least put some of your portfolio in Nano by now, you're a retard.

Easiest profit ever.

>> No.7142840

what is market cap

>> No.7142868

Burn, bitch

>> No.7142877

That shit goes through pump and dump cycles like crazy. It will end with dump because the technology is flawed

>> No.7142890


>> No.7142902

Don't bother, /biz/ is too busy with their turtle or whatever pump and dump of the week is

>> No.7142936

It won't you're retarded, Iota has bigger chance of hitting 1000$ than this garbage

>> No.7142952
File: 302 KB, 371x394, 1474897092181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1,344,341,199,000 market cap by EOY

thanks op, just bought 100k :)

>> No.7142957


Case and point. I bet that at least one of these guys has a huge stake in XRB and FUDs it for fun, and the other two ACTUALLY fell for the FUD and will probably kill themselves by the end of the year

Fess up guys, which one are you?

>> No.7142972

volatility always happens with low liquidity. What will happen after the binance dust settles?

what makes you think the tech is flawed? Did you just read about exchanges having problems or is there something else out there?

>> No.7142979
File: 14 KB, 478x523, d04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market cap will stay at 500B forever

>> No.7142987

That is some hilariously awful math

>> No.7142998

How did you come to this calculation?
It wouldn't even need bitcoin's MC today to reach $1000 each.
Don't be dumb.

>> No.7143063

>What will happen after the binance dust settles?
Will it be like when iota was listed on binance? I hope so.

If this goes 1k EOY, which I'd love, you have to think a lot of other coins are going to 1k or higher too. Regardless, you'll be rich

2 billion at $20

>> No.7143071

>1000 / 20 = 50
>current xrb mcap: 2,692,481,556
>50 x 2,692,481,556 = 1,344,341,199,000
>market cap needs to go up 50 times its current value

>> No.7143113
File: 25 KB, 633x651, super saiyan smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you made 5x from that fucking PoWH scam earlier this week and used your gains to buy RaiBlocks before it rebranded to Nano
These days have been great.

>> No.7143126

>50 x 2,692,481,556 = 1,344,341,199,000

literally what?

>> No.7143158

What a fucking retard

>> No.7143176

Holy shit you are retarded lmao, surely you aren't serious. In case you are:

133,248,290 (Total supply) * 1000 =

$133,248,290,000 Market cap, So that would be in between BTC and ETH today. Optimistic, definitely not unrealistic for this project though

>> No.7143206

Why would you complicate your calculation like this? For a start XRB is not not $50 right now it's less than half of that.

> 133,248,290 (max supply) x 1000 (price prediction) = 133248290000

>> No.7143226

These are your average Nano fudders, everyone.

>> No.7143243

Burger education at work.

>> No.7143246

When is it on Binance?
They announced it over a month ago..

>> No.7143261

>definitely not unrealistic for this project though
muh fast coin

who gives a fuck

its guna be the biggest flop and normie killer to date and i cant wait

>> No.7143293

Brugers are at work this is a europoor or pajeet

>> No.7143307

XRB team made sure that their nodes were ready for that traffic, and they are now. Probably wanted to get the rebrand done first too. Expect it soon.

>> No.7143317

>who cares about transaction speed and fees
Again, these are your average Nano fudders.

>> No.7143365

Been in since sub $0.20 and haven't sold a position yet. I was also in BTC since 2012. Didn't sell back then and I heard WAY better arguments than:
>muh fast coin
>who gives a fuck
>its guna be the biggest flop and normie killer to date and i cant wait
Personally, I can't wait. Stay salty my friend.

>> No.7143374

found the BCashie
ur coin is useless now how does that make you feel

>> No.7143390

yeah bro who cares about the fundamentals of what makes a currency usable for the masses
I'd rather use bitcoin, wait an hour and spend $30 on transaction fees
what a stupid currency bro!

>> No.7143404

You fucking brainlet. 50 x 2.7 billion = 135 billion. You're off by a decimal place. Fucking brainlet.

>> No.7143485

Be nice, he's already going to miss the mars mission. He'll probably end up killing himself, don't make this worse than it needs to be

>> No.7143540

there are already tons of scalable blockchain projects out there with more adoption plus eth has plasma rolling out any time. the only chance this meme coin has is if it gains mass adoption within the next few months and there are no flaws in their tech, which as we saw with iota is very likely

>> No.7143624

>there are already tons of scalable blockchain projects
RaiBlocks is currently the fastest one with zero fees that actually work. That is simply a fact, and the reason it got so much attention. It has the best tech and has a lot of room to improve even more and grow. Also, adoption will come with time, I guarantee. Everyone who uses this thing loves it.
I mean, you can wait until it becomes mainstream in the crypto environment, but you will have missed so much gains by then.

