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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7140565 No.7140565 [Reply] [Original]

The FUD will continue, and everyone will say not to buy. However, these are just pump groups spreading FUD to keep the price down while they fill their bags.

FunFair will moon next week. Its been called for weeks and weeks.

Don't you think its a little odd that the FUD is the highest JUST BEFORE THE BIG EVENTS?

They are filling their bags, folks. Don't be stupid. Don't fall for this fake FUD.

>> No.7140614

What if the conference doesn't go over well?

>> No.7140657

Do you really think that will stop the pump groups from pushing this to a new ATH?

>> No.7140676

did you not learn from icx? sell right before, you gain nothing from buying the news

>> No.7140732

it will dump even harder during the event.

>> No.7140741

$1 next week.

>> No.7140749

Has nothing to do with the fact that its going to hit a new ATH before, or during.

>> No.7141455

Get out while you can, the TA looks awful.

>> No.7141513

Worst attempt at FUD ever. lol

>> No.7141524

Pajeet vdd spotted?

>> No.7142357

It's not a conference. It's an expo.
Get your shit together lad.

FUN 10000 SAT next week or week after that.

>> No.7142457

he's right faggot , i also hold link.

>> No.7142474

This again. Look, Im not selling my FUN bags and if you arent either please stfu thanks.

>> No.7142541
File: 51 KB, 569x597, 1517129763684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Normally, yes. Watch the charts, and dump some if you're holding this short term. If you're long term on FUN don't bother. This is not just a conference like we've seen with ICX, XRP, etc... et all, this is an Expo showing FUNs utility as well as the confirmed product launch.

>> No.7143248

Im all in FUN

>> No.7143652

what is their license application is denied

>> No.7143726

what if********

>> No.7143891
File: 342 KB, 600x624, 1499960834884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.

>> No.7144026

Their UK licence? The one that covers just UK territories? Where as far as the rest of the world is concerned they are good to go right now. That one?

Which their compliance and legal department will have gone through until it was flawless?

The licence submitted by a team, one or more of which started PKR Poker, which might have just required a licence too?

Yeah, you're right.

>> No.7144064

It's going to dump hard during the expo day

>> No.7144140

When it hits about 45 cents you will see major sell offs

>> No.7144158

What if... away from the spotlight they already have one or more casino chains ready to sign on the dotted line.

Shortly after the ICE show, you see a story; 'After a successful show, we are pleased to announce that xyz group are adopting FUN...'

This sends out the signal that the product is easily seen to be legitimate and quick to adopt.

The plans to dump FUN might seem a little hasty. This won't happen, but if it does, you saw it here first.

>> No.7144395

wasnt one of the events TODAY?

>> No.7144505
File: 7 KB, 225x225, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy FUN
>get SAD

>> No.7144526


>> No.7144594

can't wait to sell this heavy FUN bag of mine when it moons into ICE

>> No.7144616


Jez San this week on reddit:

we do not need a gaming license since we are a technology supplier. most casino operators are able to license from funfair without us requiring a license.

there is one exception. since we do most of our development in the uk, we are required by the uk gambling commission to get a development license from them in order to be able to offer our technology to uk based casino operators (and ONLY uk based operators require this)

in short, the vast majority of the licenses that funfair will grant of its technology will be to companies that do not care whether we have a uk dev license. but the uk based companies will care, which is why we are applying for a uk development license - this week.

remember, funfair isn't a casino. its a casino technology company that licenses its technology to multiple casino operators. hopefully one day, hundreds and thousands of them.

>> No.7144663


>> No.7144980
File: 96 KB, 1253x1245, apu isÑ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rebranding incoming?

>> No.7145009



Sad is gonna start generating "tears" as vet generates thor and neo gas.

>> No.7145306

I have 40k FunFair. I'm hoping for .4 eoy

>> No.7145337

This thing going to a dollar would probably save my life

>> No.7145375
File: 38 KB, 348x390, 1517169588468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't buy this dip I feel bad for you.

>> No.7145399
File: 668 KB, 412x872, fun32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah wtf all this FUD right before ICE

>> No.7145443


1$ end of year is as realistic as it gets at this point. Anyone saying $5 is out of their minds. If this takes off though, the worst thing you can do would be to sell, because assuming this becomes widely used, the token itself is designed to burn itself. Theoretically the price would only slowly creep up.

Take my advice like you would with anything on here, but I already shot myself in the foot panic selling early november, went from 250k FUN to my current 70k holdings. FFFFFFfuck

>> No.7145478


To be honest I think it's coincidence. Frankly I don't really see too much happening over ICE, but then again Litecoin exploded explicitly because it was on coinbase and nothing else. If it doesn't do anything, I won't be surprised. But if it moons, it's strictly because of hype, and there's no way it'll hit a peak and stay there. We might find a new higher floor after ICE though.