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File: 447 KB, 1224x1236, Bag Holders Anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7142576 No.7142576 [Reply] [Original]

Come in and have a seat, anon. This is a safe place. Why don't you tell us a little bit about the bags you're holding. We don't judge here.

I'll start.

>Believed the ICX hype
>Excited about pushes up to $10
>Notice dip
>Sell most of other coins to get more ICX before pump
>The pump never happened
>Post-summit crash
>tfw I'm holding heavy ICX bags for the foreseeable future

What are your bags, anon? I'm handing you the talking pillow.

>> No.7142627

all in on ary since .35

>> No.7142829

Appcoins. Fucking Android cucks

>> No.7142859


>> No.7142865

I invested on UFR at about the price that is right now (0.4 cents) and I didn't sell at 2.8 cents. Now I'm back at my initial investments. That doesn't count as bags but still.

Bought Ary at 0.52, now it's 0.26. The bags are heavy.

Bought Canya at 3 dolla', not it's 1 dolla. Bags are heavy.

>> No.7142895

I got into ENG at like double the price it's right now.

FFS those will take ages to unload

>> No.7142913

fucking dogshit IOTA

>> No.7142933
File: 17 KB, 259x194, B907D33C-5A12-443B-8720-A8467587D9B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw the documentary “The Singularity is now” back in 2012

>Bought into the AGI AI meme.

> Holding heavy bags of this stuff. Bought it at the peak of the Dead cat bounce

>I don’t want to sell mommy

>> No.7143033

>started in January
>bought 100 icx
>holy shit wtf is going on with korea im too new to deal with this shit
>sell at a slight profit but still massive profit loss
>see icx shoot back up
>see thread about APPC about to moon over the next hour
>in my panic thought this could be good i will get back into icx at around the same if not more then before
>lose 10% thought of that fucking hodle meme and the bullshit with icx, decide to not panic sell

i fell for every meme and scam in the space of 5 minutes
congrats biz you just robbed a poorfag

>> No.7143036

perhaps the most seasoned and intelligent investor ITT

>> No.7143069

BNB, it literally only goes down. Holy fuck WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> No.7143082

Down about 70% on both feels bad mang

>> No.7143129

Bought IOST

>> No.7143160
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> be me
> bought around 1000 XRB when it hit kucoin at 40$
> sold a week ago for 13$ because i thought this was the end
> bought back in at 16$ when it pumped because "muh binance listing any moment now meme"
> sold yesterday when it hit 12$ because of bitgrail exitscam meme
> it's now at 20$
> mfw

>> No.7143166

I'm still up on REQ (bought at ICO), but down 60% from ATH. Feels bad man.

>> No.7143182
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>> No.7143188
File: 138 KB, 1406x431, Screenshot_20180131-135007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Buster Moon convinced me appcoins was a good buy.. Heavy heavy bags my friends.

>> No.7143223
File: 243 KB, 1000x1000, 1517183556962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've asked a friend to come up and read "How it Works"
Good afternoon everyone, Mike, Bagholder
>Hi Mike
Rarely have we seen a person succeed who has thoroughly held their bags. Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple token, usually men and pajeets who are constitutionally incapable of keeping their bags to themselves or others. They are not at fault; they seem to have been born that way.
They are naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of trading which demands rigorous hodling. Their chances are less than average. There are those, too who suffer from grave pajeet and poo in loo disorders, but many of them do recover if they have the capacity to turn white.

Our stories disclose in a general way what we used to be like, what happened, and why we are holding now. If you have decided you want the bags we have, and are willing to go to any lengths to get it -- then you are ready to hold my link.

At some of these we balked, we thought we could find a stinkier, linkier way, but we could not. With Sergeys earnestness at our command, we beg of you to be fearless and iron handed from the very start. Some of us have tried to hold on to our old coins and the result was nil until we held TRX absolutely.

Remember that we deal with Pajeets -- stinky, poopy, curry! Without help it is too much for us, but there is One who has all power-- that one is Charrie Ree. May you hold his bags now.

Halving values availed us nothing. We stood at the selling point. We asked his protection and care but he completely abandoned.

>> No.7143257

unironically ETH
all in'd at $1250 because i wanted to by a shitcoin on etherdelta but decided not to in the end

>> No.7143337

Holy shit someone else who bought at $40, brother retard

>> No.7143341
File: 75 KB, 500x500, odn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 2k ODN for about $3.8k thinking it was a hidden gem. now founding out i just bought somebody elses bags :(

>> No.7143408

This is me x50
Ive done this with literally 30 different alts

>> No.7143420


haha. 3 years sober here, i should go to a meeting.

>> No.7143430

Because you bought it at an ath

>> No.7143434

How are you that stupid? It’s actually pretty impressive.

>> No.7143455
File: 32 KB, 460x276, Shopping-bags-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Half in profit with ICX but increased my position which have turned into bags.

I bought early January when we started dropping and I thought things had settled down and it was a good time to put more in a week later the actual dip happens.

I didnt buy anything at ATH more kind of in between highs and lows so I havent lost much but most of what I hold is down.

Pic related

>> No.7143454

Went out at 10$, overpriced crap imo.
Went way to fast, lots of hype.

