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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7138642 No.7138642 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck guys. Last night I put 1 ETH into EOS.io to buy EOS and I had #223 period which I participated in. Now today I went to claim my EOS and connected to the site with my metamask. Now I just followed instructions and clicked by them and sent some eth for the transfer amount (miniscule, like 0.2$ worth) and amount was set to 0 like they adviced. Now the page says I have 0 unclaimed EOS remaining, but I can't see them in my wallet. What the fuck happened to my EOS?

>> No.7138700
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Bump, will give 0.01 ETH to first one to say how the fuck I get them back

>> No.7138750

u ded boi

>> No.7138769

if not dubs OP is never going to get his coins

>> No.7138831

Same thing for me with period 217

Good thing I only sent like .08 eth just to test things out. I still have no tokens and claimAll just returns a invalid transaction saying it's out of GAS

>> No.7138865

Holy shit didnt you read the telegram sticky? Rip 1000 bucks, next time just send them my way directly retard

>> No.7138885


Check your metamask address from ethercan. Can you see them there or a pending transfer?

>> No.7138933
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Nope, just says something like transaction can't be found etc. Now i f5'ed couple times and now the shit is back here somehow. What the fuck. I wasted like 10$ already on fees lmao.

The MEW contract tries to execute gas fee of like 350$ so am I supposed to hodl them there unclaimed and wait till June to get them on EOS mainnet? God this is stupid as fuck.

>> No.7138972


Put more gas next time.

I had this kind of hassle once with ED. Never again.

>> No.7138994
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Kek, what a piece of shit. Guess the ETH network is clogged right now. Seems like cryptokitties is the demise of ETH.

>> No.7139069
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Lmao it failed with 2$ fee and now I just looked it again and it succeeded with 0.36$ fee. RIP never gonna buy from this shit again. Glad I got my EOS back.

Can't fucking wait for EOS mainnet for FEELESS TRANSACTIONS. You will fucking realize why ETH will die.

>> No.7139242


You got them to metamask? Good job.

>> No.7139273

What movie is that, anon?

>> No.7139409


Yeah now I can see them in my metamask and transfer them all I want. Damn what a feeling to be stuck in this carousel of not knowing what amount of ETH makes your transaction go through.


Probably Inglorious Bastards. Not sure cause I just saved the reaction pic somewhere.