>> No.7143700

1. it's the best coin for mass adoption
2. > if... there are no flaws in their tech

bitcoin's blockchane isn't over9000 gorillobyte yet only because it's slow and expensive hence not really mass adopted.
so there will literally be need to make actions like "pay a penny to save our rai ecosystem" which is not unreal to do, but...

>> No.7143730


>> No.7143750

it might work but it's unproven. everyone thought iota was the future until it got some real tx volume then it ate shit. plus, all it can do is move bits from one person to another it can't do smart contracts or anything interesting like all the newer cryptos.

>> No.7143823


God, always come to biz when in need of a good laugh.

>> No.7143837

>all it can do is move bits from one person to another

this is what we need. I don't joke. this makes it kind of psychologically independent and neutral as a coin, something like "a better bitcoin".
but only if it's tech won't fail irl.

>> No.7143955

there are literally thousands of "better than bitcoin" projects out there dude it's the oldest slowest crypto in the world

>> No.7144045


Glad you brought up IOTA. Look at where IOTA is now. Then consider to yourself that it got halted because of the centralization issues and the fact that the technology wasn't able to handle the volume

XRB has been tested and CAN handle this volume. If you want to wait until it gets listed on binance, it's at $50 and proves it then be my guest. But if you are in the crypto market and are waiting for 100% certainty, you're not going to make any money. The upside to XRB is much higher than the downside right now. And I'm sure IOTA has a bright future too once they get their shit together, but they don't yet, and XRB does.

And by that I mean, hurry sell all your XRB. Who cares, it's just a currency coin. No one cares that it is feeless. Plenty of coins have low fees. Many claim to be able to handle the same amount of volume that XRB claims to be able to. No one cares about XRB, Nano, whatever you want to call it. It's not proven!


>> No.7144068

One trillion market cap EOY
Screenshot this

Yeah but nano is the fastest, most capable and F R E E

>> No.7144100

>investing in "the fastest, cheapest tech"

that differentiating factor won't last a year. might dabble once this hits binance but im not holding this shit for more than 6 months lmao

>> No.7144145

XRB will never compete with XRP or XLM considering how they're fast enough and cheap enough yet have a lot more interesting stuff implemented as well

>> No.7144183

XRP is centralized
XLM's fees will get larger as it scales

Hurry and sell your XRB before it is too late

>> No.7144281

XRB shills are hilarious. Your coin does absolutely nothing.

>> No.7144426

XRP. Brainlet.


>> No.7144454

I want my $34 back.

>> No.7144528

>XRB always comparing themselves to IOTA
This is pants on head retarded. Apples and potatos 100%. The scope of each project isn't even in the same ballpark. This is a needless comparison and just cheapens XRB imo. Devs on both sides are amicable, don't understand the community. Short term I see good things for XRB

>> No.7144577

I'm sure it will go up in the short term on speculation but it's not going to replace bitcoin and that is it's only use case. there are tons of projects that are fast and scalable that can do so much more. best of luck to you though

>> No.7144622

The job they've done is great. So much stuff is ready, and so much more is to come.
At this point it really seems like the first production ready cryptocurrency. it's gonna be in top10 this Spring without any doubt. And if nobody comes up with something better, it's a top5 coin by EOY.

>> No.7144690

sure but

widely and "fairly" distributed

that's all.
and even the fact that no masternodes or miners can gain profit on it makes it better as for me.

>> No.7144698

>Year 2025
>Walk into coffee shop with my good friend, Chad
>Wagecuck: "Okay sir that'll be $2.87!"
>Looks at my phone, see that I have option to pay with either XLM or Nano
>XLM total: $2.875 after fee
>Nano total: $2.87 no fee
>Choose to pay with XLM
>Chad: "Why'd you choose to pay with Stellar instead of Nano?"
>Me: "Check this out man. I chose XLM because it has smart contracts and REALLY cool technology and have you seen their website?? Plus they are partnered with IBM!"
>Chad: "Uh okay bud."
>Chad pays $2.87 for his coffee, no fees

>> No.7144716

I think your brain is flawed. kys loser

>> No.7144763

another FUD campaign loser. Whats the matter? couldnt make it to your laptop in your moms basement in time to buy this under $1? kys faggot

>> No.7144765
File: 49 KB, 600x600, FB_IMG_1517427743191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moon awaits m'lady

>> No.7144824

Your posts are the BIGGEST red flags for any coin that I've ever seen. Have you read through them yourself?

>> No.7144915

Are you new here?

