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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7138616 No.7138616 [Reply] [Original]

>hey guys, we have this totally recognizable brand that almost everyone in the industry is familiar with
>so we decided to change it to the most generic name we could think of

>> No.7138661


"Hey man, send me 5 REAAAY-BLOCKS"

"That'll be 5 Nano plz"

Which rolls out better?

>> No.7138691

"Dude, I can't seem to find this Railblocks on CMC"

>> No.7138742

Nano means midget in italian. It's literally the manlet coin.

>> No.7138771

It's okay it's generic because it will become the generic cryptocurrency

The logo sucks tough

>> No.7138772

But obvs, this wont pump the price much. The few percentages that it has risen now will soon get sold back down again to equilibrium.

BUUUTTTTT ... Binance listing seems also obvs to come in a matter of days now. First they waited for nodes to get fixed and KuCoin to try the fix out for a while. Then Nano devs said that they have a rebrand coming soon. Binance answers: "Cool, we'll hold off the listing then. No need to confuse clients with listing Rai and renaming it a week later"

Try to look behind the news to see the whole picture.

>> No.7138780

Rye box? Where are you seeing this coin

>> No.7138803

i will miss the gemstone logo
its so nice to look at should have kept it and just renamed to nano

>> No.7138821

I thought it was Rail Blocks until last week.

Thought it was crypto trains and that

>> No.7138877

Old name was shit, logo was better desu

>> No.7139100

also means small in English
are you brain dead?

>> No.7139104
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mfw using bitconnect logo

>> No.7139133

That discussion was in the discord group, too. Turns out the rebranding was really fucking intelligent.
https://discord gg/jJTZmyb

>> No.7139625


>> No.7139783

"Simple. Reliable.
And really darn fast."

fucking hell. they had one chance to go from obscure coin with potential to big boy leagues but they fucked it with this neckbeard copy.

>> No.7139814

I too dislike the rebrand.

>> No.7139829

if apple would have done this slogan for a new charging method you would kiss their ass
fuck off

>> No.7139831

Is it Nano or Nanex? Why have competing names?

Twitter: 'Changing the NANO investment and trading world for the better. Go $NANO !'

>> No.7139853

nanex is the fucking official exchange where you can swap shit for nano
it was previously called raiexchange

>> No.7139861

>t. salty nano raicock

>> No.7140094

6k rai/nano here not salty at all lmao
if you ask nicely i might let you touch my bugatti in 4 months

>> No.7140229

Fucking retarded marketing, I could to better:
Simple. Solid.

>> No.7140352
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This doesn't attract the normans. Norman likes bland generic things he can get his head around.
Norman doesn't want to read the wiki page on Rai stones and learn.
Norman just wants a soy half-caf latte.

>> No.7140379

you'd know about that, nujak poster

>> No.7140427

Generation Eric

>> No.7140544

It's a third party exchange.
The guy started working on it in early december because he figured he could build one quicker than Spaghetti Grailhouse getting their shit together.
He was right.

>> No.7140546

This is the gayest FUD yet

>> No.7140669

when will the rebrand on exchanges happen?
kucoin still shows XRB/RaiBlocks name

>> No.7140771

Where are you guys seeing this slogan? I read the whole website and didn't see it anywhere.

>> No.7140812
File: 73 KB, 551x720, 1514694284811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some and set a sell ordrr at .00165
Need to cash it out quick since Bomber might kick me out of BG soon

>> No.7140931

Solid? Are you retarded?

>> No.7141014

Little. Yellow.


>> No.7141178

>1 development team with no independent way for people to fork it

>legitimate fiat alternative

You may only choose one

>> No.7141285

You're going to feel pretty stupid as this continues to moon for days after rebranding.

>> No.7141399

Hey dude give me some Rai

I got 12k Rai saved up for this to pump

>> No.7141457

I made 11 xrb on raigames gambling

should I keep going?

>> No.7141473

250 Nano checking in.. will it really 10x?

>> No.7141474

>Hey whats Nanos ticker
>Why the hell is it xrb I can never remember it

>> No.7141537

Should have called it Rai.
Nano is dogshit.

>> No.7141613

Rai sounds like a pajeet name

>> No.7141614

Completely perfect name for normie adaption of a btc alternative with a fast gimmick

>"Hey man there's this new bitcoin alternative coin"
>"Oh yeah you and your bitcoins, wtf is it called?"
>"Fuck off with your scams"

Alternative timeline:

>"It's called Nano"
>"Damn that does sound fast af, where can I get some?"

>> No.7141698

Isn't that what everyone said when XRB was $35

>> No.7141754


What is latin language

>> No.7141767
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Which one is better /biz/?


>> No.7141795
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>> No.7141818
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>> No.7141880

i love this logo so much. i dont care about the nano namechange, but the actual logo itself sucks. this one is so nice.

>> No.7141953

Well Nano is popular. The iPod Nano. Nano Ledger. Nanosecond.

>> No.7141974

they should have just kept the original logo and just changed the name

>> No.7141985
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>> No.7141992



>> No.7142021

They look like fucking anal beads

>> No.7142026

good thing no one gives a shit about italy

>> No.7142032
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>> No.7142035

>renamed their coin after a bunch of people got scammed

If you can't see what's happening here, you're an idiot.

>> No.7142048

that is dope as fuck

>> No.7142079
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>> No.7142215
File: 150 KB, 640x628, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fuk

>> No.7142262
File: 7 KB, 207x243, 68o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shit name - expect nano gains

>> No.7142321

>Simple. Reliable.And really darn fast.
>And really darn fast.

Fucking burgers

>> No.7142476

It's an exchange-side issue. Bitgrail should never have existed in the first place with a horrible ceo trying to exit scam raiblocks buyer. HECK Mercatox is doing even better than shitgrail.

FUD dispelled done.

>> No.7142579

If you didnt your raiblocks the fuck off bitgrail the first moment you could you will LITERALLY never make it

>> No.7142746


wtf i want to buy raiblocks now

>> No.7142780


>> No.7142898
File: 46 KB, 480x479, 3bee8-VgYkdOf-HPVzp0XC6VTeRlb5CGw5QxtABX-rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw mega nano gainzz

>> No.7142941


>> No.7142961

People said the same thing about AntShares -> NEO
Stay poor.

>> No.7143041

>Normie googles "RaiBlocks" gets webpage


>Normie googles "Nano" gets unrelated shit

Which is better?

>> No.7143119

wow don't let the nano devs/marketing team see this. this is without a doubt the direction they should've gone-- similar logo, similar name

>> No.7143168

No they didnt you fucking retard. People loved the neo rebrand, people thought antshares was a joke

>> No.7143254

>Normie googles "Nano" gets unrelated shit
For now.

>> No.7143370
File: 495 KB, 500x375, zgniłem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you saw that shit on kucoin minute ago guys?
some retard made a massive sellwall for much lower price than it was instead of buywall
managed to buy some before he removed it

>> No.7143568

keks true

>> No.7143659

The problem with this is that it is a block. Although Nano still uses blocks, they want to distance themselves from normies thinking that it just another blockchain. Duh. Not really hard to figure out. Not that the Sony Walkman logo is the perfect one, but is still more useful.

>> No.7144089

NEO went from "ants who share utility on a network coin token" to NEO then broke the moon. Best decision they ever made. I love nano

>> No.7144184

This, nano is unironically the next NEO. Can’t even believe the price is still feeling sub-$20 resistance.

Only have 220 XRB but feeling comfy AF. If I could, I would put even moar in but my other holds are just too solid. The temptation is real tho