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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7139187 No.7139187 [Reply] [Original]







>> No.7139225

this is bad for crypto? i`m new here

>> No.7139235


>> No.7139237
File: 112 KB, 500x282, 1517222501099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7139248

It's all relative. If you're new and haven't bought in yet then no. If you bought ATH then RIP

>> No.7139291
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>> No.7139309

they are destroying tethers.

That's the news.


>> No.7139314

Gonna buy more ETH

>> No.7139376

That's the plan, just wait. All the people who buy in now are going to get burned.

>> No.7139411

Also all in fiat here waiting for the right moment to go all in ETH. What's your target?

>> No.7139496
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I'm trading vs €, but these are my orders right now. The get larger further down.

>> No.7139526

Actually I might even adjust them a bit further down. Not sure, we'll have to see what happens when more Americans wake up.

>> No.7139556

Should probably think of buying in gradually as well. No way I'm gonna get the bottom, especially since I'm on vacation for the next two weeks.

>> No.7139578

Do you fear Tether might implode soon though, potentially fucking you up right after buying in?

>> No.7139650

Bitfinex will replace Tether with USD, there won't be a huge crash, just a dig dip and it won't happen before next week.

>> No.7139668

Nah Psychological boost comes in 30 minutes.

Eth will definitely go up.

>> No.7139692


All going down, 1 hour to sell

>> No.7139724

>Bitfinex will replace Tether with USD
Not if they get shut down by US govt.

>> No.7139755

Thanks OP just shorted 100x

>> No.7139758

Take a look at the 4 hour + charts. The only thing that keeps it stable is normals who think the dip has ended.
If it happens so be it.

>> No.7139767

Haha okay, if it goes any further down. after 2 hours from now I will send you some bitcoin.


>> No.7139793

BTC just broke 10k, here we go. I warned you.

>> No.7139834

Been sub-10k for a while already on some exchanges man.

>> No.7139907

he means that we go up again

>> No.7139988 [DELETED] 
File: 717 KB, 640x480, pnkboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaa below 10K no resistance, i dont want to Wage KEK anymore broooozz aaaaa!

>> No.7140069

Anyone selling now is retarded. It's too late. Insiders knew about this tether crap for two months and dumped on you, and now they're releasing all the fud they can to buy your bags cheap.

>> No.7140104
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Fuck, what if he's right?

>> No.7140258
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Get ready dude. pic related is you tomorrow

>> No.7140369

Of course i'm right.

Buy in now to make back some money

>> No.7140396

Are you still confident?

>> No.7140443

please point out the bottom so I can sell when it comes, OP

>> No.7140489 [DELETED] 

This is Truly Truly Fuckeeed guys, I promised my Grillll we would move out this year in, I am counting on my Crypto blowing up to afford a nice apartment. Holy fuck shes going to leave me if this shit doesnt blow up like nooowwww, aaaaaaaaaaa!

>> No.7140507


I know you're meming, but buy bulk at $6k

if you're really lucky you'll get in for $5.5k

>> No.7140520

she will sell the dip

>> No.7140550

shieeeet, I thought I was being subtle...
I ain't buying shit anymore and my last buy-in was at around €1500 per so I'll sit this one out
can imagine the feels Decemberfags must be feeling lel

>> No.7140551


It's not going up for at least 18 months my dude.

>> No.7140561 [DELETED] 
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not unless I pump and dumpppp

>> No.7140578


if you can get $5k that's 20x by 2021

Im not joking

>> No.7140646

What do you mean when more Americans wake up? It's 9:15 in Cali. Anything that is going to happen already did.

>> No.7140692
File: 228 KB, 1000x1293, 1493752381439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start lurking /biz/ here january 12th.
>predict all this shit happening during the 2nd week of my research
>expecting at least a 1-2 month wait before shit hits the fan
>mfw it goes down much sooner that I thought

I spent the entire last week on fud to save stinkies from what is about to happen because they seem like fine lads.

>> No.7140815

my strategy so far has been working well and that is buying shitcoins heavily during each of this month's dips, then selling as soon as they recover somewhat
I'm curious what are you basing those numbers on?

>> No.7140821

wtf is this? stolen tether?

>> No.7140883 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 3152x3000, 1517356383511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is Real, holy f, we are going in to a deep Bear Market so much FUD will hit the news

>> No.7140939

To further add to your diagnosis, it is the normies who will boost the price in the next 30 minutes due to reasons beyond TA

>> No.7140965

they have to destroy tethers to keep the usd value at 1, are you retarded?

>> No.7141006

Opinion discard'ed.

>> No.7141035
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This dip is going to be huge, once btc hits $8k you will see MASSIVE sell off from normies who just want out. I know so many people that bought crypto after dec2017 that have no fucking clue what crypto is or what it's useful for.

People just see the -67% dip and panic cause they arent emotionally strong enough to deal with the volatility.

These are the people that are used to +/-10% on stocks, their hands haven't been trained for crypto

>> No.7141034


>> No.7141056

tether doesn't even have that much of an impact if we consider the memarketcap numbers
I don't even know why chinkxchanges and others list its pairs for its primary raison d'etre is burger goyimhood when it comes to IRS

>> No.7141111

They are deluded , they probably lost a lot of money.

>> No.7141146
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>I need 10mln dollars to raise marketcap by 10 million

>> No.7141163
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Oh look i'm correct. It's going up. I must be magic.


>> No.7141198

We've already seen the dip. Whoever stayed in crypto so far will make it.

>> No.7141269


hahahaahahaha, screencapped this to post in 3 weeks

>> No.7141365

I feel bad about that honestly. A lot of them bought above 0.7$ and it's gonna take a long long time before it comes back to those levels after this pinkening is over.
Ironically the token itself isn't their downfall in the end.

>> No.7141397

Misquoted again fuck me.
>>7141365 was meant for >>7141111

>> No.7141410




>> No.7141421

I warned /biz/ to sell a week or so ago. Nobody listened.
My prediction was correct.
Shan't be sharing my next prediction. For you goyim, it's buy high and sell low.

>> No.7141505

when the weak hands exit the market, it's ultimately good

We've seen Bitcoin run up faster after a dip. The only time we've had to wait years for a recovery is 2014-2016 bear market

>> No.7141563


Haha, this bear market is going to make that one look like a walk in the park. people thought too many normies got involved in cypto when it hit $1k

>> No.7141571
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And throughout this thread I have told you otherwise

>> No.7141604

you don't understand how "market cap" works

my personal 120 BTC (worth 1.2M) can crash GDAX price to $9,900

GDAX is 3.28% of all volume, so 3600 Bitcoins can crash all the exchanges by $100, which is 1%

that will "wipe out" 1.7 BILLION of a market cap for a cost of 36 million

>> No.7141608

> I predict it will go down sometimes in the next month

WOW fucking Nostradamus up in here.

>> No.7141664

You'll be posting pink wojaks while the numbers on my screen keep going green. Eat shit.

>> No.7141734

ACKSHUALLY I'm all in ETH and am in the green today. Good luck Sundeep

>> No.7141739

you're forgetting that order book isn't everything
I know what marketcap is, that's why I wrote memarketcap

>> No.7141822

That's exactly what's happening

>> No.7141905

Who cares, I'm comfy because I know that ETH will be worth 5+k EOY

>> No.7142074

this ID is shockingly close to wojak
this ID is shockingly close to jew
this ID is....something

>> No.7142180

That's exactly what they are supposed to do, retard. They are buying back and destroying them to keep USDT at $1

This is actually googd, because all the Tether fud just BTFO

>> No.7142273

You might be on to something here

>> No.7143134