>> No.7144922

Look, this anon is mad online lmao

>> No.7145054

This desu

>> No.7145085

Xrb has 0 fees because nobody is using it. Once traffic increases its gonna be a whole different story.

>> No.7145086

Bitcoin needs a replacement for the “actual currency” aspect. No one wants to pay $15 in fees for a $3 purchase.

>> No.7145099

DoEs AbSoLuTeLy NoThInG

>> No.7145161

Nice try, not really.

>> No.7145162

> feeless transactions
> what is a free lunch
> what is spamming and ddos
> what is incentive for running constly (bandwidth and space) xrb nodes

>> No.7145227

That’s what’s scary. It’s not. The premise is “feeless forever” like a goddamn perpetual motion machine. Anyone can spam the hell out of the xrb network with impunity

>> No.7145239

i got 3, am i going to make it?

>> No.7145253

read the whitepaper guy

>> No.7145266

this thread is so funny people autisticly screeching left and right while i made 100k the last 2 days by buying on bitgrail and dumping on kucoin
>muh nodes

>> No.7145283

Binance tonite check api and source code

>> No.7145284

> 0 research done

Good luck anon. I know that you probably have a big position in XRB like the rest of us and are FUDDING for shits and giggles, but if not I'm done spoon feeding you all the answers

>> No.7145314

Need at least 1000 Nano, this is common knowledge at this piont

>> No.7145348

if that happens, retired EOY

>> No.7145548

Even if you are EU citizens and lvl3 verified you can't withdraw on Bitgrail.

>> No.7145584

He's right faggot. I can crash the network now with 10k bots.

>> No.7145642

$10m market cap by summer. $30m EOY. Screen cap it.

>> No.7145698

there is some defence - you are to use pow to send transactions but not to receive.
also something about that nodes can slow down spamming addresses.

I'm not sure will it work or not irl. it depends on... people. you also can make 51% attack on btc with 10k asics, while you don't have them. so if people will act to save ecosystem - create nodes etc it will survive.

>> No.7145868

Kek you retard.

>> No.7145922

Do it then you fucking faggot. Crash it today. I'm waiting.

>> No.7145971

lmao fucking dumbass

>> No.7146096
File: 7 KB, 279x180, 1517073928091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a mystical fortune teller.

I fortell that XRB will make me filthy fuckin rich.


>> No.7146128

bought 1000 at 180k sats, feeling fucking comfy now

>> No.7146199
File: 502 KB, 1125x2436, 83CE517F-4731-40C6-8B49-D02A50148459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling real fucking comfy anons

>> No.7146243

Nano in Binance's source code:


>> No.7146281

Been in since $0.08 and I sold at $28. You fucking retards are delusional if you think a fucking coin is going to be worth as much as ETH.

>> No.7146327


no matter how successful or unsuccessful you think the coin will be

its going on binance soon. Every shitcoin added there (and Nano is NOT a shitcoin) always has a pump to about 50-150%

After that, play ball

>> No.7146392

Congratulations on those gains!

Some people just have greater foresight than others, but I understand if going through a dip is too much for you to handle

>> No.7146619


>> No.7147032

Anyone else having problems with slow kucoin withdrawals?

>> No.7147176

>138 billion marketcap EOY btw
Yeah right. This would never ever happen.

>> No.7147301

>That logo
No thanks.

>> No.7147677

Can someone redpill me on this one?
I don't see why would I buy this coin. Literally can't mine it or obtain it other way, right?

>> No.7147789

People were solving captchas to get it.

Nothing to ve red pilled about. Its better coin then any other currency style coin out there. 100$ by March

>> No.7147811

Why not? Bitcoin's marketcap in 2017 went from 15 to 300 billion

>> No.7147943

You could obtain it through the faucet back in the day for free, if you were smart.
Yes, now you can only buy it.
It is the only currently working cryptocurrency that is completely feeless and nearly instant.
People try to over complicate things in this market. They say that the answer in crypto is that your coin needs to be able to do everything. In reality, people don't care about smart contracts and shit like that. Think about it.
Ether is used as a currency because it is fast and cheap. 99% of people using Ethereum don't use it for its intended purpose. They use it as a currency.

Nano is about as perfect as a crypto "currency" can get. Sure it isn't private, but that is what Monero is for.

So yeah, hurry and sell all your XRB before it is too late.

>> No.7147956

Pump today with the new rebrand? Normies won't fall for it. Node issues still haven't been fixed. Wallet still shit. No incentive to run nodes. This will be back under $15 soon.

>> No.7148014
File: 57 KB, 1366x768, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks legit
I really need someone to redpill me, I really do.