>> No.7143472

XLM near the ATH, the worst part is that I was just trying to trade a 5% profit which happened but I actually never filled the order, just typed it and now I would rather wait for it to do anything. Also some ADA that I bought on a whim.

>> No.7143476
File: 291 KB, 888x499, brainz26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sobbing internally]

>> No.7143493
File: 2.04 MB, 348x348, 1516324802579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahhahahahhahahahahhaahahhaah lolololololololol

>> No.7143521

Holding VOISE due to hype. Some FUD basically killed it off for now. TRX ... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why did I invest in this china shitcoin???

>> No.7143562

When ETH hit $1000 for the first time I put 20 ETH ($20,000) into SALT when it was $12/token. Now its $5/token and have over $10,000 in losses. Rest of my coins are still deep in the green despite losing +$100,000 worth of value in two weeks.

>> No.7143570

Quite a diverse portfolio but mainly MONA half FUN

I'm good.. right?

>> No.7143571

I knew someone would recognize it
iktf mang, 6 yrs here

>> No.7143611


>> No.7143673
File: 23 KB, 653x566, 1515898477391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things we own end up owning us.

>> No.7143853

I bought QASH at $2.00

>> No.7143870


>> No.7143896

You’re gonna make it anon

>> No.7143913


This is one I wouldnt be to worried about just put it away and forget about it.,

>> No.7144083

IOST is going to move from 500-550 to 650-700 in the next days. look right now, almost ready. if you're anywhere in that range you'll be ok

>> No.7144125

>bought REQ at 20 cents
>bought ICX at 4 dollars
>bought XLM at 20 cents

sold XLM for TRAC couple days ago, up 80% right now

>> No.7144134

ICX is trending up, chill. the volume is high, it dumped, accumulation is happening. don't worry about that one. you'll recover a chunk in the short term if you pay attention, or just hold it.

>> No.7144142
File: 108 KB, 1092x726, 1515570878683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure as fuck hope so bros. Its starting to feel hopeless at this point.

>> No.7144176
File: 144 KB, 750x1334, 03B3BE94-1C19-44D3-BC9B-4AE555D9EFAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought AMB at 1.20$ with 40% of my portfolio. Now it’s at 0.81

>> No.7144195

> Bought Digibyte at $0.01
> Comfy sitting at $0.05
> Wont sell till at least $2

>> No.7144291

hardly a bag...5x seems light as a feather!

>> No.7144315

>Bougth 12 eth in the end of august at the current ath
>Started trading like a retard
>Somehow ended up with 13.1 eth
I love eth, does not require much attention.

>> No.7144331
File: 32 KB, 293x156, cargox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were in Bounty0X (50x - low cap), Verify (20x - low cap), Payfair (100x - low cap), Modum ( 30x - supply chain) and Wabi (20x - supply chain), you must chase CargoX ($7m mcap - low cap & supply chain) is only $14m mcap on IDEX...

Small cap 7M.. good team... PUMP! (2x now)

>> No.7144387

>some fud
The devs fucking lied about an exchange listing, more than just some fud, really

t. fellow bag holder

>> No.7144425

we dem boyz...

>> No.7144461

I technically dont hold bags since I got into BTC in 2013 and cashed out a lot of it during the peak in December.

Nonetheless, I‘m down with my remaining shitcoin portfolio from 120k to 56k since then. It still fucking hurts.

>> No.7144565

>i hold IOTA

S a v e m e

>> No.7144667

100k TEL holder here

Got in at 0.000007 currently at 0.000005

>> No.7144726

SALT since $12. I'm still convinced that most people in crypto are idiots and don't understand it.

My biggest mistake was underestimating the dumb money in crypto.

>> No.7144760

I can't believe you actually bought a coin with a team led by a nigger.

This is what happens, dude.

>> No.7144972


Never again...

>> No.7145014

Sold 1500 ven at 4 usd to buy bnty, prl and dbc. Lost around 9k usd in this transaction. Im a fucking idiot

>> No.7145357

50% portfolio in Tel at ATH. 30% portfolio in VEN atm.

>> No.7145552
File: 94 KB, 1280x1280, 1494463646705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im all in on starbase. its not a bag just yet, but due to the all in nature im getting bored of not being able to invest in other stuff.

>> No.7146374
File: 68 KB, 884x800, 1517408730694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a little bag (under 1k) of Reddcoin, bought for lols, thought of long hold but now im regretting it. 50% down.

>> No.7146524

>bought LINK at $1.28
>bought ZRX at $2.34
>sold LISK hours before the moon launch
>bought REQ at $1
at this point, should I just do the opposite of whatever I decide is a good decision? my gut is telling me to buy Kyber now...

>> No.7146685

Boy I hope so. I want to at least make my money back before I drop it.

>> No.7146795

I'm holding 40k LEND, bought at 830 sats (now roughly 1250) and was looking at $20k profit at the beginning of Jan, but now it's only $800. I don't know what to do.

>> No.7147334

Fuck off. That's not what we're doing right now

I went all in on HempCoin (THC) at 40c two days before they promised to implement:
>New website
>Complete Rebranding
>Fork Update
Instead they delivered a roadmap and some info on the upcoming fork and masternodes. Also spelling mistakes in their tweets.
Down about 50% but that'll hopefully teach me to not give my money to stoners. At least I'll be able to run a masternode or two