>> No.7148071

redpill: The most successful coins are the ones that don't do anything

>> No.7148104

That doesn't help, at all.

>> No.7148600

Holy shit anons, all it takes is the tech to work and this shit’s going to the moon end of story

>> No.7148733

why does /biz hate making money

>> No.7148755


> All its going to take
> the tech to actually work

Yup. Nothing wrong with that sentence

>> No.7149187

anon you need to get your head checked

>> No.7149418

nO iNcEnTivE tO rUn NoDeS

>> No.7149486

no incentives to seed torrent for one porn from 2009 with ava devine in a nurse costume licking ass, but someones does it, god bless him

>> No.7149529

Its still raiblocks on github

>> No.7149581


>Comparing NANO to sharing porn.

If you don't see the difference then I can't help you anon.

>> No.7149665

the fact that you type like this and put yourself as a plebbitor reaffirms my decision not to buy xrb

>> No.7149693

well, my point is that you dont have incentive really to seed porn - its just for fap. but nano made me rich - so why the fuck i wouldnt run the node as a sign of gratitude and one of the means to strengthen the community?

>> No.7149696

What do Raiblocks even do? Just move around really fast? Lmfao...

>> No.7149714

>ava devine


>> No.7149753

How is that a dip?

>> No.7149755

what does cash even do? just move around rly slow?

>> No.7149787


>> No.7149840

Normans accept cash and the state forces you to do it. I’ll ask again, why would anyone want a “Raiblock”?

Ethereum has smart contracts, Ether powers Ethereum, therefore Ether has utility. What does a Raiblock have?

>> No.7149859

It has nothing to do with gratitude.

Here is the reason.

1) Running RAI node is inexpensive
2) Running RAI node means you can process thousands of tx per second for very small price
3) If you are running business, you want secured network
4) Therefore you run your own node
5) You run your own node even though it costs certain fee because you don't want to pay % for each transaction to Visa
6) That saves you money big time in long and short term

That is what BTC should have been, but it wasn't because no one has time to wait for 45min for transaction to confirm.

>> No.7149944

Case IN point, faggot.

I'm neither. I actually think this is a sweet project, I just have enemies who are heavily invested in it and I'm rooting for it to fail.

>> No.7149964


>> No.7150331

>Case IN point, faggot.

fuck, you're right

just sold 100k

>> No.7150417


>> No.7150473
File: 100 KB, 1080x1920, vv9yjese6gyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with god, anon

>> No.7150709


>> No.7150953

If this doesn't have node issues when it hits Binance, I'll eat my own dick with a knife and fork.

>> No.7150977


>> No.7151132
File: 7 KB, 225x225, savedroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, crack it then, there's a huge bounty.

>> No.7151209

rebranding to Macro by EOY

>> No.7151242

you made it you motherfucker

>> No.7151266
File: 7 KB, 250x250, iostoken.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh noo
sorry bud, its over

>> No.7151295

Also visa can't freeze your funds.

>> No.7152018

Nobody fucking uses ethereum smart contracts, everyone just uses it as currency, which nano is better at doing

>> No.7152215

You know when there are conflicts, the voting representatives need to step in

The voting representatives are wallets with huge amounts of xrb, ie the exchange wallets

Wanna use your big brain and think of why so many exchanges are having trouble with their xrb wallets when xrb left obscurity and started getting traded around?

>> No.7152317

I'm done spoon feeding answers to questions from people who have done no research, sorry anon. Just sell all your XRB and call it a day

>> No.7152347

You have to pay fees for transaction in Ethereum.

Nano doesnt have that problem, no fees. Owning and transferring nano are easy to do.

We get a subtle incentive to keep the environment green unlike BTC/ETH, which have large electrical consumption via mining.

>> No.7152356

Nice timely rebrand to distance itself from the nonstop exchange issues and the fact that bitgrail nearly pulled an exit scam but stopped after all the death threats

>> No.7152414

ok where in the whitepaper does it say how its a broken piece of shit on exchanges and that it doesnt scale in practice?

this is iota 2.0. broken shitcoin in reality

>> No.7152426

Yeah they won the community vote which gaurentees a spot. But clearly wanted to rebrand and deal with the node issue before getting listed. It’s a good sign to me that they didn’t rush into it.

>> No.7152743

>Still spewing the node issue meme
Such old fucking news at this point, the problem has been solved. Kucoin has had zero issues since the fix. All ambitious projects like this are going to have hiccups

>> No.7152772


Death threats work. Fucking faggot italian might get it in the back of the head anyways.

>> No.7152848


I hope this is a joke.